Risotto: A step-by-step recipe for a delicious rice dish. Cooking risotto with mushrooms, seafood, legumes on step-by-step recipes.

Risotto: A step-by-step recipe for a delicious rice dish. Cooking risotto with mushrooms, seafood, legumes on step-by-step recipes.

Risotto is a fragrant, tasty rice dish. Along with pilaf, it is just as popular and loved by the hostesses of many countries, not only for its rich taste, but also for its satiety and ease of preparation. Its main advantage is that this dish can be different every time, it all depends on the products chosen for its preparation.

Step-by-step risotto recipe - food preparation

For the preparation of risotto mainly use rice of round varieties, for example, Krasnodar. Since the risotto should be viscous and sticky in consistency, it is not recommended to wash the grits. Therefore, use rice, sold not by weight, but in bags for quick cooking. If you only have regular cereal, then it is better to at least rinse it without thorough washing.

Also for risotto be sure to need broth, on the water it is not cooked. Therefore, take care of the preparation of the broth in advance. You can use both chicken and any other meat.

The remaining ingredients are added based on the preferences of the cook. It can be meat products, vegetables, legumes, seafood, mushrooms, cheese, cream and much more.

For the aroma, garlic and all sorts of spices are often put in the dish.

1. Risotto: a step-by-step recipe with mushrooms and cream


• round grain rice - 1 cup;

• onions - 1 head;

• 5 large spoons of white wine (can be dry);

• salt - three pinches;

• cream 15% fat - 3 large spoons;

• Dutch cheese - 120 grams;

• chicken broth - 1 small jar;

• 3 large spoons of olive oil;

• 100 g butter;

• five or six medium champignons;

• five cloves of young garlic.

• dill, parsley - 5 branches for serving.

For chicken broth:

• 3 chicken drumsticks;

• leaf of laurel;

• a pinch of salt;

• allspice - 3 peas.

You can replace fresh champignons with greenhouse mushrooms. Risotto from forest mushrooms turns out to be no less tasty, it is important to sort them out, get rid of dirt, twigs and other debris, wash, boil in slightly salted water for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander and dry. Cooking Method:

1. Boil the chicken broth in advance: thoroughly rinse the legs, put them in a small container, pour in water, add salt, add wild pepper and peas. Put the pan on a high heat, wait for the water to boil, remove the froth, cook the chicken on low heat until cooked for about 20 minutes. Remove the cooked drumsticks from the pan, strain the broth.

2. Rinse fresh champignons, if necessary, clean, put on paper napkins for a little dry. Cut the prepared mushrooms into thin slices.

3. Grind cheese on a fine-grated grater. It is not necessary to take Dutch cheese, you can replace it with any other solid or semi-solid varieties.

4. Peel the onion head, wash it, chop it into small chips with a knife. Garlic cloves, too, clean, cut into two or three parts

5. Heat the pan, add olive oil, put chopped onion and chopped garlic on it. Fry the onions with garlic, stirring for about three minutes.

6. Add the sliced ​​champignons, stew, continuing to stir, for another three minutes.

7. When the released mushroom juice is completely evaporated, and the mushrooms themselves are slightly roasted, lay out the rice cereal, mix everything well with a wooden spatula.

8. Fill the entire contents of the pan with previously cooked and already cooled chicken broth.

9. Pour in the white wine, mix well again and stew on moderate heat for 25 minutes.

10. Add softened butter, mix.

11. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

12. Stir all with a wooden spatula or spoon, pour into the risotto not very heavy cream, remove the salt test (if not enough salt, then add a little).

13. Remove the cooked mushroom risotto from the stove and let it sit a little under the lid.

14. When serving, arrange in plates, sprinkle with parsley and dill. Put black or white bread in the bread box.

2. Risotto: step-by-step recipe with seafood in a slow cooker

Ingredients: • round grain rice - 350 grams;

• mussels, oysters - six each;

• two small squid;

• two small octopus;

• the floor of a glass of white wine;

• onions - 2 heads;

• carrot - 1 piece;

• 5 tablespoons of canned peas and corn;

• 600 ml of chicken broth;

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil;

• butter - 80 grams;

• salt, black pepper fragrant powder, spice for fish dishes - 25 grams;

• parsley, dill - 4 stalks each.

In order not to spend too much money on the purchase of seafood in large quantities, do not bother with their cleaning and cutting, we recommend to buy already prepared frozen seafood mix. Before roasting, marine reptiles will need to be removed from the packaging in advance so that they are defrosted.

Cooking Method:

1. As in the previous recipe, before you start cooking risotto with seafood in a slow cooker, you must cook the chicken broth in a small saucepan on the stove. To do this, you can take chicken thighs, legs or wings. Rinse the selected part of the chicken thoroughly, cover it with water, wait until it boils over high heat, remove the froth and boil, reducing the flame, until cooked for about half an hour. To make the broth tasty, add the leaves of laurel, pea-scented pepper and parsley when cooking.

2. Peel the carrots, chop them on a grater.

3. Cut the peeled onions into strips, put them in a multicooker container, fry in olive oil, stirring occasionally, for five minutes on the “frying” or “baking” mode (depending on the type of the slow cooker).

1. As soon as the vegetables are reddened, add rice cereal, mix. Fry, just stirring, for about 2-3 minutes.

2. Pour in the white wine, add salt, pepper, season with spices for fish, switch the slow cooker to the “stewing” mode and stew until the wine is completely evaporated.

3. Pour in the cooked strained chicken broth, set the mode “porridge” or “rice”, cook for 25 minutes.

4. While rice is cooked in a slow cooker, put butter in a frying pan, melt. Add the pre-processed seafood, fry them over moderate heat, not forgetting to stir, for 2-3 minutes. 5. Put the fried seafood in a multicooker container, mix well.

6. Drain the liquid from canned corn and peas and put the required amount into the multicooker container, mix the whole bowl again, sprinkle with seasoning, add salt, pepper and fry for four more minutes.

7. After frying, switch the slow cooker to the “heated” mode and let the dish stand for a while under the lid.

8. Serve in plates, beautifully decorated with fresh leaves of dill and parsley.

3. Risotto: a step-by-step recipe with canned red beans


• long grain rice “Mistral” - 400 grams;

• red canned beans (can be in a tomato) - 1 small jar;

• onion head;

• garlic - 5 cloves;

• 50 ml of sunflower oil;

• any meat broth - 600 ml;

• paprika and black fragrant pepper, salt - 15 grams;

• A floor of a bunch of parsley and dill.

Cooking Method:

1. Cook meat broth using any meat: chicken drumsticks, thighs or wings, pork ribs, beef bones. Rinse the meat, put it in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, remove the froth, reduce the gas, cook until ready. Do not forget to salt the broth, throw in the water for taste and aroma a couple of peppercorns, bay leaves, thoroughly washed, but not peeled onions, carrots, all sorts of roots. Ready to strain the broth, cooked meat can be used to prepare any other dishes.

2. This recipe for risotto differs from the previous ones in that it uses not long grain rice, but long grain rice from the manufacturer Mistarl. Such grits will need to be washed before adding to the dish.

3. Peel onion and garlic, chop the onion into cubes, cut the garlic into several pieces.

4. Prepared onions with garlic, put in a frying pan with warm vegetable oil and fry for three minutes.

5. Add prepared rice, mix well. Fry everything together, stirring for a couple of minutes. 6. If the previously cooked broth has had time to cool, heat it a little over moderate heat. Pour one soup broth into the pan, stir, pour another ladle, stir again. Continue to add broth in small portions until rice absorbs it. After turning down the flame to moderate, simmer the dish for about ten minutes.

7. Remove the griddle from the heat, cover with the lid and let the dish stand for a while so that the rice is ready.

8. Open the canned beans, drain the liquid and add to the risotto (if the beans are in tomato juice, you can spread directly with the juice).

9. Mix thoroughly, put on the stove again, simmer on moderate heat for five minutes.

10. Once again, remove the pan from the stove and let it stand under the lid for 30 minutes.

11. Put the risotto with beans on the plates, top beautifully lay out the leaves of any greens.

Risotto's Step-by-Step Recipe - Secrets and Tips & Tricks

• Tastiest risotto is obtained in a frying pan with a thick bottom, a cauldron and a slow cooker.

• The taste of risotto will be especially tender if you add cream or butter when cooking. You can also use high fat milk, sour cream or homemade mayonnaise.

• For freshness, add greens to taste in the dish: green onion feathers, parsley, cilantro.

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