How to store sauerkraut

How to store sauerkraut

Cabbage, according to scientists, entered the human diet even in the Stone Age. Grown vegetables in ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks and Romans, too, enjoyed eating this vitamin product. Preserved mention of cabbage and handwritten evidence from the time of Kievan Rus.

For such a long history, mankind has invented many ways to prepare crispy cabbage leaves, but it is believed that the Slavs were the first to sour them. People enjoy eating sauerkraut for more than a millennium, but its extraordinary ability to defeat scurvy due to its high content of vitamin C was discovered by scientists only in the 18th century.

Souring is one of the most effective and healthy storage methods, as the lactic acid and salt formed in cabbage are natural preservatives. When the vegetable reaches the required degree of readiness, it should be removed to a place where the temperature does not rise above 0 ° C. Under such conditions, fermentation almost stops, and the finished product for a long time, almost half a year with proper storage, retains great taste and benefit.

It should be noted that sauerkraut is not as good as fresh, as in the latter most valuable substances and vitamins disappear completely or partially with time, whereas in fermented vegetable lactic acid keeps them in complete integrity. However, in order to provide yourself with a vitamin complex for the entire winter season, you should know the basic rules for its storage.

  • Frozen sauerkraut does not lose its unusual properties at all, however, it should be eaten immediately when thawing. Re-freezing of the product is strictly not recommended, since it destroys the vitamins contained in it, micro-and macronutrients, biologically active substances. Especially sensitive to such changes in the state of vitamin C, which is the main value of sauerkraut.
  • It is imperative to make sure that everything in the tank is completely covered with brine, without which the magic health vitamin (vitamin C) is instantly destroyed. To do this, a special circle is always placed on the surface of the product, additionally weighted with a load. You need to get the vegetable out of the pickle right before the meal. After lying in the open air for some time, he loses all his use.
  • Increase the shelf life of sauerkraut sour berries (cranberries, cranberries) added to it. A good solution would be to pour a spoonful of sugar over the top, which over time, thanks to the work of microorganisms, turns into an additional preservative, vinegar.
  • If mold grows on the brine surface, remove the film that appears immediately and add mustard powder, which due to the allyl oil it contains, acts as a natural antiseptic. The taste of the product from this does not deteriorate.
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