Soybean: Benefit and Harm

Soybean: Benefit and Harm

Soybean or Chinese oilseed peas are a popular food item that somehow enters the diet of any person.

For vegetarians, soy is an indispensable source of protein. It is eaten both in its natural form (soybeans) and in the form of all kinds of soy products. This is soy flour, meat, milk, butter and even soy cheese (cottage cheese) - tofu. From fermented soybeans make a number of very special products - tempeh, miso and natto. Also known as "Chinese asparagus" - soy milk foam. It is also called yuba, doopi or fuli.

For people who consume meat, the choice of products, which includes soybeans, is much more extensive - sausage and confectionery, dairy products, canned food, mayonnaise, concentrates, pastries, sweets, all kinds of drinks and much more.

The widespread use of soy has generated a lot of rumors about its harm and benefits. Some argue that soy is not only completely safe for health, but also brings great benefits. Others say that the nutritional value of soy is too exaggerated, and the side effects are deliberately not advertised.

We will try to give the most objective information that will help everyone to draw their own conclusions regarding the benefits and harm of soybeans.

Composition and caloric content

For a start - a little about the composition of soy. Her beans are 40% made up of vegetable protein. It practically does not differ from animal proteins. The share of fats and carbohydrates accounts for 20%, water - 10%. The remaining 10% equally divided ash and fiber.

Soy is rich in lecithin, it contains all the vitamins of group B, vitamins A, PP, H and E. It contains a lot of macro-and microelements, especially potassium, phosphorus calcium, silicon, iron, zinc and manganese. Soy is a natural source of bioflavonoids. She has enough calories - 100 gr. dry soybean contains 364 kcal.

How is soy useful?

Eating soy reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Due to this property, Chinese oilseed pea has a very positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole. For example, in the countries of Asia or India, where soy is a traditional food, the population suffers much less heart disease.

Soy fiber provides the body with valuable dietary fiber. It prevents constipation, perfectly cleans the intestines from undigested residues and improves its peristalsis. Due to its absorbent properties, fiber naturally removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Soybean prevents the development of osteoporosis, increases the density and strengthens bone tissue. It removes excess fluid from the body, helps with diabetes and cholecystitis. Soy milk helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed for liver cirrhosis and general exhaustion.

Saturating the cells with macro and microelements, soy has a rejuvenating effect on all tissues of the body. It improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic.

Who is it useful to eat soy

Soy products normalize hormones. This quality helps alleviate the condition of women in menopause and prevents the development of female diseases. The antioxidant properties of soybean are also known - it was found that the bioflavonoids contained in it prevent and stop the development of cancer cells. Showing products from soy and hypertensive.

Soybeans are a source of vegetable protein that is completely absorbed by the body. This is his great advantage over the "meat" protein. Dishes from soybeans do not lead to the appearance of extra pounds and are suitable for anyone who dreams of a slim figure. Soy is a part of many diets, and tofu cheese is generally considered the best product for a fitness diet. On the basis of soy are developed many "sports" supplements and dietary supplements. The small beans contain soy lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous tissue. Soy improves the activity of brain cells; therefore, it is recommended to add it to the menu for anyone who wants to increase concentration and improve memory. Soy - salvation for people suffering from intolerance to dairy products and allergies to animal proteins.

Who is soy contraindicated?

Soy cannot be people with endocrine diseases - its effect on hormones leads to a general imbalance. The result will be general weakness, painful conditions, obesity and constipation. Soybean can provoke the formation of kidney stones, so its use is better to limit to people with urolithiasis.

There are many cases when soy accelerated the aging of the body, suppressed the development of brain cells and led to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

One of the side effects of using soy by adult males is a decrease in sperm activity and testosterone levels. By causing a hormonal imbalance, she provoked an enlargement of the mammary glands in them and reduced sexual activity.

Women “soy addiction” threatens to reduce reproductive function and can lead to infertility. That is why it is especially undesirable to abuse soy products to teenage girls.

Regular consumption of soy can trigger a metabolic disorder, a significant decrease in immunity and the development of cancer. In some cases, soy diets have been associated with the occurrence of chronic diseases, as well as ailments, the nature of which could not be explained.

Soy in a children's diet - opinions of scientists

Chinese oil peas and any products that it contains are not recommended for children. The reasons are very different.

Numerous studies confirm that soy has a negative effect on the hormones of the child, causing a surge in hormones. For girls, this is fraught with too early maturation, and for boys - increased levels of estrogen.

Soy also causes pancreatic diseases in children, serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and provokes the development of allergies. There are many confirmed facts that baby food based on soy reduces immunity: with age, this leads to numerous diseases.

Categorically it is impossible to give children products from genetically modified soybeans, since its effect on the fragile organism has not been studied. It is known that even an adult at least (!) After 10 years of regular use of soy can objectively assess the impact that she had on his body.

Eating soy and products made from it is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

So useful or harmful ?!

All of the above has scientific rationale and irrefutable evidence. This raises the debate about the benefits and dangers of soy into a dead end. However, there is a way out of any impasse - you just have to look for it well.

Let's remember when exactly the first differences began? That's right - when soy products began to come in large quantities on the shelves of stores and markets of our country. But before it was scarce, “exotic” products that you can’t find with the fire in the afternoon! The reason was the high yield of soybean, which was a direct consequence of genetic engineering. Here it is - the way out! Genetically modified soybean is not damaged by the pest and is resistant to diseases - it allowed to grow it for export in large quantities. The production of soybean products has increased significantly, and the technology for their production is also developing at an intensive pace. Soy products and additives have moved from the category of "little and only for the elect" to the category of "a lot and for all."

Scientists themselves recognize that the consequences of using genetically modified soybeans can manifest themselves in dozens (!) Years and even directly affect children and grandchildren. Although officially its harm is not recognized.

Thus, if you are sure that “natural” soy is in your diet - enjoy your meal! Although it is better for children not to give it at all, or to give it little by little. Genetically modified beans are a “surprise box” and no one knows whether it will be pleasant or not ...

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