Pie with minced meat is an unusual yeast pie. Homemade recipes for tasty pies with minced meat and fish

Pie with minced meat is an unusual yeast pie. Homemade recipes for tasty pies with minced meat and fish

An aboriginal Russian dish, which only pie was not baked since ancient times in Russia for holidays and without any special reason. But the best stuffing in the pie is still fish! There are no special requirements, however, if the fish is very fatty, you will have to add cooked rice to it, otherwise the pie will flow. And still the pies are very beautiful pastries, just imagine the ruddy pies hovering with the filling, with a crispy crust and juicy filling!

Pie with minced meat - general principles of cooking

Pies baked from yeast dough. Its preparation is rather difficult and lengthy process, but at the same time it is not so difficult if you act according to the recipe and follow all the recommendations clearly. If you do not want to mess with the dough or just do not have enough time for it, you can take ready-made semi-finished product, in the form of puff pastry or plain yeast dough.

The filling can be either meat, or fish or chicken. Especially succulent are the pies with mixed minced meat. Meat and chicken pie are twisted in a meat grinder and lightly grilled. Fish often cut into small cubes. Fish stuffing can be prepared from boiled or fresh fish.

Pies are shaped in the form of boats, with a small neat hole in the center. Usually, after baking, broth is poured into it, a special pot is poured, or just a piece of butter is put in to make the cakes more juicy.

Pies with minced meat and cabbage Moscow-style


flour - 350 gr .;

6 gr. granulated, “fast” yeast;

vegetable oil - four spoons;

pasteurized milk - a full glass;

spoonful of fine salt;

25 grams of refined sugar.

For filling:

meat, mixed mince - 400 gr .;

two onions;

half a spoonful of spices “For mince dishes”;

two spoons of butter, lean;

15 gr. “Peasant” oil.

Additionally: spoon light sesame;

three spoons of “farm” oil;

egg (yolk);

tablespoon of milk.

Cooking Method:

Mix the yeast in a small bowl with a spoonful of sugar, pour a quarter cup of warm milk. Stir to dissolve the granules, add two tablespoons of flour and mix thoroughly again, so as not to leave lumps. Put the bowl to the heat and wait for the foaming.

When the brew begins to rise with a froth, pour the remaining warm milk into a convenient bowl, add the butter, brew and salt. Stir.

In the prepared base, adding portions of no more than a spoon, stir in the flour. Carefully wrapping the dough with your hands on the table, we collect them in a bowl.

Lubricate the bottom of the deep tank with oil, put the dough in it and slightly moisten the surface with oil. We cover the container with a linen towel, take it out to a warm place, in which there are no drafts.

Cooking stuffing. Fry shredded onions in vegetable oil to transparency. Adding butter, lay out minced meat with onions and, kneading lumps with a fork, fry over medium heat until the color changes.

Cool slightly and transfer the stuffing to the blender bowl. Seasoned with spices and slightly salted, slightly interrupt.

In a mixture of oils, fry finely chopped cabbage until half cooked. For juiciness, add a couple of tablespoons of water, but only if the cabbage is not juicy enough. Add the minced meat to the cabbage, season with pepper and cool.

The dough, which has increased in volume, is cut into six pieces and rolled into balls. Covering the canvas, give on the prostate about a quarter of an hour.

After the allotted time, roll the balls of dough in small thin cakes and spread on the center of each filling. Tightly seal the seam so that there is a small hole in the center, then lay the pies on the oiled baking sheet, seam up.

First, raising the temperature in the oven to 40 degrees, put the cakes in it, let stand for about twenty minutes. Be sure to cover them with a towel, otherwise the top will dry out. After the distance, we get a baking sheet with pies, grease them with a whipped milk mixture with egg yolk and put them in the left holes in a small cube of butter.

Bake the pies at 180 degrees, until a uniform golden color, about 30 minutes.

Classic mince pies


twenty grams of fresh, natural yeast;

300 grams of flour, exclusively top grade;

spoon of sugar;

oil, olive - 30 g .;

egg (yolk).

In the filling:

two large onions;

200 grams of carrots;

meat, preferably mixed, minced - 350 gr .;

two spoons of non-aromatic oil;

young onions.

Cooking Method:

Sift flour into a dry and spacious bowl, add a third of a spoonful of salt and mix well.

In the heated to 38 degrees milk, we dissolve the crushed yeast. Dissolve the sugar in the prepared mixture and pour it to the flour.

Mixing flour with milk, gradually pour in the oil. Sprinkle flour on the table's surface, rub it over the whole surface with palm and spread dough. Rub hands for at least ten minutes, until it stops strongly sticking to the palms, if necessary, adding flour.

Rolled into a ball, spread in a greased bowl and, covered with a cloth, set aside closer to the heat. We give up to 45 minutes.

Crumble onions, rub carrots with a large grater. Fry vegetables until softened in vegetable oil. Fry minced meat in a separate pan. No need to brown, as soon as the meat loses its pink color, turn off the heat.

Combine minced meat with vegetables, salt to taste, season with pepper or other non-spicy spices, cool. Add the finely chopped feathers of green onions and, mixing well, let the filling cool.

We crush the risen dough and divide it into nine pieces of the same size. Roll them into cakes, lay out the stuffing and form the pies in the shape of boats, not forgetting to leave a hole in the center. Parchment the parchment on a baking sheet, lay out the pie on it and leave, covered with a thin towel, for half an hour for the distance. After smearing them with loose yolk, we send it to the oven. We bake, focusing on the color of the crust for up to twenty minutes.

Brine pies with minced meat on yogurt and cucumber pickle


small package of dry yeast granules;

chicken eggs - two things;

a glass of kefir and cucumber pickle;

a kilo of flour;

spoon of sugar;

50 grams of butter, “Farm”;

a quarter cup of pure water.


large onion;

200 grams of dense minced meat;

small carrot;

sunflower, frozen butter - two spoons;


Cooking Method:

With a quarter cup of preheated water, we dilute yeast mixed with sugar. Without covering, we set aside the cup closer to the heat for a while.

In a spacious bowl pour out the slightly warmed kefir and cucumber pickle of the same temperature. Add the yeast that has risen to the foam and stir well.

After pouring the eggs loose in a separate bowl, add a third of the sifted flour and stir thoroughly again, preferably with a whisk, to get rid of the lumps.

We cover the grip with a cloth, for half an hour we place in a warm place protected from drafts.

As soon as the yeast base will increase in volume up to two times, in parts, we mix the rest of the flour into it and again place the dough for an hour in heat. It should double more.

While the dough is like, proceed to the filling. Cucumber and onions cut into small slices, carrot rubbed large, on a grater. In a pan in vegetable oil, first pass carrot and onion. Fry briefly, two minutes, until soft. Next, add the cucumber slices and stew under the lid, stirring occasionally to prevent the mass from burning.

Simultaneously with the vegetables, in a separate frying pan, lightly fry the minced meat.

Combine the meat and vegetable mass, slightly salted, pepper, stir and cool. Come the dough lightly crush hands and cut into balls of the same size. Covering with a towel, leave the "balls" for a while up to a quarter of an hour, after which we form pies out of them.

We turn on the oven to warm up, lightly rub the bottom of the pan with a napkin moistened with vegetable oil. Spread patties on the trash and keep them warm for about twenty minutes so that they “grow up”.

We cover the risen pies with a beaten egg and place in the oven for 30 minutes. We bake when heated in 180 degrees.

Grease hot cakes with butter and let them lie under the towel for a quarter of an hour. Another option is to sprinkle hot pastry with cool water, then the crust will be soft.

Lazy pies with minced meat and mushrooms


a pound of finished yeast dough (puff);

fresh champignons - 300 grams;

two large onion heads;

200 grams of any non-liquid minced meat;

large chicken egg;

non-aromatic vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

Take the cake out of the package onto a floured table and leave under the towel. In order to work with the dough, it must thaw well.

While the semi-finished product is being defrosted, you can prepare the filling for the pies. Peel the onions and wash the mushrooms well. Shred bulbs with thin half-rings or simply chop finely. Chopped champignons cut into medium-sized slices.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of butter into a frying pan and put onions in it. Fry over medium heat until transparent, add mushrooms and minced meat to onions. Stirring, continue to cook for seven minutes. All the moisture during this time should go away, and the pieces of minced meat begin to slightly blush. We add the finished filling to taste and season with ground pepper, remove it from the heat, put it in a bowl and leave to cool.

Thawed dough is cut into fifteen pieces, we collect them with balls, which we lay out on the table, sprinkled with flour. Covering the “koloboks” with a cloth, wait 20 minutes, after which we make pies from them. We spread the pies on a baking sheet, pre-greased with vegetable oil. We cover the canvas and give time to climb. We place the roaster with the pies closer to the oven turned on, and withstand 25 minutes.

Carefully, so as not to precipitate, grease the approached pies with a beaten egg and put exactly in half an hour in the oven. We bake, having exposed heating to 180 degrees.

Pies with minced boiled red fish


four eggs;

75 gr. Sahara;

four spoons of dry yeast;

half a liter of water;

three spoons of sunflower oil;

eight 200-gram glasses of flour.

In the filling:

300 gr. fresh frozen red fish;

cream, fat, not less than 33 percent - 50 ml.

To fill:

some tender dill;

half a cup of cream;

half a pack of "Peasant" oil;


egg for lubrication.

Cooking Method:

We warm the water to 38 degrees. Pour into a deep, suitable for mixing, a bowl or pan, add the yeast, sugar and a spoonful of salt. Stir until dissolved, add the oil and release the eggs from a carefully broken shell. Stir until smooth, gradually adding flour to the yeast base, knead the stiff and soft dough. Gathering in a bowl with a ball, cover with a towel, set closer to heat.

Thawed fish washed. Putting in a saucepan with cool, slightly salted water, bring to a boil and boil for three minutes. Drain broth, cool the fish.

We remove the skin from the cooled pieces, carefully choose the bones. We twist the fish meat in a meat grinder, passing through the grill with the largest holes. Enter the minced cream and add some salt.

Laid out the risen dough on a table moistened with vegetable oil, crush and disassemble into small balls. Each knead in a flatbread, lay out a little fish stuffing, and collect the patties in the form of boats with small holes in the middle.

We spread out the pies on a greased chimney and, covered with a towel, let stand for half an hour. After smearing the surface of the pies with a beaten egg, place the broiler for 25 minutes in the preheated oven. While the cakes are baked, prepare the fill.

Over low heat in a saucepan, melt the butter. Add cream and add finely chopped dill. Slightly warming up, add some salt and remove from the stove.

Taking the pies out of the oven, pour holes in each pie on a spoonful of creamy pouring.

Pies with minced fish (chopped)


water and milk - half a glass;

granulated yeast - 2.5 spoons;

three glasses of flour;

spoon of white sugar;

one egg;

three full spoons of vegetable oil.

For fish stuffing:

a pound of salmon fillet or large sea fish;

two bulbs;

spoon of dried dill;

cardamom - a small pinch;

three tablespoons of sunflower, refined and 50 grams of “traditional” oil.

Cooking Method:

Pour milk and water into one saucepan, heat the mixture to 40 degrees. Pour into a bowl, put sugar and a small pinch of salt. Stir until complete dissolution, pour in the yeast and again thoroughly stir. The pellets must completely disperse, but it is equally important that the yeast does not sink to the bottom.

Cover the bowl with the yeast mixture with a thin cloth, leave for 20 minutes warm, wait for the foam cap to appear.

We break the egg to the foaming mixture, add the oil. Stirring until homogeneous, gradually begin to stir in the sifted flour. It should take up to two and a half glasses, it is important to get a soft, easy to peel from the bowl and palms, dough.

Roll the ball, shift the dough on the table. Well cracked, return to the bowl and place in the heat for 40 minutes. Do not forget to cover the container with a rag, otherwise the top of the dough will be covered with a crust.

Wash thawed fish. Carefully inspecting for the presence of pits, cut the fillet into small cubes.

Chop the onions with a little oil until a pleasant blush. You need to cook under the lid, the onion will not dry out and will not make the same stuffing. Combine minced fish with cooled onions. Sprinkle the stuffing with salt and pepper, sprinkle with cardamom and mix thoroughly. Cardamom has a rich aroma, so put no more than a pinch.

Having wrapped, we split the dough into twelve balls. Roll them into cakes, put some minced fish and form pies. We pinch the seam tightly, first from one side and then from the other side, leaving a hole in the middle.

Giving the pies the shape of boats, arrange them on a greased baking sheet. Moisten the surface with a beaten egg and send the pies to the heated oven. Fish bakes are baked for no longer than 25 minutes.

Putting hot cakes on a towel, pour a little melted butter into each hole.

Pie with minced meat - cooking tips and useful tips

Thoroughly dissolve the yeast in the liquid and be sure to add sugar. This will speed up the fermentation process, and the dough will rise faster.

Do not overheat the liquid in which you intend to activate the yeast, otherwise they will die, and the dough will not rise. The optimum temperature for yeast is 38-41 degrees.

Before making yeast dough, be sure to check the yeast for activity. Dissolve a little in warm water and add sugar. If at the end of a quarter of an hour the surface does not become covered with bubbles, take a new package.

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