Lentil in a multicooker - an old dish using a new technology! Learn how to cook lentils in a slow cooker: first course, porridge, burgers or salad

Lentil in a multicooker - an old dish using a new technology! Learn how to cook lentils in a slow cooker: first course, porridge, burgers or salad

Dishes from legumes have always required a long cooking time. It was necessary to pre-soak the cereal, then rinse it thoroughly and cook for a long time. A modern housewife will have no difficulty in preparing tasty and healthy lentils in a slow cooker. Miracle - the device allows you to quickly make lunch or dinner, facilitates kitchen chores.

Recently, lentils are becoming increasingly popular.

It is known to people from ancient times and is used in food in many countries.

The composition of lentils include slow carbohydrates, which give the body a charge of energy, but do not lead to fullness.

Lentil in a multivariate - general principles of cooking

The principle of operation of the multicooker does not allow burning of the original product. The whole process takes place with a rather active influence of steam. With this effect, there is no folding of grain protein. As a result, ready-made lentils in a multicooker become soft.

When cooking, it is recommended to select the “quenching” mode. It saves more nutrients and ensures uniform heating. The croup should be sorted to get rid of litter and rinsed in several waters. Soak lentils do not need, with the exception of a rare black variety.

For one glass of lentil in a slow cooker, usually take 2 glasses of water. It is better to use heated water or boiling water. In this case, the grain will be cooked faster and cooked more evenly.

Lentil in a slow cooker: cook porridge

Lentils are not made to cook as a separate dish. It will be much tastier if you add to it other products.


• 1 cup green lentils

• 2 glasses of water

• 1 piece carrot

• 1 onion head

• 1 bell pepper

• 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil

• Salt and spices to taste.

Method of preparation

We clean onions, carrots and paprika. Onion cut into half rings, carrots and peppers - straws. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl, add the prepared vegetables, mix them. Turn on the mode “frying” for 10 minutes. Lentils prepared according to the general principle are poured into a bowl and filled with hot water. There also add spices to taste. The “quenching” mode is set and the cooking process begins. 5 minutes before it ends, you need to open the lid and add salt evenly.

You can add garlic and celery to make vegetables sharper. It is customary to use spices such as rosemary, turmeric, and bay leaf.

Lentil in a multicooker: rich soup with meat


• 400 g veal

• 1 cup lentils

• 3 potato tuber

• 1 piece of carrot

• 1 onion head

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

• Salt to taste

• 1 bay leaf

• Pinch of coriander

• Pinch of paprika

• 3 allspice peppers.

Method of preparation

Meat cut into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and paprika, mix and set aside. Let it stand for 20 minutes and marinate. We clean the onion and cut it into a cube. Peel the carrot and shake it on the coarse side of the grater. Lentils are prepared according to the general principle.

Pour the vegetable oil into the bowl, put the meat, mix it and fry for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Then add onions with carrots and fry for another 10 minutes.

You must try the meat of veal. If it is still tough, you need to add half a cup of boiling water to the bowl, close the lid and switch the cooking mode to “quenching” for another 15 minutes.

Next, peel the potatoes and cut it into a cube of medium size. Open the lid, add it and lentils in the slow cooker. Fill the contents with 2 liters of boiling water. On the “stewing” mode, the soup is cooked for 30 minutes.

After a specified time, spices and salt are placed in the bowl. Cooking lasts another 10 minutes, after which the multicooker is turned off. The soup will taste better if it takes half an hour.

Lentil in a slow cooker: a light chicken soup


• Chicken fillet 2 pieces

• Red lentils 1 cup

• Tomato 2 pieces

• Onion Head

• Potatoes 3 tuber

• Carrot

• A little bit of sunflower oil

• Bay leaf

• Black and fragrant pepper

• Garlic 2 cloves

• Paprika and salt.

Method of preparation Chicken meat cut into small pieces. Clean and cut vegetables, onions - diced, carrots - on the coarse side of the grater. With a tomato must remove the skin. To do this, we make a cross-shaped incision on them and lower for a minute into boiling water. After this procedure, the skin is removed from them easily. Then cut the tomatoes into cubes too.

Pour sunflower oil into the bowl of the multicooker and add sliced ​​chicken meat, onions, carrots and tomatoes. Turn on the “frying” mode for 15 minutes. During this time, peel and chop the potatoes. Peeled garlic cloves are passed through the press. Red lentils are prepared according to the general principle.

After roasting, add potatoes, spices and lentils to the bowl. Everything is poured boiling water in an amount of 1.5 liters, mixed. It is necessary to boil another 40 minutes in the “quenching” mode. Then add the garlic and cook for 10 minutes. For better taste, the soup should brew for about 20 minutes. When serving, greens are added to it.

Lentil in a slow cooker: a second dish with chicken


• chicken thighs 500 g

• green lentils 1 cup

• onion head

• one medium carrot

• some sunflower oil

• black pepper, curry to taste

• salt to taste.

Method of preparation

Wash chicken legs, clean them from skins and films. You can use them completely or cut into large pieces. Next, rub the legs with salt and spices. For lovers use spices such as hops suneli, red pepper and curry.

Onions are cleaned, washed and diced. Peeled carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. A small amount of sunflower oil is poured into the bowl of the multicooker, the chicken legs are put. Put the mode “frying” for 20 minutes. From this time, one side is fried for 10 minutes, then they are turned over.

The next step is to add onions, which are fried with chicken for 3 minutes. After onions put carrots. Then everything is mixed and sprinkled with spices.

Green lentils are prepared according to the general principle. It is evenly spread on chicken legs and vegetables. Then add 2 cups of boiling water to the bowl, add salt. The lid is closed and set the mode “rice” or “pilaf”. When the water boils away, and the lentil in the slow cooker is ready, the timer will signal.

Lentil in a Multivariate: Kulesh with Meat


• 500 g pork

• 1 cup lentils

• 1 piece of carrot

• Onion head

• 1 bell pepper

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

• Salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Pork washed and cut into small pieces. Pour the sunflower oil in the bowl, lay out the meat. We set the “frying” mode for 15 minutes, and cook, stirring. Bulgarian pepper and carrots are cleaned and cut into cubes, and onions - diced. Add vegetables to the meat and fry for another 10 minutes. All sprinkle with spices and salt. You can use ready-made seasonings for meat.

We cook lentils in a slow cooker according to a general principle. Add it to the pork with vegetables, pour all 2 cups of hot water. Close the lid and set the “extinguishing” mode for 1 hour. The finished dish is served with greens.

Lentil in a slow cooker: hot salad


• 0.5 kg lean meat

• 2 cups green lentils

• 5 onions

• 4 medium sized carrots

• 1 green radish

• 100 g of mayonnaise

• 200 ml of vegetable oil

• Salt.

Method of preparation

The meat is cut into small pieces, put in a slow cooker. Prepared according to a general principle, lentils are added to it and poured with 4 cups of hot water. On the “quenching” mode, the dish is cooked for 50 minutes. Then everything cools. The meat is cut into smaller pieces and again mixed with lentils in another bowl.

In a bowl, the multicookers add some vegetable oil, put onion, cut into half rings. On the “baking” mode it is held for 10 minutes. Then add the grated or chopped carrots and bake another 10 minutes. Then onions and carrots cool.

Green radish rubbed on a fine grater. The meat, lentils from the multicooker, onions, carrots and radish are gently mixed in a deep bowl. Everything is salted and smeared with mayonnaise.

Lentil in a slow cooker: diet patties


• 1 cup red lentils

• 2 medium sized tubers

• 1 carrot

• 1 egg

• Some vegetable oil

• Spices to taste

• Salt to taste.

Method of preparation Lentils are prepared according to a general principle and fall asleep in a bowl. For the rapid swelling of the grain is recommended to fill it with water and leave for an hour. The more tender the mash is, the easier it will be to make cutlets out of it.

If there is still water in the bowl after the past time, it is drained. Next, the lentils, which are already swollen, need to grind with an immersion blender.

Peel carrots and potatoes. They are rubbed on a grater with medium holes or use a blender. Next, the vegetables are added to the lentil mass. A beaten egg, salt and spices are also sent there. Vegans are advised to replace the egg with 2 tablespoons of flour.

The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed so that it becomes homogeneous. Now it is possible to form small patties out of it.

At the bottom of the bowl pour a thin layer of vegetable oil. Set the mode "baking" and fry the meatballs on each side. Lentils in a cutter in the form of patties cooked quickly, 15 minutes is enough. Sour and sweet sauces, pickles and marinades are well suited to them.

Lentils with Indian shrimp in a slow cooker


• 600 g shrimp

• 2 cups red lentils

• 6 pcs. medium sized tomatoes

• 1 large onion head

• 4 cloves of garlic

• 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil

• 1 pineapple

• 2 green chili peppers

• 5 boxes of cardamom

• 2 teaspoons of chili powder, turmeric powder, ground cinnamon and mustard seeds

• 1 teaspoon cilantro

• Slice of ginger root

• Pepper and salt to taste.

Method of preparation

The lentils prepared according to the general principle are placed in a multicooker bowl, salted, pepper and poured with water. The volume of fluid is standard, it should be 2 times the volume of cereal.

The “baking” mode is set, in which the lentil in a slow cooker is brought to a boil. Then the mode switches to “quenching”. The process continues until the croup is soft. She is allowed to cool and shift to another dish.

Sunflower oil is poured into a clean bowl, heated, and all spices are added. In this case, you must first grate the ginger, skip the garlic through a press, and crush the cardamom. Spices are heated, constantly stirring, for 3 minutes. Onions and chili peppers finely chopped, added to the bowl. Heating continues until they are completely soft. Meanwhile, scald with boiling water shrimp and remove their shells. They are placed in a bowl with spices and vegetables and set the mode "baking". After 7 minutes, the shrimp will get a nice pink color.

Pineapple is cut into small cubes, and tomatoes are ground through a sieve. Everything is added to the bowl. Then lay the cooled lentils in a slow cooker, pour a little boiling water. Close the lid and cook in “quenching” mode for another 5 minutes. When serving, add fresh cilantro to the dish.

Lentil in a Multivarke - Tricks and Tips

The method of preparation is chosen depending on the variety of culture. Red or Egyptian lentils are boiled quickly. 20 minutes is enough for the ingredients to break up into small grains and form a uniform mashed potatoes. More time is needed for green, or French lentils. It will take at least 30 minutes. As a result, the dish will be with whole kernels of grains, green lentils in a slow cooker will retain its shape.

If there are other products in the recipe, they are laid first. Lentil in a slow cooker incorporates the taste of meat, vegetables and other components. Do not immediately salt the dish, it increases the cooking time. It is best to add salt for 5 minutes before the end of the timer signal, mix and let stand.

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