Strawberries, grated with sugar for the winter

Strawberries, grated with sugar for the winter

Strawberries are considered one of the sweetest and delicious garden berries. But it is not only tasty, but also useful. It contains many vitamins that strengthen the immune system, and also contains substances that affect the production of “happiness hormones” in the body. Strawberries, rubbed with sugar for the winter, will allow you to enjoy this tasty and healthy delicacy on cold days, improving your mood.

Cooking Features

In order for the strawberries, wiped for the winter, to preserve useful substances and not deteriorate until the summer, it must be harvested correctly.

  • The most delicious strawberries - harvested in the morning, before the dew, on sunny days. If you collect it after the rain, the berries will be watery or loose, which will adversely affect the organoleptic qualities of “cold jam” and its preservation.
  • Berries before cooking should be well sorted out so that rotten strawberries do not spoil the harvesting.
  • It is necessary to close strawberries, mashed with sugar, not just in clean, but in sterilized jars. At the same time, it is better to give preference to small-sized containers - from 0, 2 to 0, 5 liters.
  • The lids with which the jars will be closed should be boiled for 5 minutes no matter what material they are made of.
  • When storing strawberries in the freezer, defrost them gradually, without heating them. This will save the vitamins.

Recipes for making strawberries mashed with sugar often depend on how they are planned to be stored in winter. So, for storage in the freezer requires less sugar. In any case, it is impossible to keep “cold jam” warm, even at room temperature. If storage conditions are observed, the shelf life of strawberries, rubbed with sugar, is 6 months.

Classic recipe of strawberries mashed with sugar


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1, 25 kg.

Method of preparation:

  • Arrange, gently wash the strawberries. Berry poured a kilogram of sugar. Set for 3 hours in a cool place.
  • Mash the berries with a wooden “tolkushka” or mash them with an immersion blender.
  • Spread over sterilized jars, leaving about 1 cm to the edge.
  • Pour the remaining sugar.
  • Roll up the tin lids and put them in the fridge.

The so-called “sugar jam” is formed on the jam, which will increase its preservation. However, it is possible to keep strawberries cooked according to the classic recipe with sugar only in the refrigerator.

Strawberries, grated with sugar, with vodka


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 40-60 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Strain and washed strawberries wipe through a sieve or chop with a blender. You can use and a meat grinder.
  • Pour sugar into strawberry puree, mix well the resulting mass.
  • Fill prepared cans with grated strawberries. In each top pour a tablespoon of vodka.
  • Roll cans of strawberries with metal lids, remove them for the winter.

Keep such billet in the refrigerator. Vodka will not let strawberries sour for a long time. Thanks to this, it takes a little less sugar to make this dessert than using a classic recipe. However, children can not give such a treat.

Strawberries, grated with sugar: a recipe for storage under the nylon covers


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Method of preparation:

  • Pick the strawberries, wash them, let them dry and wipe them in any way. You can just carefully knead the berries with a wooden pestle.
  • Mix the berry puree with sugar, using about 1, 5 kg of granulated sugar, leave to infuse for an hour.
  • Sterilize the jars and lay strawberries rubbed with sugar over them so that the jar remains about 2 cm to the edge.
  • Fill jars of strawberries all over with sugar.
  • Boil the plastic caps and close the cans with “cold jam”. Store them in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, strawberry is the sweetest, since storage conditions in this case require the use of large amounts of sugar, which plays the role of a preservative.

Strawberries, grated with sugar and frozen


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse, dry the selected strawberries, mash them to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Mix with sugar and place in clean containers.
  • After closing, put in the freezer for the winter.

For such a billet it is best to use small-volume containers or jars, since strawberries are not subject to re-freezing.

Strawberries, grated with sugar, like jam


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1, 5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Method of preparation:

  • After sorting, washing and drying the strawberries, turn it into a smooth mashed potatoes. This can be done by wiping it through a sieve using a wooden “tolkushki” or beating with a blender.
  • Mix the berry mass with the sugar and let it stand for an hour.
  • Wash, cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. If it got bones - delete.
  • Pour juice into strawberry puree, stir.
  • Put on a low flame and boil for 40-60 minutes until the mass thickens.
  • Spread the jam on sterilized jars, seal them and turn them over.
  • Wrap jars of strawberries with something warm until they cool completely.

Because of the heat treatment, strawberries wiped with sugar according to this recipe will not be as useful as “jam without cooking”, but it can be stored at room temperature in winter. Moreover, it will not deteriorate when stored in a cool pantry or basement.

Strawberries, rubbed with sugar, will be even tastier and healthier if part of it (not more than half) is replaced by honeysuckle. The amount of sugar in this case should be left the same as in the selected recipe.

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