Five Minute Strawberry Jam

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

The fastest way to preserve berries and fruits is “Five minutes” jam. This name is explained by the fact that cooking takes place in 2-3 stages with five-minute boiling and prolonged cooling. The whole process takes 1, 5-2 days. Strawberry jam prepared in this way acquires a rich burgundy hue, but the berries do not lose their shape, aroma and taste.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1, 9-2 kg.


Five Minute Strawberry Jam

1. From this amount of products you get 2, 2 liters of strawberry jam for the winter. At the same time there is a lot of juice formed in a natural way. If you dilute it with water, you get a wonderful strawberry drink.

In order for the jam to turn out tasty and have the right texture, you need to be very responsible in choosing the berries. They should be medium sized, whole and fragrant. Moved strawberries need to shift into a colander and rinse. Water should be cool and not pour in one point. To disperse the jet, you can simply substitute her hand.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

2. Let the water drain and then gently remove the tails from the strawberries.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

3. Put the prepared berries into a large enamel basin in which jam will continue to boil in the future. Each layer of strawberry should be plentifully covered with sugar.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

4. Put the bowl of berries in a cool place for 5-7 hours. During this time, the strawberry juice. This will be seen when the top layer of sugar is moistened.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

5. After that, the pelvis should be put on a slow fire. You can put a bottom divider. As soon as there is enough liquid, it is necessary to start stirring the jam, so that the sugar does not burn. Do not use a metal spoon for this, as it can cause oxidation.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

6. 5 minutes after boiling, the pelvis should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool completely for 8 hours. This time is necessary so that the sugar gradually penetrates into the structure of the berries.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

7. The second time you need strawberries, stirring in the same way, bring to the boil and cook for another 5 minutes. The jam will gradually begin to darken, and the berries will slightly decrease in size.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

8. After another 8-10 hour exposure, boil the jam for the third time. The resulting foam must be carefully removed. By the end of cooking, the liquid should thicken. If you drop it on a plate, it will not blur. Such jam must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Five Minute Strawberry Jam

9. After that, it should be wrapped with a blanket and allowed to cool slowly. Ready jam should be stored in a cool closet or closet.

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