Salty boletus for the winter

Salty boletus for the winter

Maslata are mushrooms that are easy to collect. They grow in large families, so for an experienced mushroom picker it is not difficult to collect a few baskets. Eat so much at a time is unreal. Therefore, all mushroom pickers should learn how to pickle oil for the winter. This can be done both hot and cold, that is, without heat treatment. There is also a combined option. In any case, the processing of mushrooms before salting will be the same.

How to make butter for salting for the winter

Before salting boil, they need to prepare for this. Occupation is laborious, but knowledge of some secrets will greatly facilitate the work of the hostess.

  • Maslata got its name due to the fact that their caps are covered with a sticky film. When cleaning it must be removed. The exception is very small mushrooms. If you leave the film, the salted boilers will have a bitter taste, the harvesting for the winter will be irreparably damaged.
  • Oil must not be soaked before cleaning, like some other mushrooms: they will quickly absorb the liquid, swell up, and it will only become harder to clean them: they will crawl, slip out of your hands. It is better, on the contrary, before cleaning them for an hour or two to dry them in the sun. Then it will be much easier to remove the film.
  • Keep your hands clean (and the dark spots are left on the palms of your hands), and you can also ease the process of removing the film from the caps by treating your hands and knife blade with sunflower oil. As the blade becomes dirty, when it starts to adhere to it, it should be wiped with a cloth moistened with oil. The film is captured with a knife on one side and removed from the cap with a movement towards itself.
  • It makes no sense to wash oil and remove garbage from them before adhesive films are removed from the caps - after this process will go much faster.
  • When washing and cleaning mushrooms, they need to be sorted, as it takes longer to pickle larger specimens. Another option is to cut medium sized mushrooms in half, large - into 4 parts. It is not necessary to do this if only caps are used for salting, but in this case it is necessary to cut the legs.
  • Do not throw out the butter legs and mushrooms that have lost their shape and are not suitable for salting in the winter. From them you can make delicious caviar.

After cleaning and washing the boil, you can select the appropriate recipe and start salting.

How to salt boil for the winter in a cold way


  • boils cleaned (caps only) - 5 kg;
  • salt of salt - 0, 2 kg;
  • currant leaves - 9 pcs .;
  • grape leaves - 9 pcs .;
  • dill (umbrellas) - 9 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Prepare the butter by clearing them from the film and cutting off the legs (you can leave them in young mushrooms).
  • Divide into about 3 piles, first putting the largest mushrooms, the last one the smallest ones.
  • Put the butter from the first pile of hats down into a wooden barrel, pouring 20 g of salt on the bottom. Pour mushrooms with salt (60 g), put on top of 3 sheets of grapes and currants, 3 umbrellas of dill.
  • Put a second layer of medium-sized oil in the second layer, pour them 60 g of salt, cover with leaves of grapes, currants, and dill.
  • Pour into small butter sticks, sprinkle them with the remaining salt, cover with the remaining leaves, dill.
  • Lay a piece of gauze folded in half on top, with a wooden disk on it. Put something heavy on it.
  • Place the barrel in a cool room (18-20 degrees) for at least a month.

A month later, you can remove the first sample. Butters, salted in their own juice, are crunchy, but before serving, they must be soaked in water for two hours to remove excess salt. Previously, for the winter, boilers were harvested in this way, but today it is acceptable only for those who have a basement or a spacious storeroom. Without a keg, too, can not do.

How to salt boils in a hot way (in cans)


  • boletus - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 60 g;
  • salt of salt - 40 g;
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs .;
  • carnation - 2 pcs .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Clean oil, wash, cut large.
  • Prepare the jars by sterilizing them for 20 minutes.
  • Fill the mushrooms with water and cook until they sink to the bottom.
  • Pour salt and sugar, add spices, bay leaf and continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  • Spread the boil over the cans, leaving about 1 / 6-1 / 7 of the can free (no more). Fill with boiling brine, roll up.
  • Allow to cool under a warm blanket and store in a cool place.

This method of salting oil for the winter is the most common. It is suitable for citizens, does not require great skill, economical.

Combined method of salting oil


  • boletus - 5 kg;
  • salt - 0, 2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill - 6 umbrellas;
  • currant leaves - 6 pcs .;
  • peppercorns - 15 pcs .;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the prepared butter for 20 minutes, drain it in a colander and let it drain completely, divide it into 3 parts.
  • Pour salt in the amount of 50 g to the bottom of a large pan, place the first portion of mushrooms, 2 currants, 2 umbels of dill, 5 peas of pepper, sprinkle 50 g of salt on top.
  • In the same way, lay out two more layers. Put a load on top.
  • After one day, transfer the mushrooms from the clean jars, pour the brine left in the saucepan, in which the oil was salted in its own juice. Pour the oil into the cans.
  • Close the cans of nylon caps and store in the refrigerator. After three weeks they are ready to eat.

Maslata, salted for the winter according to this recipe, is fragrant and crispy. This recipe is for real gourmets who know a lot about salted mushrooms.

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