Egg salads are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook egg salad.

Egg salads are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook egg salad.

Egg Salad - General Principles and Methods of Cooking

Eggs are the product that is almost always in the fridge. Moreover, the eggs are perfectly combined with other products, which allows you to add them to all sorts of dishes. It is in favor of their availability and high nutritional properties.

In addition, you can boil eggs, fry, add to cocktails, make eggnog, add to different dishes and pastries during cooking.

Egg Salad - Food Preparation

Before cooking, the egg must be washed - this will allow you to clean it from harmful organisms and dirt. When an egg is washed with warm water (about 45 ° C), pressure is created inside the egg to prevent bacteria from entering the egg. Cold water can cause the opposite effect.

For cooking salads eggs, as a rule, are boiled. When cooking, you can add salt to the water - then the eggs will not crack. To boil eggs boil them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes; for cooking eggs “in the bag” - 5-6 minutes; for cooking hard-boiled eggs - 8-9 minutes.

Egg Salad - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Provencal Salad

Original salad, which has an incomparable taste due to egg yolk sauce. Suitable for both daily and festive table.


4 hard boiled eggs,

0.5 head of lettuce,

2 tablespoons capers,

100 grams of canned artichokes

4 tomatoes,

clove of crushed garlic,

20 pieces of olives,

4 tablespoons white wine vinegar,

6 tablespoons of olive oil,


Cooking Method:

1. It is necessary to prepare the sauce. To do this, from 2 eggs should remove the yolks. Peel and chop the garlic. Stir the yolks, vinegar, garlic and olive oil. Season all this with pepper and salt. And then set aside.

2. Lettuce leaves need to be washed, dried, and then picked into hands in large chunks. Washed tomatoes should be cut into slices.

3. In a bowl, combine tomatoes, olives, artichokes, lettuce leaves. Mix all the ingredients, season the salad with sauce and put it in plates. Then cut the remaining eggs into slices to decorate the salad with them.

Recipe 2: Spring salad with eggs and sour cream

Simple, but at the same time nourishing salad made from products that are almost always at hand. Moreover, spring salad is made very quickly. Ingredients:

2 eggs (preferably rustic),

2 cucumbers,

head of cabbage,

3 tablespoons sour cream,

2 medium sized tomatoes,

parsley, green onions, dill,


Cooking Method:

1. Cabbage must be chopped. Cucumbers need to grate, tomatoes - cut into cubes.

2. Eggs should be boiled, cooled and crumbled. Chop the greens finely.

3. All the ingredients folded in a salad bowl, then season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 3: Green Salad with Egg and Meat

This is a fresh and quite rich salad. The spicy taste, which includes boiled eggs, gives it a spicy taste.


2 hard boiled eggs,

4 medium sized boiled potatoes,

600 grams of boiled beef,

4 small pickled cucumbers,

a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,

tablespoon of mustard,

4 tablespoons of vegetable oil,

bunch of parsley,

bunch of green onions,

head of lettuce,


Cooking Method:

1. Boiled beef should be cut into strips, and potatoes - sliced. Salad should be cut into ribbons, the width of which is about 2 centimeters. Greens need to be washed and dried. Cut onions into rings. In a salad bowl, mix the potatoes, meat and salad.

2. Eggs, pickled cucumbers and parsley must be chopped with a knife. Then put these ingredients in a small dish, add oil, vinegar, mustard, pepper and salt. Stir the resulting sauce.

3. Dress the salad with sauce, and sprinkle it with green onions.

Recipe 4: Mexican salad with eggs and potatoes

The original and bright Mexican salad will take a worthy place on the festive table. But the salad is spicy - it is worth considering those who adhere to a dietary diet.


2 hard boiled eggs,

4 large potatoes

2 small tomatoes,

1 sweet yellow pepper,

tablespoon chopped green onions,

half hot red pepper


2 tablespoons of olive oil,

For refueling:

2 cloves of garlic,

2 tsp olive oil,



a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking Method:

1. Peeled potatoes need to cut into slices, throw in boiling salted water and cook for 8 minutes until ready.

2. At this time, prepare a gas station. Avocados should be cut in half, then remove the peel and bone. Pulp the fruit put in a bowl, then knead in mashed potatoes. 3. Peeled garlic and onions should be chopped. Then mix lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, onion, pepper, salt with avocado puree. For 10 minutes, cover it all with a film.

4. Drain the water from the pan, where the potatoes were cooked. Pepper and sweet pepper clean from the core. Half rings need to chop the flesh of yellow pepper, thin rings - hot pepper. Circles should be cut and washed tomatoes.

5. Slices need to cut boiled eggs.

6. Then put eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, hot and sweet peppers in a bowl, season the ingredients with pepper and salt. There also add part of the dressing of avocado and mix thoroughly. Salad should be put on a serving dish, and at its edges put the remaining dressing. All pour the remaining oil and sprinkle with green onions.

Egg Salad - tips from experienced chefs

How to make egg salad more tasty?

First, it is possible to replace chicken eggs (the most popular today) with quail eggs - they are much more useful. Compared with chicken in quail 5 times more potassium and 2.5 times - vitamins B1, B2. Moreover, using quail eggs, there is no risk of getting sick with salmonellosis.

Secondly, you can use an interesting egg salad dressing. Do not be limited to mayonnaise or sunflower oil. Take walnut oil, mix it with spices and season it with salad.

Or you can make homemade mayonnaise. This will require vegetable oil (250 ml), egg yolks (5 pcs.) And a tablespoon of sugar, vinegar and mustard, a little salt. Prepare the mayonnaise like this: pour the yolks into a bowl, mix them with salt, vinegar, mustard and sugar - whisk it all up to a smooth mass. Without stopping the process of beating it is necessary to pour a thin stream of olive oil. And should be whipped until the mass does not acquire the desired consistency. Then you need to add a couple of tablespoons of boiling water - this will make the mayonnaise more dense.

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