Chicken in the oven - the best recipes. How to cook chicken in the oven.

Chicken in the oven - the best recipes. How to cook chicken in the oven.

Chicken in the oven - general description

Chicken cooked in the oven is among the most delicious and at the same time - the most simple dishes. Nutritionists also have nothing against oven-baked chicken, because chicken meat has long been recognized as a dietary product, which contains easily digestible animal proteins and other beneficial substances. And, finally, for the price of chicken meat is available to almost everyone, and dishes from it are appropriate on everyday and on the festive table. That is why recipes for chicken cooked in the oven are so popular.

Chicken in the oven - cooking utensils

Previously, in order to bake a chicken in the oven, you had to have a certain culinary experience and skill. At the same time, modern hostesses have at their disposal an entire arsenal of various means for baking. Today, for this purpose, baking molds, plastic-film baking sleeves, parchment and aluminum foil, in which meat or vegetables can be baked without oil, are most often used.

All these devices for baking can be bought at any supermarket. Baking sleeve has the form of a piece of polyethylene or nylon, fixed when baking at the ends with heat-resistant clips. When using it, the chicken is steamed with hot air, which forms inside, and it turns out juicy. The sleeve can be used both in our familiar ovens and in microwave ovens. The foil can also wrap meat for baking, and you can cover it with a baking tray of the oven.

It is better to take the cast-iron or ceramic baking mold for the chicken so that it heats up gradually, and the heat is evenly distributed around the dishes.

As a rule, chicken in whole or in large pieces is baked in the sleeve; middle chicken pieces (legs and wings) are baked in foil; It is better to bake small pieces of chicken in a form or a pot so that they turn out juicy.

Some people like to bake the chicken directly on the baking sheet, but then not only he gets dirty, but also the inside of the oven, which will add to the owner of the kitchen cleaning work.

Chicken in the oven - food preparation

For roasting in the oven, you can use both the whole chicken and its individual parts - breast, legs, etc. If the chicken is baked whole, it should be gutted, washed and dried with a paper towel. Salt and pepper the chicken before baking should not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Now, in many meat departments they sell chickens already prepared for roasting, and you can use this option. Chicken in the oven - recipes

Recipe 1: Whole Chicken in the Oven


1 whole chicken medium chicken;

3 tbsp. l any mayonnaise;

1 tbsp. l mustard;

3-4 cloves of garlic;

to taste with salt and ground pepper.

Method of preparation:

1. We take the prepared chicken, we salt it, we pepper it and we rub garlic outside and from within.

2. Prepare marinade from mayonnaise and mustard, add salt.

3. Rub the chicken marinade on all sides, including the inside, and incubate it for an hour in the refrigerator.

4. Then, removing the chicken from the refrigerator, cover it with foil and place it on a baking sheet, which should be pre-oiled.

5. After heating the oven to 180 degrees, bake our chicken for 40 minutes. However, a large carcass should be baked a little longer.

6. Taking the chicken out of the oven, gently remove the foil from it and bake for about 10 minutes to turn a brown crust.

Recipe 2: Chicken in the oven with potatoes


1 medium chicken;

7 potatoes;

1 tbsp. l mustard;

seasoning “curry” or “adjika”, Provencal herbs, salt to taste;

any grow butter.

Method of preparation:

1. Prepared chicken is rubbed with mustard from the inside, then rub with salt, dry spices, pepper and leave for a short while.

2. At this time, peeled potatoes cut into strips and, lightly salted, mix. Turn on the oven so that it warms up.

3. After smearing a deep baking sheet with sunflower oil, put the chicken breast in it upwards.

4. Lay out evenly prepared potatoes around the chicken, sprinkle it with dried greens on top.

7. Put the baking tray in the preheated oven, leave it for 20 minutes, and then we take out and mix the potatoes for even roasting.

8. Return the baking tray to the oven and let the chicken bake until it forms a crust (about another 20 minutes). Then take it out of the oven and transfer the finished chicken to the dish, spreading the potatoes around.

Recipe 3: Chicken in the oven in foil


500 gr. chicken meat;

1 tsp. Sahara;

1 tbsp. l starch;

2 cloves of garlic;

2 carrots;

4 tbsp. l soy sauce;

50 gr. fresh mushrooms;

3 tbsp. l cauliflower inflorescences;

3 tbsp. l broccoli; to taste salt, black pepper;

any grow. butter

Method of preparation:

1. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic and mushrooms.

2. Having rolled chicken pieces in starch, mix them with vegetables and sugar, leave in the fridge for an hour to marinate.

3. After spreading the foil on a baking sheet, lay out the pickled vegetables on it, put the meat on top, wrap everything up so as to prevent the juice from flowing out.

4. Put the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about half an hour.

Recipe 4: Chicken in the oven in the sleeve


1 chicken carcass;

3 tbsp. l mayonnaise or sour cream;

salt, black pepper;

any grow butter.

Method of preparation:

1. Salt and pepper the prepared chicken inside and out, grease with mayonnaise.

2. Put the chicken in the sleeve and, laying it on a baking sheet, bake for about 40 minutes.

3. At the end of baking, tear up the sleeve so that the chicken browns. If desired, before baking, vegetables can be placed together with chicken in a sleeve for a side dish: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.

Recipe 5: Chicken in the oven with vegetables


1 chicken carcass;

1 bulb onion;

2 red onions;

5-7 potatoes;

6 pieces bay leaf;

half a lemon;

2 sweet peppers (red and green);

1 head of garlic;

also to taste:

salt, dry rosemary, rosemary, ground black pepper;

any grow butter

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the prepared chicken carcass to the abdomen, put onion bulb, cut into quarters, 2 bay leaves and half a lemon. Then we grease the chicken with vegetable oil (approximately in the amount of 1 tbsp. L.), Rub it with salt and pepper outside and inside.

2. Smearing a baking dish with butter, place a chicken on it, on which we lay out a few sprigs of rosemary with two bay leaves.

3. Next, prepare the vegetables: peeling, wash and cut the bell peppers into several pieces; we clean, wash and cut potatoes into large slices; clean and large cut red onions; peel the garlic, cut into 4 parts.

4. Put the vegetables to the chicken, salt, sprinkle with vegetable oil, put the remaining bay leaves and sprinkle with dry rosemary.

5. Putting the form with chicken and vegetables in the oven, which should be preheated to 180 degrees, prepare the dish for about an hour and a half until the chicken is ready and covered with a ruddy crust. Serve with vegetables.

Chicken in the oven - useful tips from experienced chefs

For baking, it is better to take not frozen, but a steamy or chilled carcass, so that the prepared meat is fragrant and juicy.

Do not neglect the advice to dry the hen after washing with a paper towel, as only in this case it will turn out with a crispy crust.

If you are baking chicken in foil, remember that in this case tightness is very important in order to prevent meat juice from running out and overdrying the dish. Some believe that you need to use a thicker foil to prevent it from breaking.

When baking the chicken in the sleeve, you need to do a few punctures with a toothpick on top, this will help the excess steam out of the sleeve and prevent its swelling and damage.

Before you put the chicken on roasting, it is better to preheat the oven to 180- 200 degrees, then it will be easier to navigate the roasting time. Under such conditions, it will be about 40 minutes for one kilogram of chicken.

In order to make sure the chicken is ready, it can be pierced with a toothpick in the area of ​​the breast. With the release of a clear and pure juice that does not have blood admixture, we can assume that the chicken is ready. It is equally important to remove the meat from the oven in time so that it does not become dry.

Serve baked chicken better hot, like a main course, with a side dish or salad. Depending on your imagination, it can become a real festive dish, and decorate any table with you. Enjoy your meal!

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