Red fish soup - excellent taste and maximum benefit. A selection of the best recipes of red fish soup with millet, tomatoes, red caviar

Red fish soup - excellent taste and maximum benefit. A selection of the best recipes of red fish soup with millet, tomatoes, red caviar

Regular consumption of red fish is an excellent prevention of strokes and heart attacks. This fish is especially useful for the future mother and children.

Red fish soup - the basic principles of cooking

The basis of any soup - properly cooked broth. First of all, it is necessary to determine which part of the fish the ear will boil from. It can be a backbone, heads, steaks or a filet. For fish soup, it is advisable to use a chilled product, but if you still take frozen fish, you must defrost it. Do not do this in the microwave or hot water. The gills are necessarily removed from the heads, and the skin is removed from the fillets. Prepared fish is placed in a pot or cauldron, poured with drinking water and sent to the fire.

When the broth begins to boil, remove the foam. This is very important, because if it is not removed, it will turn out muddy. Spices and herbs are added to the broth, boiled for another five minutes. Fish heed, and filter broth.

In addition to red fish, you will need vegetables. Mostly use onions, carrots and potatoes. They are cleaned and washed. Onions and carrots are crumbled not too small and fried. Potatoes cut into arbitrary pieces. All lay in the broth and cook until done. At the end lay out the fish, separated from the bones. In some recipes, barley or rice is added to the ear.

Recipe 1. Red fish ear


30 ml of vodka;

2.5 liters of drinking water;

2 bay leaves;

kg of salmon ridges;


four potatoes;

four black peppercorns;


a bunch of parsley and dill;


Method of preparation

1. Usually frozen ridges are folded in half or three times. Thaw them at room temperature, turn them around and, if necessary, clean them. Fins and tail do not cut, they are suitable for cooking broth. Cut the prepared ridges into pieces, approximately six centimeters wide. Do this in the direction of the rib bones.

2. Peel and wash the potatoes, onions and carrots. Put the potatoes in small pieces into the pan. Here send the sliced ​​carrot and chopped onion diced. Fill with cold drinking water and put on fire. Ridges cook quickly enough, so put them in a pan when the vegetables are almost ready. 3. After 20 minutes after laying the vegetables, add ridges to the pan. Salt, add peppercorns, bay leaves and cook for ten minutes on low heat.

4. Pour vodka into the prepared soup and immediately remove the pan from the heat. Let the soup stand for another 15 minutes and add chopped greens.

Recipe 2. Red fish soup with millet


500 g fresh red fish;

coarse salt;

two bulbs;

2.5 liters of filtered water;

two carrots;

fresh parsley - bunch;

millet - 2/3 cup;

refined vegetable oil - 50 ml;

paprika pod;

five potatoes;

six sweet peppers;

bay leaf - three pieces.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the carcass of red fish, clean it and remove the gills. Cut the fish into several parts, put it in a saucepan and fill it with cold filtered water and set it on fire.

2. As soon as the broth in the pan begins to boil, remove the skimmer with foam and twist the fire. Add peppers allspice, coarse salt and bay leaf. Cook for half an hour.

3. Sort out the millet and rinse thoroughly in a bowl until the water is clear.

4. Vegetables clean. Cut out the stem from the pod of the Bulgarian pepper and scrub the seeds.

5. Remove the fish from the broth and separate the meat from the bones, remove the skin. Strain the broth, catching spices and bay leaf. We divide the flesh of red fish into small pieces.

6. Cut potatoes into medium-sized dice, finely chop the peppers and onions, and chop the carrots into large chips.

7. Put potatoes in broth. Onions, carrots and bell peppers - on the pan. Paste in vegetable oil to light ruddy and softness.

8. After a while, pour millet into spicy broth. Cook for a quarter of an hour and add browned vegetables and pieces of red fish to the broth.

9. Parsley greens are washed, finely crumbled, sent to the pan and cook a few more minutes. We remove the prepared ear from heat, cover it with a lid and leave to stand for half an hour.

Recipe 3. Red fish soup with the aroma of a fire


kg of red fish;

Bay leaf;

80 g of semolina;

ground black pepper;

three potatoes;

sea ​​salt;

medium carrot; 50 ml of vodka.

Method of preparation

1. Clean the carcass of red fish from scales, and thoroughly wash it under a tap. From the head be sure to remove the gills.

2. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan and put fish into it, chopping it into large chunks. You can simply cut the carcass in half. Boil, occasionally removing the foam, so that the broth remains transparent.

3. Clean and wash all vegetables. Chop up potatoes in small cubes. Chop the onion in the same way. Carrot cut into circles.

4. Remove the fish from the broth. Remove bones and skin. Head also disassemble, leaving only the pulp.

5. Salt and pepper broth. Put the potatoes in it and cook until the vegetable is half cooked. Then add the remaining vegetables and cook for another ten minutes.

6. Constantly stirring, enter the semolina and cook for five minutes. Add bay leaf and fish pieces. Cook for the same amount of time.

7. To make the ear get the aroma of smoke, take a wooden stick, light it and extinguish it, dipping it directly into the saucepan with the ear. Do this three or four times. Now pour in a shot of vodka and remove from the stove.

Recipe 4. Red fish soup with red caviar and cream


500 g of bones and red fish fillets;

heavy cream - a glass;

four potatoes;

purified water - 1.5 liters;


olive oil - 80 ml;

two bulbs;


black and white pepper;

green onions and dill;


half a lemon;



Method of preparation

1. We clean the red fish from the scales and wash them under running water. Put the fish in a saucepan and pour purified water. Cook for half an hour, be sure to remove the formed foam.

2. Onions clean and finely crumbled. Peeled carrots and celery shred arbitrary pieces. Vegetables passera in heated olive oil. Remove the fish from the broth and separate the fillets from the bones. Remove the fins and tail. Fish fillet finely chopped.

3. Filter the broth. Pour it into a clean pan and send it to the fire. Add potato cubes, browned vegetables and fish fillet pieces into it. Cook for about ten minutes.

4. Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat it over low heat. Introduce hot cream in the ear and cook another five minutes. We salt, we put seasonings, we mix and we remove from fire. Leave the dish to infuse for five minutes. Spill the ear on the plates. In each, generously add chopped greens, a couple of slices of lemon and a teaspoon of red caviar.

Recipe 5. Red Fish Ear with Tomatoes


1.5 kg of red fish;

sea ​​salt;

two bulbs;

ground black pepper and peas;

four potatoes;

a bunch of fresh dill;

celery root;

a tomato;

parsley root.

Method of preparation

1. Take the spine, tail and head of the red fish. Thoroughly rinse them under the tap, remove the gills. Put in a saucepan, cover with cold filtered water, put on fire. When it begins to boil, remove the foam.

2. Peel the carrots and cut them into four pieces. Onion head, celery root and parsley peel and wash. Put the whole vegetables in the boiled broth, add peas. Cook for an hour on low heat.

3. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into small pieces. Peeled onion finely crumble. Tomato peel from thin peel. Chop the tomato pulp into medium sized pieces. Rinse the dill.

4. Remove fish and vegetables from the pan. Strain the broth and return it to the fire. Put the potatoes in it. After ten minutes, salt and pepper. Add finely chopped onion, tomato and dill. Cook for about five more minutes, then add the salmon pieces, boned, turn off the heat and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 6. Red fish soup with olives


red fish head;

sugar and salt;

red fish fillet - 500 g;


four potatoes;

three sprigs of basil;

large onion head;

fennel greens;

a pod of yellow bell pepper;

hops suneli;

two medium carrots;

spices for fish;

two large tomatoes;

olive oil - 80 ml;

canned olives without stones - 300 g;

red fish head;

canned olives without stones - 180 g

Method of preparation

1. Wash the head of the red fish under cold running water, cut out the gills. Put it in a saucepan and boil the broth, salt and add spices.

2. Cut the rind from carrots and potatoes, peel off the onion, remove the tail from the bell pepper and clean the seeds.

3. We release tomatoes from thin skin. Cut the stalk. Tomato pulp in a blender.

4. Cut the thin yellow pepper and onion. Grind carrots on a grater. Fry vegetables in olive oil until lightly ruddy. Put tomato puree in vegetable roasting and mix. Stew, covered with a lid, about six minutes. 5. Bring the fish broth to a boil, send the sliced ​​potatoes into it.

6. Use a sharp knife to cut the fish fillet into pieces five inches wide, and spread it in boiling fish broth. Cook until half cooked potatoes.

7. Olives and olives and cut into thin rings.

8. Put tomato and vegetable fries in the soup, chopped olives and olives, seasoning hops-suneli. All mix, season with salt and sugar, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low heat for five minutes. Insist the red fish soup for half an hour. Serve, garnished with basil leaves, finely chopped young dill and thin slices of lemon.

Red fish soup - tips and tricks

Cook the soup only in an enamel saucepan, clay pots or a pot.

To fish broth remained transparent, be sure to strain it and remove the foam in time.

If you cook the ear from the head, remove the gills from them, otherwise the ear will taste bitter.

Let the prepared soup leave under the lid for at least half an hour.

Observe the proportions of spices so that they do not interrupt the aroma and taste of the fish.

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