Red Sauce

Red Sauce

The sauce is able to give the dish new flavors. The more sauces a hostess can cook, the more gamut of taste the family menu has. However, in fact, in order to serve new sauces to the table every day, you do not need to learn many recipes. It is enough to learn how to make several basic sauces, and then prepare others based on them, relying on your imagination and culinary experience. One of the main sauces is red sauce. People far from cooking often confuse it with tomato and at the same time they are deeply mistaken. To the group of red sauces are those that are made from red-brown flour frying and brown broth. In this case, tomatoes may not even be added to the sauce, although they are most often included in the recipe. That is, it would be more correct to call the red sauce brown, but it got its name a long time ago, and it was firmly attached to it. So you should not puzzle over culinary terminology, the main thing is to learn how to cook red sauce at home.

Cooking Features

The process of cooking red sauce is simple enough to make it could any hostess, even without culinary experience. However, cooking technology has many subtleties that need to be learned before proceeding with the cooking.

  • Red sauce belongs to the group of “scalded” sauces, that is, it is brewed on the basis of flour and broth. However, not every sauce prepared in this way will be a red sauce. Both flour and broth should be brown for him. This means that the flour should be fried in a dry frying pan until it acquires a rich reddish-brown hue and a pronounced smell of red-hot nut.
  • The second important component of the red sauce is brown broth. You can cook it only from baked bones. They need to be washed, cleaned of meat and calcined in the oven until they change color. It will be even better if you roast the bones in a dry frying pan. After that, it remains to fill them with water and cook the broth.
  • Remember that broth is not just water in which meat or bones boiled for a long time. For its preparation it is necessary to use roots and spices. Usually for 3 liters of water take 1 kg of bones, 1 parsley root, 1 onion and 1 carrot, as well as celery root, bay leaf, pepper and salt to taste. Ready broth before adding to the sauce must be filtered.
  • If you cooked too fat broth and are afraid that the sauce will come out too oily, filter the broth through a cloth dipped in cold water.
  • To avoid the formation of lumps, flour is initially brewed with a small amount of broth. The remaining broth is boiled together with vegetable roasting, and only after that both parts of the sauce are connected.
  • Ready-made sauce must be drained and chafed with vegetables included in its composition through a sieve. After that, the sauce must be boiled again. This is done to sterilize it - that is, the sauce, if not boiled after wiping it through a sieve, will quickly deteriorate.
  • To prevent the sauce from crusting while cooling, place a thin slice of butter or margarine on top.

Red sauce is most often used hot, and there are several options for its use in cooking. It can be served to meat dishes separately. You can bake or stew meat or vegetables in it. However, most often red sauce is used as a gravy or as a basis for making other sauces.

Classic red sauce recipe


  • brown broth - 1 l;
  • cooking oil, margarine or butter - 25 g;
  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • tomato puree - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • bulb onion - 35 g;
  • parsley root - 20 g;
  • sugar - 20 g.

Preparation Method:

  • Sift the flour into a dry frying pan. Put it on the stove and fry, stirring, until brown. Remove from heat and let cool slightly (up to about 60-70 degrees).
  • Pour a glass of broth in a thin stream, whipping it with a whisk. As a result, the flour must be completely dissolved. The liquid should have a uniform consistency, without lumps. If not without them, try to strain the sauce.
  • Peel the onions. Cut half of the small onion into small pieces.
  • Peel the carrots. Crush it on a fine grater.
  • Melt fat or oil in a clean pan.
  • Put onions and carrots in melted fat. Cook them for 5 minutes.
  • Add the tomato paste, stir and simmer it with the vegetables for about 5 minutes over low heat under the lid.
  • Heat the remaining broth. When it boils, put sugar and vegetable frying in it. Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Pour into the broth pot that part of the broth in which the flour is diluted. The contents of the pan at this time should be intensively stirred.
  • Boil the sauce until it has the desired consistency.
  • Strain the sauce. Vegetables, wipe through a sieve and combine with the sauce.
  • Return the saucepan to the stove and bring to the boil.

Now the red sauce is ready. The sauce made according to this recipe is considered to be the main one, that is, based on it you can make any other sauce by adding additional ingredients to it. Such ingredients can be mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, seasonings.

Simple recipe for red meat sauce


  • main red sauce - 0, 5 l;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • hot red pepper (ground) - on the tip of a knife.

Preparation Method:

  • Pound garlic with a small amount of salt, put in the sauce.
  • Add pepper to the sauce.
  • Bring sauce to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the sauce and put it in a water bath.
  • Add the butter and stir the sauce until it is dissolved.

To improve the taste of the sauce, you can add a little meat juice to it. This sauce is served with minced meat and sausage products, including sausages, ham.

Red sauce with wine and mushrooms


  • main red sauce - 0, 25 l;
  • onions - 0, 2 kg;
  • fresh champignons - 0, 2 kg;
  • tomato - 150 g;
  • red wine - 50 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • parsley - 50 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Preparation Method:

  • Wash, shake off the water and finely chop the parsley.
  • Wash and dry the mushrooms. Cut them as small as possible.
  • Peel and chop the onion very finely.
  • Tomato boil, peel. The pulp of the tomato wipe through a sieve.
  • In a skillet, melt butter, put mushrooms and onions in it. Fry until excess moisture evaporates.
  • Pour in wine and tomato puree. Stew vegetables in them for 5 minutes.
  • Add parsley, salt and spices. Pour the main red sauce and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Add garlic, stir and remove from heat.

Red sauce made according to this recipe is well suited to game and poultry meat, to veal stew, and also to meatballs and meatballs.

Red Sauce with Lemon Juice


  • red sauce (main) - 0, 5 l;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • concentrated brown broth - 20 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Preparation Method:

  • Finely chopped onions and mushrooms, fry in butter, add broth and stew for 5 minutes.
  • Mix the mushrooms and onions with the sauce, add the garlic and lemon juice pounded with salt.
  • Bring sauce to a boil and remove from heat.

The red sauce prepared according to this recipe is universal. It is best to serve it to the meat, but you can pour them side dishes, vegetable casseroles, and even fish.

Red sauce - a classic cooking. Under one name or another, it is in many cuisines of the world. The hostess, who wants to fully master the culinary skills, must learn to cook it.

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