Chicken pickle with barley

Chicken pickle with barley

Rassolnik has a unique taste. He can be loved or disliked, but one cannot remain indifferent to him. Traditional recipes of this soup involve the use of several basic ingredients: pickled cucumbers, potatoes, meat, pearl barley. Almost all of these components are subject to identical replacement: cucumbers can be replaced with salted mushrooms, potatoes - turnips, meat - chicken, barley - rice. One of the most popular variations of this unique dish is pickle with chicken and barley. It has a characteristic taste for pickled soups, it is cheaper than traditional pickle, boiled in meat broth, it is prepared faster than it. Even an inexperienced chef will cope with cooking this dish, provided that some simple rules are followed.

Cooking Features

Rassolnik with chicken and barley so fond of the mistresses that they often cook it. Cooking is a creative process. When cooking soup in the recipe often made adjustments. As a result, chicken pickle and pearl barley varieties were created a lot. The process of cooking the soup according to these recipes is not always identical, but there are some principles that are preserved regardless of the recipe chosen.

  • Chicken pickle can be cooked on mushroom, vegetable broth, even on water, but tastes best it is made from chicken broth. This broth will have a rich taste and aroma, if used for cooking pieces of poultry with bones, soup set. The least fragrant broth is obtained from chicken fillet, but it is he who is the most wholesome.
  • Barley is digested slowly, chicken and other ingredients that make up the pickle are brought to readiness much faster. To speed up the process of cooking soup, pearl barley, it is advisable to boil separately while preparing chicken broth.
  • Salted cucumbers are introduced into the soup at one of the last stages of its preparation, no more than 10 minutes before the readiness of the dish.
  • It is undesirable to replace pickled cucumbers with pickled ones, since these products have completely different tastes. Pickled vegetables will not give just that pleasant sourness, for which many gourmets love pickle.
  • Traditional recipes provide for browning carrots and onions before putting them into the soup. This makes pickle more tasty, but increases its calorie content. If you want to cook a diet soup, refuse to roast vegetables, adding them to the soup fresh. Cooking such vegetables will be longer, so putting them in the dish takes 5-10 minutes earlier than the browned ones.
  • If large cucumbers are used to make soup, they need to be peeled, cut into 4 pieces lengthwise, cut areas with large seeds, and only then grind them in the manner required by the recipe.
  • It is not necessary to pickle pickle before pickled cucumbers are cooked and boiled in it for 5 minutes. Not knowing how much salt they will give to the soup, you can easily out-salt it.
  • Fresh greens will never spoil pickle. You can put it on a plate or add it to the soup pot. So that the dish is not soured, boil it for a few minutes after adding greens.
  • Having cooked pickle, do not rush to pour it into plates: if you hold it for 15 minutes, it will become much tastier.

Pickled pickles are served with sour cream. It makes the soup softer and more delicate.

The classic recipe of pickle with chicken and barley


  • chicken - 1, 2-1, 3 kg;
  • water - 3, 5 l;
  • potatoes - 0, 3 kg;
  • pearl barley - 80 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • celery root - 0, 2 kg;
  • carrots - 0, 2 kg;
  • tomato paste - 20 ml;
  • pickles - 0, 3 kg;
  • fresh parsley - 100 g;
  • butter or vegetable oil - how much will go;
  • salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse pearl barley, fill with water and boil until ready. Rinse the finished barley and fold into a colander. When the water is drained, transfer the barley into a bowl, mix with a teaspoon of vegetable or melted butter. The second option is preferable - butter gives the pickle a pleasant taste, softening the savor of pickles.
  • Wash the chicken carcass well, cut it in half, put it in a saucepan. Fill with water, bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for some time, removing the foam. Cover the pot with a lid, leaving a gap, reduce the heat. Boil one and a half hours. Do not allow the broth to boil vigorously so that it remains transparent.
  • Take the chicken out of the broth, cool it. Broth strain.
  • Remove the skins and bones, cut the chicken meat into small pieces, return to the broth.
  • Peel the carrots. One of them cut into small cubes, put in the soup.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut them into medium-sized chunks, put in the pan to the other ingredients. Bring to a boil, cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
  • During this time, prepare a vegetable roast. To do this, chop the remaining carrots on a grater, peel the onions and chop finely. Peel celery root, cut into small pieces or coarsely grate. Fry vegetables until soft in oil or butter, add tomato paste and cook the pan for 5 minutes.
  • Put the vegetable frying in a saucepan with the soup, mix.
  • When the soup starts to boil again, put a barley in it.
  • Prepare cucumbers by peeling and peeling, cutting into strips.
  • Enter the cucumbers in the soup.
  • Chop parsley finely.
  • 5 minutes after adding cucumbers, taste the soup. Salt and season it according to your taste.
  • Add greens.
  • Cook the soup for 2-3 minutes after it boils again. Remove from heat, leave for 15 minutes under a lid.

Following the tradition, serve pickle with sour cream, put a spoon in each plate.

Chicken pickle from barley, pearl barley and pickled mushrooms


  • chicken soup set - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • pickles - 0, 2 kg;
  • salted mushrooms - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 0, 4 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • tomato paste - 20 ml;
  • barley - 80 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse the pearl barley and soak it in cool water so that it will cook faster.
  • Rinse the ingredients in the soup set, put into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for an hour, removing foam as necessary.
  • Strain the broth, put the barley into it. Boil it for half an hour.
  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into pieces and a half centimeters, put in the soup.
  • Disassemble the chicken pieces. Return all the meat you managed to get to the soup.
  • Peel and cut carrot into thin strips.
  • Remove peel from onion. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  • Fry onions and carrots until golden brown, add tomato paste. Pass the vegetables for 5 minutes. Add the vegetable fried in the soup. When cooking vegetable fried, try to do a spoonful of butter.
  • Cut the mushrooms into small sized pieces.
  • Peel the cucumbers, cut into cubes.
  • Fry the cucumber mushrooms in the remaining butter. Add 50 ml of broth or cucumber pickle. Extinguish 2-3 minutes. Put in the soup, mix.
  • After 5 minutes, add spices and salt if necessary. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat.

Let the soup stand for 20 minutes, pour into plates, season with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs. A small amount of chicken in the soup is compensated for by the presence of mushrooms, so the pickle on this recipe is hearty.

Rassolnik with chicken and pearl barley has a unique taste typical of this type of first course. It is prepared for a relatively short time, it is inexpensive, it turns out tasty, nourishing, fragrant. Turning it into the everyday menu would be a good idea.

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