Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

Homemade pickle - general principles of cooking

For many of us, culinary art is the pinnacle of food from restaurants. Of course, chefs who cook the same dishes every day, “fill the hand” and in the end prepare the most delicious dishes. However, some dishes are considered so homemade that you can taste them exclusively in the home. For example, pickle. This soup is prepared with the addition of pickles or pickles. It turns out unusual, with bright fresh taste. A bit of practice, and homemade pickle will make you worthy of high-class cuisine.

Homemade pickle - preparing food and tableware

Consider the technology of cooking soup. You can slightly change the recipe or components, but by following the technology below, you are guaranteed to get a delicious homemade pickle.

The first stage is the preparation of the basics. Meat (chicken or fish) you need to wash, get the bones, remove the skin, and then cut into pieces. Meat is poured water and put on fire. Do not miss the boiling point, it is then that foam will appear on the surface of the water, which will need to be removed with a slotted spoon. If this is not done on time, the soup will turn out unappetizing in appearance, muddy, with gray pellets and “threads” of proteins.

When you have removed the gray foam, you can put in the pan products that are cooked for a long time. This is potato, groats. After 10 minutes, add ingredients that cook faster. This zazharka, cucumbers, mushrooms. Frying is prepared by frying the chopped onion first and then adding the grated carrots to it.

What cereal is added to homemade pickle? It can be rice, buckwheat, oats or barley. Consider only that some types of cereals are cooked for a long time, for example, brown rice or pearl barley.

The number of ingredients in all the recipes listed below is based on two and a half liters of water. Homemade pickle recipes:

Recipe 1: Homemade pickle

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

For this recipe, you'll need pork meat, rice, potatoes, and vegetables for frying. Rice is best suited long-steamed steamed, it does not boil soft, and therefore does not stick together and will not make the broth cloudy.

Ingredients Required:

  • Rice - 4 tablespoons
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Meat - 250-300 grams
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Carrot and Onion for Frying
  • Brine - 200 ml

Preparation Method:

  1. Prepare pork base for pickle.
  2. Add rice flour and chopped potatoes to boiling water.
  3. Fry the onion and carrot in a pan. Put the frying in the soup 10 minutes after the rice.
  4. 7 minutes after zazharki chopped cucumbers should be added to the soup. It is best to pre-peel them. Turn the pickle off after 5 minutes.

Recipe 2: Homemade pickle with fresh cucumber

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

Fresh cucumber crunches are more pleasant than pickled ones, and in order to preserve its quality, the vegetable should be slightly fried in butter. Prepare homemade pickle with pickle and cucumber without zazharki.

Ingredients Required:

  • 5 tablespoons of rice
  • 1 piece of carrot
  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • 1 piece of potatoes
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Sunflower oil
  • Spices
  • Brine - 1.5 glasses

Preparation Method:

  1. Prepare a meat base for the pickle.
  2. Potatoes need to be cut into slices. Wash rice in running water several times until the water is completely clear.
  3. In the boiling water, lower the components, then lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Grate the carrot and add to the pan.
  5. From a fresh cucumber, gently peel off the skin and cut it into cubes. Fry the vegetable in hot oil and add to the soup 5 minutes after the carrots. Simultaneously with cucumber pour in the pickle soup. Close the lid and cook the soup for another 3 minutes.

Recipe 3: Homemade pickle with buckwheat

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

Buckwheat is one of the most common types of cereals for soups. It is easy to explain - it is not caloric, easily digestible, quickly prepared, and, very importantly, contributes to the slow growth of blood sugar, for which it is “respected” by nutritionists and diabetics. Prepare a light homemade pickle with buckwheat and beef.

Ingredients Required:

  • Beef - 310 grams
  • 60 grams of buckwheat
  • Carrots, Onions and Vegetable Oil for Frying
  • Pickled cucumber -2 pieces
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Cucumber pickle - 1 cup

Preparation Method:

  1. Put the boiled meat. It should be borne in mind that beef needs time to make it soft, and therefore let it boil for at least half an hour before adding other ingredients to the pan.
  2. Cut the potatoes. Rinse buckwheat several times in water. Add the ingredients to the pan.
  3. Fry the vegetables in butter. Add zazharku 10 minutes after the buckwheat.
  4. Cut the cucumbers. Add them to the pan 5 minutes after the buckwheat. Immediately pour in the pickle. Turn off the fire after 5 minutes.

Recipe 4: Homemade pickle with pickled mushrooms

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

Many housewives close mushrooms for the winter. This is an excellent appetizer and salad dressing, and this dish can be used for soup. If you never if a delicious homemade pickle with pickled mushrooms, then we recommend to try to cook this dish. Ingredients Required:

  • Salted mushrooms - 250 grams
  • Rice - 45 grams
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Pork - 330 grams
  • Vegetables for zazharki + sunflower oil

Preparation Method:

  1. Prepare a base for pickle.
  2. While the water is boiling, cut the peeled potatoes and rinse the grits. Add the ingredients to the pan.
  3. Fry the onions and carrots in butter and add to the pan 10 minutes after the cereal is dipped in the soup.
  4. Mushrooms should be washed, cut and added to the soup 8 minutes after zazharki. After that, boil the pickle for another 5 minutes. If the mushrooms are not very salty, then pickled pickles will not get saturated to taste. You can’t do without brine here - add it with mushrooms, but no more than one glass.

Recipe 5: Homemade pickle with fish

Homemade pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook rassolnik home.

You can cook not only fish soup, but also delicious pickled soup. But unlike fish soup, the fish must be carefully prepared, the bones and other inedible parts removed. The most delicious homemade pickle will come from sea varieties of fish (especially red), but the river will also go. Best for fish pickle use a mixture of white and brown rice.

Ingredients Required:

  • Brown rice - 4 tablespoons
  • White rice - 3 tablespoons
  • Fish fillet of any kind - 320 grams
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Brine - 120 ml
  • Vegetables for zazharki + sunflower oil
  • Spices

Preparation Method:

  1. Brown rice, wash and boil for twenty minutes, filling with water in the ratio 3: 1.
  2. Prepare a base for fish pickle. When the water boils, add brown and white rice and sliced ​​potatoes to the pan.
  3. Fry in butter. Add it to the soup 12 minutes after the potatoes are put into the pan.
  4. Cut the cucumbers. Add them to the soup along with the pickle 7 minutes after zazharki. The soup will be ready in 5 minutes.

Homemade pickle - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  1. When do you need to add cucumbers to pickle in accordance with the rules? There are no rules as such, but practice shows that it is best to do this no more than 5 minutes before the end of the preparation. Otherwise, the vegetable mill “rubber” taste.
  2. Pickled soup is very easy to over-salt. It is best to add spices according to this scheme - a little when the water boils (this salt will allow the taste of other ingredients to unfold), and at the very end of cooking, try the soup. Perhaps, it is not necessary to add salt, as the pickle and cucumbers themselves contain a lot of salt.
  3. A little trick in cooking the soup: to make the soup more saturated, you need to boil the cucumber skins separately. Remove them, put them in a saucepan along with a fry, and take out when the dish is ready. In any case, the peel of cucumbers should be removed, because after heat treatment, it becomes very hard.
  4. Some cooks advise not to cut cucumbers, but grate them. You can use this cooking scheme, but then the pickle will have a puree-like consistency.
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