How to freeze chanterelles for the winter

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter

On days that are favorable for the growth of mushrooms, you can return with “quiet hunting” with full baskets of mushrooms.

Excitement is excitement, and mushrooms are perishable and therefore require quick processing. Even those mushrooms that do not spoil in principle. For example, chanterelles.

These are probably the only mushrooms of their kind, which no worm eats and no larva looks after for temporary shelter. And all because of the fact that in these mushrooms there is a substance that adversely affects all sorts of worms and parasites.

But this is only if the fungus on the vine. And if it is torn off, then, like the rest of the mushrooms, it requires close attention to itself in the form of cooking or harvesting for the winter. Chanterelles for the winter can be pickled, pickled, dried or frozen.

How to freeze fresh chanterelles

For fresh freezing, only young, strong chanterelles are suitable, which have not yet straightened their caps, since large adult mushrooms, frozen in their raw form, can be bitter. Which is not very nice.

It is necessary to freeze chanterelles immediately after collection.

Mushrooms are sorted and sorted. Large chanterelles lay aside - they are suitable for the next method of freezing.

The chanterelles are cut off the lower part of the legs, the caps are cleaned of debris.

Small mushrooms are washed under running water, not forgetting to look under the cap, where most of the garbage is collected. Soaking mushrooms is not recommended, as they strongly absorb water, the presence of which will adversely affect the quality of frozen mushrooms. Then the mushrooms are spread on a towel that absorbs moisture well and wait until they are completely dry.

If in the end you need to get a separate frozen mushrooms, then they are frozen in two steps. First, chanterelles spread on a tray in a single layer and cleaned in the freezer for several hours.

Then the pre-frozen chanterelles are put in plastic bags or plastic containers, well closed, signed, indicating the date, and put into the freezer.

How to freeze large chanterelles

Very often, large frozen chanterelles have a slightly bitter taste when cooking. To avoid this, chanterelles are boiled before freezing.

To do this, fresh chanterelles are sorted, removing contaminated places and trash stuck to the mushrooms.

Mushrooms are washed in cold water, and then cut each mushroom into several parts.

Sliced ​​mushrooms put in a saucepan, pour cold water, bring to a boil, be sure to remove the foam, salt and boil for 15 minutes.

Then the mushrooms are laid out in a colander, quickly cooled in cold water, left in a colander or spread on a clean towel and wait until all the water is drained.

Then the mushrooms are packaged in plastic containers, signed, covered with lids and put into the freezer for freezing.

How to freeze chanterelles in broth

Some boiled chanterelles can be frozen in the broth in which they are boiled, and then used to make soup.

Mushrooms are boiled as in the previous version and cooled without removing from the broth.

The cooled mushrooms, along with the broth, are transferred into portion containers and frozen.

These mushrooms should not be thawed. Enough frozen briquette dipped in boiling water and cook the soup, as described in the recipe.

You can do the same with the rest of the mushrooms. But if you still need to defrost the chanterelles before cooking, then they do it in natural conditions, without resorting to using a microwave oven or hot water.

Therefore, before freezing, the mushrooms are packaged in such a way that their quantity in each package corresponds to the volume that is needed for a specific recipe.

The shelf life of frozen chanterelles is three months. Of course, they can be kept longer, but with each subsequent day their quality will deteriorate.

Thawed chanterelles can not be re-frozen.

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