Dough for kefir pie

Dough for kefir pie

Pie is a universal dish that is enjoyed by almost everyone. It can be with meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, fruits, berries, cottage cheese, mushrooms, with a team of sweet or savory stuffing. It is appropriate for everyday and holiday table. It is hearty enough to eat, but it is also suitable as a supplement to the main dish, soup or tea. The taste of the cake will depend not only on the filling, but also on the flour base. It can be yeast and sweet, sweet and plain, dense or liquid. Traditionally, the dough for pies is kneaded with milk or water, but recently the dough for kefir pies has been popular with cooks. It may also be different, but regardless of the recipe used, pastries from the dough mixed in a fermented milk product turn out to be tender and fluffy and do not get stale for a long time.

Cooking Features

Dairy products have properties that make the dough kneaded on them faster, better rise, turn out to be soft and elastic. Baking it has unique organoleptic qualities and does not dry out for a long time. The most affordable fermented milk products is kefir, and most housewives make dough on it. The use of this ingredient allows you to get an excellent result to the culinary specialists, even those who do not have baking experience, but not everyone succeeds in dough on kefir. The reason for the failures lies in the lack of knowledge of some moments or disregard for the rules of making flour products.

  • Dough on kefir can be made from flour of different varieties, but still it is better to give preference to the highest quality product. The lower the quality of the flour, the brighter and brighter the pastry comes out of it. Products made from second-rate flour often have an unpleasant aftertaste that even the most delicious filling cannot neutralize.
  • Flour must be sifted before use. Experienced bakers do it even two or three times. This manipulation is needed not only to rid the product of small litter and insect larvae. The main task is to saturate the flour with oxygen. After sifting, it acquires a lighter texture. It becomes easy to mix with other ingredients, avoiding the formation of lumps. The dough on such flour rises well, baking it turns out to air.
  • Kefir for dough use at room temperature or slightly warmer (about 30 degrees). Sometimes a dairy product is enough to remove from the refrigerator for an hour before making the dough, sometimes it needs to be heated. Heat kefir is recommended in a water bath. If it is heated on low heat, it can quickly separate into cottage cheese and whey, no longer being suitable for kneading dough.

Dough making techniques for kefir cakes can be different, as it can be of different types: ordinary, rich, yeast, unleavened. In order to avoid mistakes, you need to carefully study the instructions accompanying the selected recipe, and follow it strictly.

Yeast dough on kefir


  • wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 50 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • kefir - 0, 5 l;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Heat kefir in a water bath to about 30 degrees or a little more. This temperature is optimal for yeast activation. If it is too low, the yeast will not work.
  • Pour the heated kefir into a bowl, crumble the yeast into it. Pour the sugar and salt.
  • Stir food, leave warm for a while. Soon a foam hat will appear on the kefir, indicating that the yeast has earned.
  • In a clean container, break the eggs. Shake them with a whisk or fork, pour to the starter, mix.
  • Add butter. Stir once more. The composition must acquire a uniform consistency.
  • Sift flour. Spread it over a handful to a liquid base, mixing the products each time to prevent the formation of lumps.
  • When the dough is thick enough and stirring it with a spoon will be hard, put it on a floured work surface and complete the kneading process with your hands.
  • Form a ball out of dough, put it in a high, but narrow pan. Cover with a wet towel. Put in a warm place.
  • Wait until the dough rises, doubling up. Pull it down.

After re-raising the dough, you will need to knead again, after which you can proceed to making the cake. For this, the dough is divided into two unequal parts, rolled out. Most of them are placed in a mold so that the layer of dough covers its bottom and walls, is filled with filling and is covered with a smaller layer of dough. Then the edges are fastened with a pigtail, smeared the dough with yolk to brown the cake, and send the billet in a preheated oven, bake until done.

Unleavened dough for kefir


  • wheat flour - 0, 6 kg;
  • kefir - 0, 25 l;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - 4 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Heat the kefir to room temperature or simply remove it from the refrigerator in advance.
  • Break eggs into a clean bowl. Add sugar and salt, whisk together.
  • Add soda to kefir, mix well.
  • Pour kefir in a bowl with eggs. Whisk the products with a whisk to make the liquid mixture uniform.
  • Pour the oil into the liquid ingredients, beat the mixture again.
  • Sift flour. Spread it in parts to the remaining ingredients and stir the dough with a spatula so that there are no lumps.
  • When the dough is thick enough to be kneaded by hand, put it on a floured board and finish the kneading process by hand.

This dough is ready to use immediately after cooking. If this is tightened, it will rise worse when baking, and the cake will not be as lush as we would like. The dough mixed with this recipe is suitable for cooking both closed and open pies. It can be used for pizza and pie.

Shortcrust pastry for kefir


  • wheat flour - 0, 6 kg;
  • kefir - 0, 4 l;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • margarine or butter - 0, 2 kg;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • soda - 2 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Remove margarine or butter from the fridge in advance so that the product becomes soft to the top of the dough. The remaining components should be used chilled, so they must wait in the fridge for their turn.
  • Put the softened butter (or margarine) in a bowl, beat with a whisk or a mixer.
  • Add sugar and eggs to the margarine bowl. Whisk the products together.
  • Pour kefir. Pour salt and soda. Beat again.
  • Change the mixer nozzles by installing the ones that are used to make dough (they are screw-shaped).
  • Pouring flour into liquid ingredients, stir the dough using a mixer.
  • When the flour is finished, quickly knead the dough with your hands, put it in one, wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

To use the dough will be ready only after an hour or two, when well cooled. It is distributed on the bottom of the form, filled with filling. From the short pastry usually make open pies.

Pastry dough on kefir without eggs


  • wheat flour - 0, 35 kg;
  • kefir - 0, 2 l;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • refined oil - 20 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Sift flour, mix it with salt and soda.
  • Make a well in the center. Pour kefir into it. It should not be cold.
  • Stir the product with a spatula.
  • In the center again, make a hole. Pour oil into it.
  • Stir the products again.
  • Put the dough on the work surface of the table, after having sprinkled it with flour, knead it with your hands.

This version of the dough is also intended for quick preparation of a pie. It is rolled out and used as a base for the cake immediately after kneading. This recipe will help out if you started to bake a pie, and there were no eggs in the house.

Pastry for yogurt


  • wheat flour - 0, 3-0, 35 kg;
  • kefir - 0, 3 l;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • sugar (only for sweet cake) - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Break eggs into a bowl. Add salt and sugar to them if you are preparing the dough for a sweet cake. Spread it.
  • Mix the kefir with soda and pour in to the egg mass. Whisk with a whisk.
  • Sift flour, in portions, enter it into the liquid base, each time stirring the dough until homogeneous. It should get the consistency of thick cream. It is possible that this will require a little less or a little more flour than indicated in the recipe.
  • Pour the butter into the dough and stir it well.

To make a batter cake, half of it is poured into a mold, covered with filling, and filled with the remaining dough. After that, it remains to put the form in the oven and bake the cake until ready.

Dough on kefir can be kneaded for different kinds of pies. The taste and type of the prepared dish will depend on the selected dough recipe.

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