Quick Pizza Dough

Quick Pizza Dough

Traditionally, yeast dough is used to make pizza. The process of kneading it is quite complicated: you have to put the brew, wait until the dough rises. The slightest violation of technology can lead to the fact that the dough does not fit or fall. It takes a lot of time to prepare it, and almost always there is a danger that it will be wasted. This stops many housewives from making Italian open pie at home. But there are recipes that allow you to make a quick pizza dough. It takes very little time to knead it, and it is even less to wait for it to be ready for use. Usually it is bland, but some housewives know his options and leaps and bounds.

Cooking Features

The technology of making quick pizza dough may vary depending on the ingredients in its composition. However, there are several rules, without which you can not get the expected result.

  • Pizza flour needs to be of high quality. If there is little gluten in it, the dough will not be sufficiently elastic and viscous to form a thin pie from it. Pizza made from low-quality flour turns out to be gray and often has an unpleasant taste.
  • Dough flour is always sifted. This is done not only for the purpose of purifying it from petty litter. The main task is to saturate it with oxygen, making it looser and lighter. From such flour the pastries turn out more gentle and air. The added benefit of sifted flour is that it mixes better with the liquid base without forming lumps.
  • To make the dough quickly ready for use, add dry, high-speed yeast or baking powder. The latter can be replaced with quenched soda vinegar. Reduce the number of these components is not worth it, otherwise the dough does not fit right away.
  • If the liquid ingredients needed to make the dough, remove them from the refrigerator beforehand and allow them to stay warm for a while, the dough preparation process will take less time.
  • A quick pizza dough often has a liquid consistency. The filling on it is laid out immediately, the base is baked with it. Bake such a pizza for 20-25 minutes, placing it in an oven already preheated to 220 degrees.

There are several recipes for quick dough. The culinary specialist can choose a suitable option based on his gastronomic preferences and the products available in the kitchen.

Fast yeast pizza dough on the water


  • wheat flour - 0, 4 kg;
  • water - 0, 2 l;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • high-speed dry yeast - 15 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the water and allow it to cool to 40 degrees.
  • Put yeast and salt in water. Stir and wait 5 minutes.
  • Sift flour.
  • Add oil to the liquid base, mix.
  • Gradually add flour and stir, knead soft, but not sticky dough.
  • Leave the dough literally for 10-15 minutes.
  • Lubricate the shape and hands.
  • Pour the dough into the form, spread it over your hands.

It remains to put the stuffing on the base, heat the oven to 220 degrees and send the cake to it for about 25 minutes.

Quick yeast pizza dough with honey


  • wheat flour - 0, 3 kg;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dry yeast - 10-11 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • In warm water, dilute honey and add yeast to it. To activate the yeast, the water temperature must be between 35 and 40 degrees. In cold water, yeast will not work, boiling water will kill them.
  • Wait 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the reaction to occur (a foam cap will appear on the water).
  • Add oil and salt, mix well.
  • Combine the liquid base with the sifted flour, knead the dough.

After 10 minutes, the dough will be ready to go. It will be possible to form and bake a pizza base from it, then spread the stuffing on top and bring the cake to readiness.

Fast yeast-free pizza dough on kefir


  • kefir - 0, 25 l;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • wheat flour - 0, 35 kg;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 40 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Remove kefir and eggs from the fridge in advance so that they warm to room temperature by the time the dough is prepared.
  • Break eggs into a bowl, add salt to them, shake them with a whisk or fork.
  • Put soda in kefir, stir. Wait 2-3 minutes, then pour kefir to the eggs and mix them well.
  • Sprinkle the sifted flour in parts and stir until the flour comes to an end. Stir each time you need to carefully, not allowing the formation of lumps. You can use a mixer with a special nozzle for the dough, which is shaped like a corkscrew.
  • Pour in the oil. Stir the dough with it.

The pizza making form from this dough must be oiled or covered with parchment, otherwise the cake will be difficult to remove. The filling on the basis of yeast-free dough on kefir spread immediately, before placing it in the oven.

Fast yeast-free pizza dough on sour cream and mayonnaise


  • wheat flour - 160 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • baking powder for dough - 5 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Sift flour, mix it with baking powder.
  • Combine mayonnaise with sour cream.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with a whisk; you can add a pinch of salt to them.
  • Put a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream on the eggs, whisk them whisk together.
  • Pour a mixture of dry ingredients into a container with a liquid base, stir until smooth.

The dough made according to this recipe is immediately spread in a greased form, the filling is put on it, then the cake is sent to the oven and baked until ready.

Pizza dough can be prepared in a hurry. To taste, a cake made from such a base is almost the same as the traditional one. A quick dough can be either yeast or unleavened, it often has a liquid consistency.

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