Black buns - the real trend of this season! Recipes of black buns for burgers on milk, water, yogurt with yeast and rippers

Black buns - the real trend of this season! Recipes of black buns for burgers on milk, water, yogurt with yeast and rippers

Black burgers came to us from America a few years ago, but have already become quite popular. They look interesting and unusual, they are tasty, fragrant, nourishing, and they are easy to cook at home. The main thing - to make a black bun. By the way, it will fit not only for hamburgers.

Black Buns - General Cooking Principles

The dough for black buns can be cooked on baking powder or in the classical way with yeast. From the liquid water or milk can be used, sometimes they make dough on sour cream or kefir. As in ordinary bread rolls, salt and granulated sugar are also added to this baking.

What else to put in the dough:

• rye or wheat flour;

• eggs;

• butter, margarine, fat.

The most interesting is black. It is achieved by adding confectionery food dyes. But the most popular product is activated carbon. Below are a few recipes with it. Tablets should be carefully kneaded or ground, then sieved or diluted with liquid, kneaded black dough.

Hamburger buns are usually round, so balls are made. Before baking, they are allowed to stand on a baking sheet. Once the dough is sufficient, it needs to be greased. You can cover the egg, water, oil. Do not forget to immediately sprinkle with sesame seeds. Black bread is baked in the oven.

Black buns for burgers with rye flour (on a baking powder)

A dough recipe for black burgers with rye flour and activated charcoal. This is a wonderful natural dye. Additionally, you need sesame seeds, you can also take black seeds or light.


• a glass of sour cream;

• 1.5 Art. rye flour;

• three tablets activ. coal;

• 0.5 cups of oil;

• 7 g sugar;

• sesame;

• 1 tsp of ripper;

• 0.5 tsp. salt.


1. Put sour cream in a bowl. Add salt and sugar. Enter the vegetable oil, stir with a spoon until all the lumps are completely dissolved. 2. In a coffee grinder, we throw tablets of activated carbon and pour some flour. Turn on. Grind.

3. Sift this and the remaining flour in a bowl, add baking powder, stir.

4. Add the dry mixture to sour cream, stir well, the dough is ready! If suddenly there will be little flour, you can pour some more. It happens when sour cream is liquid.

5. Leave the dough for fifteen minutes.

6. While you can heat the oven to 200 degrees, make a baking sheet.

7. Divide the dough into five parts. From each hand to sculpt rounded buns. Spread out a little.

8. Fold on the baking sheet, the distance between the products do not less than five centimeters. Top lubricated with sour cream, sprinkled with black or white sesame.

9. We put black bread baked. They will prepare for about twenty minutes.

Black buns for burgers on the water

Option yeast black buns for burgers. The dough is the easiest and most common in water and vegetable oil. Instead of food coloring, you can again take charcoal, about 5-8 tablets.


• 300 ml of water;

• 70 ml of oil;

• 3 spoons of sugar;

• 2/3 tsp. salts;

• 1.5 tsp. dry yeast;

• 7 drops of black dye;

• sesame.


1. Heat water to about 50 degrees. Add sugar and salt. Stir with a spoon.

2. We drip black liquid food dye. Or grind the tablets of coal, add and stir with a spoon until they are completely dissolved. Sometimes they are first mixed with apple juice or vinegar. Then throw in the dough, so too can be.

3. Enter the usual powdered yeast. If they are good and fresh, then one teaspoon is enough. Dissolve.

4. Fall asleep flour. Knead the black dough. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel. Leave for a couple of hours, keep at room temperature.

5. We take out the dough, divide it into pieces of 120 grams each, so that the baking will turn out black rolls of 100 grams each.

6. We form the balls first, then flatten them a little, shift them to the baking sheet.

7. We leave for half an hour, let them rise a little. 8. It's time to lubricate. You can use an egg or plain water. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

9. We send black bread to bake. At 180 degrees about 15 or 17 minutes.

Black buns for yeast dough burgers in milk

Option yeast black buns for burgers with milk. They are also prepared with activated carbon. If desired, you can sculpt any other forms of dough, make pastries for Halloween.


• 480 grams of white flour;

• salt and sugar;

• 120 grams of milk;

• 8 tablets of coal;

• 120 ml of milk;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 7 grams of dry yeast;

• egg and sesame.


1. Heat the milk with water. Or simply dilute the milk with a hot ode from the kettle, throw a couple of pinch of sugar, salt, about 0.5 tsp. Stir.

2. Put yeast in warm milk. If you use fresh yeast, then add 12-15 grams. Stir.

3. Melt the butter, enter into the dough.

4. We deal in coal. Grind it in a coffee grinder or put in a bag and knock on top with a hammer, roll it with a rolling pin. Lumps should not remain.

5. Mix the flour with coal, refuel the liquid mass. Thoroughly knead smooth black dough. We send to approach in a warm place, cover with a towel.

6. Two hours later, divide the dough into 7-8 buns. This is for standard burgers. If necessary, do more or less.

7. Give shape, shift to the baking sheet. Leave for 20 minutes.

8. Lubricate the surface with an egg, sprinkle with sesame.

9. Black bread is baked for about eighteen minutes at 180 degrees.

Black buns with seeds

The recipe is very tasty and black buns with seeds in the dough. It uses sunflower and some nuts.


• a glass of milk;

• glass of water;

• 15 g yeast;

• 10 tablets of coal;

• 2 tablespoons of peeled seeds;

• 2 spoons of chopped nuts;

• 3 spoons of sugar;

• 50 ml of oil;

• salt, sesame;

• wheat flour.


1. Heat the milk with water. Add to them the yeast, mixed with sugar, dissolve. 2. We introduce salt, we add oil.

3. Crush the charcoal tablets into powder, combine with three cups of flour, sift. Add seeds and nuts, stir.

4. Pour the black flour mixture into the dough, stir it first with a spoon. Then pour the usual flour and knead hands. But do not need a cool mass. Let the dough turn out soft, it will fit faster.

5. We clean a couple of hours in a warm place.

6. We take out black dough, divide it into pieces, make bread. If they are not intended for hamburgers, then you can give absolutely any shape.

7. As soon as the products are ready, transfer them to the baking sheet, wait for the lift.

8. We grease, we sprinkle with sesame or seeds, nuts, bake at 180.

Black buns for burgers with soda (on kefir)

A variant of the test without yeast for those who do not have enough time to wait. You can knead and bake immediately.


• 300 g of kefir;

• flour;

• black dye;

• two eggs;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• salt, sugar.


1. Kefir reheat. Or just get it in advance from the refrigerator. Give stand at the battery.

2. The oven can be turned on immediately, even warmed up to 180 degrees.

3. In kefir fall asleep soda, stir. Let him stand for the quenching reaction.

4. Mix eggs and a spoonful of sugar, enter an incomplete small spoonful of salt. After their dissolution pour kefir with soda.

5. Add black food colors. We achieve the desired color. Remember that after adding flour, the dough will become lighter.

6. Fill the flour, knead homogeneous and smooth black mass.

7. We sculpt shaybochki for burgers. Shifts on a greased or paper-covered pan.

8. It is not necessary to stand and rise to this dough, therefore we immediately lubricate with water, sprinkle black sesame seeds and bake until done.

Black Buns with Charcoal and Coffee

Another option is very tasty, fragrant and unusually soft black buns. They can be used for hamburgers or for any other purposes. Maybe make black hot dogs? In this case, sculpt the elongated sausages. Ingredients

• 220 grams of milk;

• 1 tsp. yeast;

• 1 tsp. instant coffee;

• 5 tablets of coal;

• 3 spoons of brown sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• flour 350-380 grams;

• 40 grams of oil.


1. Pour the yeast and granulated sugar into warm milk, add 0.5 cups of flour. Stir and wait about fifteen minutes to appear foam.

2. Add instant coffee, crushed tablets of coal, half a teaspoon of salt and dissolve everything well.

3. Melt the butter. But you can add vegetable oil to this dough, it will also work out. Fill.

4. Beat eggs with a fork and also add to the total weight.

5. We mix everything well, we begin to pour sifted white flour. As soon as it becomes difficult to stir the dough with a spoon, we begin to make it with our hands.

6. Remove ready dough with charcoal for lifting into heat.

7. As soon as the weight increases three times, you can sculpt the rolls. On the baking tray we give them a good rise again.

8. Before baking, brush with water or egg, sprinkle the top with sesame.

Black buns - tips and tricks

• Black dough is easy to burn, as the blush is not visible on it. Carefully follow the baking, check readiness.

• In fact, burgers can be made not only black. Why not add bright food colors to the dough? Especially this decision will rejoice children.

• No sesame? You can sprinkle black buns with chopped nuts, seeds and even regular oatmeal.

• If the room is cold and the dough does not want to rise on the rolls, put it on a saucepan with warm water or on the battery.

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