Eggplants with garlic for the winter - savory harvesting of “blue ones”. Unusual and classic recipes for preparing eggplants with garlic for the winter

Eggplants with garlic for the winter - savory harvesting of “blue ones”. Unusual and classic recipes for preparing eggplants with garlic for the winter

Today, more and more people prefer healthy food. Eggplant contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to humans.

Not many people know, but the vitamin PP contained in it (nicotinic acid) will help you to get rid of such a bad habit, like smoking. It will help to transfer nicotine starvation more easily.

This vegetable is indispensable in the diet. Cellulose will help remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. In addition, eggplant contains only 28 kcal per 100 g. However, remember that fried eggplants absorb quite a lot of oil, therefore it is better to use boiled or baked vegetables in the dietary diet.

Eggplant with garlic for the winter - the basic principles of cooking

By itself, the vegetable does not have a pronounced taste, but in combination with other vegetables, herbs and spices turns into an excellent snack.

Before cooking, eggplants must be prepared. Cutting the vegetable into pieces of the desired shape, they need to be salted and left for some time, so that bitterness will come out. After which the eggplants squeeze, if desired, you can rinse them under running water. If you do not do this, then your snack will taste bitter, which will undoubtedly ruin the billet.

For preservation, take only ripe fruit, without any damage.

Eggplant canning with garlic recipes is a huge amount. We will tell you about the most popular, tasty and original.

Recipe 1: Spicy Eggplants with Garlic for the Winter

Unparalleled, spicy snack.


eggplants - 10 kg;

500 g of garlic;

a few hot peppers;

Vinegar - half a liter.

Method of preparation

1. Eggplants, thoroughly wash and cut the stem. Cut vegetables into circles, approximately 2 cm thick. In a bucket of water, dissolve a kilogram of salt. Place the eggplants in the salt solution, press down lightly on top, and leave for half an hour. 2. Drain the water, squeeze the eggplants well. Now each circle fry in vegetable oil until golden brown appears.

3. Disassemble the garlic into the teeth, remove the seeds from the pepper. Twist everything in a meat grinder. In the mixture of garlic and pepper, add vinegar, and leave for half an hour.

4. Place the eggplants in jars, alternating with dressing. In the process, the juice should rise to the neck, but if it is not enough, you can add liquid from the dressing.

5. Sterilize jars with eggplants for about 20 minutes, then roll up.

Recipe 2: Eggplant with garlic for the winter “Spark”

Fried eggplants in garlic and pepper adjika. The secret of this recipe is to use honey. Depending on what kind of honey you take, the taste may change. Eggplants are spicy and slightly spicy.


one and a half kilograms of eggplant;

500 g sweet bell peppers;

200g of garlic;

1 bitter pepper;

125 g of vinegar;

honey 100 g;

15 g of salt;

sunflower oil 300 ml.

Method of preparation

1. To prepare this snack, take a small eggplant. Wash and wipe the fruits thoroughly with a towel, cut the stalks and chop them into rings half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle vegetables with salt and leave for an hour, then squeeze the eggplants.

2. You can fry the rings, but it will be faster and easier to bake them in the oven, this will not affect the final result. Grease a flat baking dish with vegetable oil and place eggplant circles on it. Grease them with oil on top. Bake the eggplants in the oven at 200 degrees until cooked, it will take about half an hour. When the eggplant appears ruddy crust, remove them from the oven and carefully put on a dish.

3. We proceed to the preparation of refueling. Remove the seeds from the peppers, cut them into small pieces. Garlic disassemble and clean. Grind prepared vegetables with a meat grinder. In a mass of vegetables, add salt, vinegar and honey. Mix thoroughly. 4. Sterilize jars and lids. Place the eggplants in the prepared dishes, perelaivaya their adjika.

5. Sterilization snacks. At the bottom of a wide pot, lay a cloth and put the jars covered with sterile lids. Fill with cold water so that it does not reach the neck of the can. Put on the stove, waiting for the boil, reduce the heat so that the water boils only slightly, and leave for another 15 minutes.

6. Preservation roll up, turn over and cover with a towel. In this form, it should stand for a day.

Recipe 3: Eggplant with garlic for the winter with carrots and onions

Delicate fried eggplants in combination with crispy onions and carrots.


a kilo of eggplants;

several medium carrots;

a couple of large bulbs;

a couple of garlic heads

For the marinade:

glass of water;

150 g of sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil;

salt - 20 g

Method of preparation

1. Wash and dry the eggplants with a napkin, cut the stalks and chop them in small pieces. Salt them and leave for half an hour, then rinse under running water, put on a napkin so that excess moisture is absorbed. Pour a small amount of sunflower oil on a baking sheet and pour the eggplants in a single layer. From above, they also need to pour oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the eggplants for half an hour. After 15 minutes eggplants need to be mixed.

2. While the eggplants are being cooked, prepare the remaining vegetables. Peel the carrots and rub them in a Korean grated carrot. Peel and chop the garlic using a press in a carrot, mix everything thoroughly. Onion cut into half rings. Bake the eggplants out of the oven and cool them a little.

3. Place the eggplants in dry prepared jars, transferring them to vegetables in the following order: eggplants, garlic with carrots, and finally, onions. Banks fill a centimeter below the neck.

4. Mix all marinade ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir the marinade until the salt and sugar dissolve completely. Pour them eggplants. 5. Pour warm water over the hanger banks. Cover them with lids, put the pot on the stove and wait until the water boils. Then reduce the fire, and sterilize for about 20 minutes.

6. Turn the finished preservation, and cover with a blanket. Leave it for a day.

Recipe 4: Spicy eggplant appetizer with garlic for the winter


ripe eggplants - 5 kg;

garlic - 400 g;

1 kg of sweet bell peppers;

200 g of vinegar;

several pieces of hot red pepper;

sugar - 100 g;

sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp .;


Method of preparation

1. Eggplants wash and dry with a napkin, and cut into circles about 3 cm thick. Pour them with salt and leave for an hour. Then rinse the eggplants under running water and place on a towel so that excess moisture is gone. Fry eggplant circles or bake in the oven until soft and golden brown.

2. At the Bulgarian and bitter pepper, remove the seeds, sort the dill and rinse, disassemble the garlic into the cloves and peel it. Grind all vegetables and greens in a meat grinder. Add sugar and vinegar to this mixture, mix the ingredients until sugar is dissolved.

3. Dip each eggplant circle in the pepper-garlic mixture and place tightly in the prepared jars. Boil the filled container about 20 minutes. Turn the closed preservation, and wrap a blanket. Leave it in this form for a day.

Recipe 5: Eggplant with garlic in pepper for the winter


eggplants - 3 kg;

one and a half kilograms of bell peppers;

half a kilogram of garlic;

one bitter pepper;

vegetable oil;

pepper, salt and vinegar.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the fruits of eggplants, peel and chop into cubes. Add salt to the water and stir until it is completely dissolved. In brine, eggplants should be kept for an hour.

2. Remove seeds from pepper. Peel the garlic. All vegetables should be grind in a meat grinder.

3. Squeeze the eggplants and put them on a towel so that excess moisture is absorbed. In a bowl with a thick bottom or a cauldron, pour in sunflower oil and heat. Add the eggplants and fry until soft and golden brown. Put the vegetable mixture to the eggplants and quickly combine, salt and pepper to taste. 4. Put the eggplants in the prepared 1-liter jars, pour 50 g of vinegar into each, cover with the lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Turn the preservation down covers and cover with a blanket. Leave it for two days.

Recipe 6. Eggplants with garlic and nuts for the winter

Very original and tasty eggplant preparation with garlic for the winter. Nuts give the snack a savory taste and a festive look.


eggplants - 3 kg;

garlic - 400 g;


red hot pepper - two pods;

250 grams of walnut kernels;

Vegetable oil - 750 ml;

100 grams of vinegar;


Method of preparation

1. Wash the fruits of eggplant, blot with a towel and cut into sticks, salt, mix, and leave for an hour. After this, press.

2. Heat the vegetable oil and fry the prepared vegetables on low heat until golden brown.

3. Peel the garlic, free the peppers from the seeds, sort the greens and wash them. Grind all vegetables, herbs and nuts in a blender. Add vegetable oil and vinegar to this mass.

4. Carefully combine the eggplants with the nut-vegetable mass and spread them over the prepared jars. Do not apply full jars, otherwise, when the juice starts to boil, it will overflow.

5. Banks, cover with lids, put on a baking sheet and send to the oven. Turn the regulator to 160 degrees and leave for half an hour. Turn the finished preservation caps down and wrap a warm blanket. Leave for a couple of days.

Recipe 7. Fried eggplants with garlic for the winter


Ripe eggplants - 5 kg;

garlic - 400 g;


salt - 100 g;

vegetable oil - 750 ml.

Method of preparation

1. Take eggplants of the same size, wash them, rub them with a towel and cut off the stalks. Cut circles of medium thickness. Sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour to let the bitterness out.

2. Fry the circles until golden brown for about five minutes on one, and three, on the other side. 3. Peel the garlic and grind with finely chopped greens and salt. Dip each eggplant circle in a mixture of garlic and greens, and place them tightly in prepared jars. Top with boiled or refined sunflower oil at the rate of 2 tbsp. on the jar.

4. Eggplant jars boil for about 20 minutes. Close the lids and turn the jars, wrap them and leave for a day.

Recipe 8. Eggplants with garlic for the winter “Teschin tongue”

This recipe will appeal to all lovers of spicy snacks.


eggplants - 4 kg;

on 10 pieces tomato and bell peppers;

garlic - 300 g;

red hot pepper - 4-5 pcs .;

a glass of sugar;

salt - 50 g;

vegetable little - half a glass;

150 grams of vinegar.

Method of preparation

1. Wash eggplants, wipe with a towel and remove the stem. Chop circles of medium thickness. Sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour, then rinse the eggplants under running water and squeeze.

2. Spicy and sweet peppers from seeds. Peel the garlic. Wash tomatoes and boiling water, then remove the skin from them. Grind all vegetables in a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients.

3. Pour eggplants with cooked marinade and simmer for half an hour.

4. Wash and sterilize jars. Place an eggplant salad in them and roll up sterile lids. Sterilize the salad is not necessary. Turn the banks and wrap, leave the preservation for a day.

Recipe 9. Eggplants with garlic for the winter

For salting is better to take the fruits of small or medium size.


ripe eggplants - 10 kg;

garlic - 500 g;

several pieces of bay leaf.

For brine:

water - liter;

salt - 50 g

Method of preparation

1. At washed eggplant, remove the stem. Boil water in a bucket, salt and blanch the eggplants in this brine for about five minutes. Then put them in cold water. Put the finished eggplants on the board and flatten them down with a load.

2. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Cut the eggplants along, and open them like a book. Rub the inside of the fruit with garlic and fold the halves together. Lay these eggplants tightly in a bucket, while distributing bay leaf and garlic between them. 3. Make a brine of water and salt. Fill them with laid eggplants, cover with a plate and put a load on it. Store these eggplants - in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Eggplant with garlic for the winter - tricks and useful tips from professionals

  • For canning, it is better to take young fruits of small size. They cook much faster and the pulp of the eggplant is tender, without streaks.
  • If you really like garlic, and it seems to you that in the recipe it is not enough, add as much garlic as you see fit. Garlic spoil eggplant is almost impossible.
  • You can grind vegetables in a blender, if not, then a meat grinder or a food processor is fine.
  • Tomatoes can be successfully replaced by tomato paste, the taste of snacks does not change at all.
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