How to salt Russula for the winter

How to salt Russula for the winter

Russula - beautiful mushrooms. They differ not only in the color of the caps. These mushrooms are of different varieties: some are almost completely devoid of bitterness, which lactic acid attaches to them, while others, on the contrary, are so bitter that they are almost inedible in the fried and boiled form. But if you soak them in water and pickle, you can eat them in just a week or two, depending on the recipe. Some believe that salted russula can be eaten the very next day. This is a dangerous misconception: death is unlikely, but nausea and other signs of hurry poisoning are provided. We will tell you how to salt the Russula right for the winter: in cans and barrels, in a cold and hot way.

How to salt Russula

The fact that, despite the name, raw russula is not worth it, we decided. Now it remains to learn how to salt them.

  • Any kinds of russules are suitable for cold salting, for hot - not too bitter, and for dry salting - only mushrooms that are almost completely devoid of lactic acid (they have almost no completely clear cut). The degree of bitterness of collected syroezhek can be judged if you try them on the tongue: some are not bitter, others, on the contrary, are very bitter. It depends on the type of russules how long they should be soaked before salting. Bitters are soaked for 24 hours, while every 5-6 hours they need to change the water. Non bitter enough to soak in water for 5 hours.
  • Russula - mushrooms fragile, so wash and clean them should be carefully. It is better to postpone even washing and cleaning for a while and soak the russula first - then it is easier to clean the garbage and dirt. You can also use this method: pour the russula with hot water, and after 15 minutes, drain in a colander and rinse under cold water.
  • Some are tormented by the question: is it necessary to remove the film from the cap. In traditional recipes, this is not required, but still with time and effort (if there are not many mushrooms collected), it is better to remove the top film: without it, the mushrooms look prettier and are better preserved.

Once the russula has been cleaned, they can be salted for the winter by choosing the appropriate method. Cold is suitable for those who have enough space to store in the refrigerator a large enamel pot, or for villagers who have a cool basement. For city dwellers, the hottest way is more convenient, since it allows salting mushrooms in jars immediately. Banks are also suitable for salting mushrooms by the dry method.

Recipe for cold salting of syroezhek for the winter


  • russula - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • dill - 5 umbrellas;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • currant leaves - 5 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Soap the cereals for two or three days in cold water, at least twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), changing it. Last time for 6-8 hours russula soak in salted water, dissolving in 5 liters of salt in the amount of 100 g.
  • Disassemble the dill umbrellas into small blades of grass with seeds.
  • Peel and thinly chop the garlic.
  • At the bottom of the pot or barrel, lay currant leaves.
  • Divide the mushrooms into about 10 pieces and place them with the caps down, each layer pouring two tablespoons of salt and shifting them with a small amount of dill, garlic plates.
  • Fill with a liter of clean cool water, cover with gauze. Place a wooden disk, lid or plate slightly smaller than the diameter of the container in which the russula are salted on top.
  • Set the pressure on the top and place the container with the russula in a cold place (up to 6 degrees). After 5 days, you can report new mushrooms, just sprinkling them with salt.

There are russula, salted in a cold way, it is possible two weeks after the last batch of mushrooms has been put in the pan (or barrel). At the same time, they can be put in jars, poured with brine and stored in the refrigerator under capron covers for the whole winter.

Recipe for spicy salting russula for the winter in a hot way


  • russula - 1 kg;
  • water - 1, 5 l;
  • allspice (peas) - 8 pcs .;
  • carnation - 4 pcs .;
  • currant leaves - 5 pcs .;
  • cherry leaves - 5 pcs.,
  • salt - 50 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Peeled and soaked in cold water russula rinse, cover with a liter of water.
  • When the water boils, put spicy leaves, pepper and cloves in the pickle. Cook over low heat, constantly removing the foam until the russula falls to the bottom, and the brine does not brighten.
  • Spread out the mushrooms into banks that you must sterilize beforehand. Fill with boiling brine.
  • Roll cans with sterilized lids.

Despite the fact that russulae have undergone heat treatment and lie in clean cans, hermetically sealed, they need to be stored in a cool room, best of all in the refrigerator. For consumption they will be ready in 10 days.

Recipe for salting of syroezhek with horseradish and garlic in jars


  • russula - 1 kg;
  • cooking water - 1, 5 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs .;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil prepared russules, removing the foam. When they descend to the bottom, fold to a colander.
  • When the water is drained, put the mushrooms in a clean bowl (boil it before boiling).
  • Pour with salt.
  • Peel the garlic, cut into thin plates, put it against the russula, mix everything well but gently.
  • Sterilize the jar.
  • At the bottom put a sheet of horseradish and an umbrella of dill.
  • Spread the mushrooms, sprinkle with a spoon.
  • Place a piece of horseradish and dill on top.
  • Roll up. Store in the refrigerator.

If salting russula for the winter according to this recipe, that is, they can be in 7 days. They especially like the lovers of savory snacks.

How to Salt Russula Dry Method


  • Russula (non bitter) - 1 kg;
  • salt - 60 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash russula, dry.
  • Cut into large chunks.
  • Pour salt, mix.
  • Fold in a sterilized jar, cover with clean gauze, set the pressure (for example, a half-liter plastic bottle filled with water).
  • Put in the fridge.

Dry-salted russula can be eaten after three weeks, soaking beforehand to remove salt. To prepare hot dishes, you can use them the next day. If you pickle mushrooms in a dry way, then you can keep them in the fridge all winter.

Russula are very tasty in salted form, and they are salted quickly. It is worth trying to prepare them for the winter in this way at least in small quantities.

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