How to store pears

How to store pears

Pears are healthy and tasty fruits. They are less popular than apples, but only because it is more difficult to grow and keep them.

There are dozens of minerals and vitamins that are hidden in a fragrant pear. Fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps to bring intestinal motility back to normal.

Fructose, which gives pears sweetness, turns them into a useful and desirable fruit for people suffering from problems with the pancreas.

Experts say that pears increase immunity. The fruits are also antidepressants that can improve not only the physical but also the mental state, give a good mood.

How, having such information, do not try to have such a treasure as often as possible present on the table?

How to store pears to ripen

Pears intended for further storage should be harvested at the stage of technical maturity, when the green color leaves them and the fruit is just beginning to turn red or yellow.

It is better to bring completely immature fruits to the necessary condition:

  • Spread the pears in a room with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees.
  • Leave the fruit for a period of one to five days. The specific length of time depends on the speed of ripening pears.
  • Check the condition of the fruit twice a day.
  • Move slightly immature pears to a cool room with a temperature not exceeding five degrees.

If necessary, fruit ripening can be accelerated using such methods:

  • It is noticed that the longer the green pears lie in coolness, the faster they will ripen at room temperature. Therefore, the fruit should be kept for a day in the refrigerator and only after that do it with them as described above.
  • Put the pears in one paper bag with apples or bananas. You can just put the fruit nearby. Ethylene, secreted by bananas and especially apples, affects the ripening of pears as a catalyst.

Different varieties ripen at different times. For example, the immature Bartlett pear (Bartlett) will turn into a juicy fruit in 4-5 days, and Anjou will need a week or more.

You can check whether pears are ready for consumption, because of the state of the pulp near the stem - the skin on it breaks even from a small touch.

Rules for collecting pears for storage

How long it will be possible to save pears depends on the correctness of their collection. If the fruits purchased - on how they were plucked from the tree, can not be affected.

But when cleaning on your own, you should not forget about these rules:

  • No need to wait for the full ripeness of the fruit. Such pears simply fall themselves, and then damage is inevitable. The fruits will have to eat immediately, because they can not be stored.
  • Pears are collected by hand. It does not hurt to wear thin gloves made of cloth. To remove the fruit, located too high on the tree, fit a special device, called the fruit tree.
  • Even small damage is dangerous to pears. From a minor blow, they begin to deteriorate. To protect the integrity of the pears, they need to be carefully folded into a small bucket or basket, the bottom of which is covered with several layers of soft fabric.

Summer varieties do not last long. It is better to eat them fresh or, if there are many fruits, make preparations for the winter in the form of jam, jam or compote. Autumn varieties are more dense, so these fruits should be left for the winter.

Long storage of pears - preparation

An important component of preparing pears for storage is the choice of packaging. Suitable plastic and wooden boxes, baskets. The surface should be smooth and the bottom should be soft. The walls of the container is desirable to impose a paper.

Fruits need:

  • wrapped in thin and soft paper;
  • maximize in three layers;
  • to be laid diagonally;
  • turn the stalks so that they do not touch, but fall between the fruits.

Each layer of fruit is also covered with paper. It can be replaced with soft deciduous wood shavings, maple and oak leaves, and moss.

Many prefer to use sand. This is done like this:

  • The bottom of the container is covered with paper.
  • Heated sand is poured on top of a small layer.
  • Pears are laid out diagonally.
  • A layer of sand is poured on top. Then alternate pears and sand. He also poured the top layer of the fruit to the top. Sand prevents the penetration of air into the pears, which means they will last longer.

Fruits that have not reached ripeness, with a stem, without scratches and dents are suitable for storage. Fruits with a flaw can rot not only by themselves, but also infect the neighboring ones. Therefore, you should carefully examine each fruit before placing it in a box.

Long-term storage features

You can store pears in:

  • fridge;
  • basement;
  • cellar;
  • pantry.

Storage conditions:

  • Air temperature should not exceed four degrees of heat and decrease below zero. We can not allow its sudden drops.
  • Optimum humidity of air - within 85-90%.
  • Indoors should have ventilation or the possibility of occasional ventilation.
  • It is desirable that the pears are placed on the rack. In this case, we should not forget that the upper air layers are warmer than the lower ones. Therefore, it is wiser to place those pears that will be used in the first place above. Fruits for longer storage are wiser to place on the lower racks.
  • Tare with pears should be placed away from other fruits and vegetables.

In the absence of a dark room, the boxes can be covered with a cloth that allows air to pass through.

The condition of the pears should be checked several times a week. Slightly spoiled fruit should be immediately removed from the boxes.

Summer pear varieties can be kept a maximum until October, and winter ones lie until January and even February.

The shelf life of the fruit in the refrigerator is much less. More than a month to hold them will not work.

When you follow all the rules of storage, you can enjoy fragrant pears almost until spring. While fruits are lying in boxes, they have time to ripen, become juicy, oily and always tasty.

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