Compote of apples and pears for the winter: the components of taste. Favorite compote of apples and pears for the winter in recipes without knowledge

Compote of apples and pears for the winter: the components of taste. Favorite compote of apples and pears for the winter in recipes without knowledge

Between compote and a drink in a plastic bottle is a big difference.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose compote in any of its variations and teach modern Russian children with diapers to this old Russian drink, distracting them from pepsi, forfeits and other fluids with elements present in the brake fluid, dry cleaning agents by any means.

If you cook compote - laziness and easier to buy a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, read at your leisure, which means the name is literally translated into Russian - two components that make up the name and drink - plants containing narcotic substances.

Is this not a reason to change habits and return to simple recipes of drinks of Slavic cuisine, where benefits are in every drop.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter - the basic technological principles

According to the rules of technology, the ratio of water, sugar and fruit in compote should be approximately the same. This applies to large production lines. In home canning, such strict requirements are not necessary to comply with, therefore each housewife should be guided by his own criteria for selecting a recipe for a compote of apples and pears for the winter.

Let's remember what troubles most do not like when canning.

• When most of the glass jars are already spent on canning cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, and lecho, then you have to think about where else to get the empty container, but it is not cheap.

To solve this problem, you can use recipes of concentrated compotes of apples and pears for the winter. Reduce the amount of water in the jar to the minimum volume, filling it to the top with fruit and thick syrup. Water can be added in winter by opening the can and bringing its contents to the boil with the right amount of water. This technique can reduce the consumption of containers for the preservation of compote. Concentrates will also allow you to conveniently place the jars in the pantry, and there will still be plenty of free space. • If you are embarrassed by the high cost of sugar, which in the season of harvesting already strains the family budget - close the compote of apples and pears for the winter completely without sugar. In this recipe there are, in addition to savings in the summer, a number of some advantages. A sugar-free drink contains a minimum of calories and therefore it can be consumed even while dieting. Sugar, if desired, can be added before consumption. Fruits and berries contain a sufficient amount of natural acid, which will help compote in the bank perfectly preserved. Sugar, as a preservative, in such cases, the component is optional.

• If you have to buy fruits for canning in the market, in the absence of your own garden, then remember how much are the drinks, which you will still buy all year, and at the same time calculate the cost of medicines for the prevention or treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other troubles related to use of “food chemistry”. In addition, fruits in winter are even more expensive, but vitamins are still needed.

• Those housewives who do not tolerate heat in the kitchen during the pasteurization process can easily master the methods of preservation, which exclude this tedious process - preserve it in a two or threefold process without pasteurization, and add citric acid before rolling. Banks, if you carefully clean them with baking soda, and rinse with boiling water, can also not be sterilized. Or disinfect them after the usual washing in the microwave. As the saying goes, "the wolves are fed and the sheep are whole."

• Do not want to mess around for a long time with the cutting of fruit - close the whole. Compote is improvisation. Whole fruits in winter can be caramelized and decorate their desserts so that friends will ask for a “recipe” of a regular sponge cake or a sweet curd. And from the liquid part of the compote you can boil the kissel, syrup, make jelly.

No strict standards bookmark products for compotes does not exist. Compote - a drink that can not be spoiled. The only problem with its cooking is to preserve the vitamins. And a little about the raw compote of apples and pears for the winter. Most often, homemade canned fruits are used in varieties that grow on a tree, or from those that have been bought cheaper, at a wholesale price — right away, for jam, jam, and apple and pear fruit compote for the winter.

In accordance with industrial technologies, for example, the “White filling” apple variety is not recommended for processing, since its pulp is loose and boiled soft as a result of heat treatment. But these recommendations have nothing to do with home technologies, because if the tree grows in the garden and there are no other varieties nearby, then it is possible to prepare a compote for the winter from it. Just pick the apples from the tree in a half-ripe state, while they are hard, and the over-ripe fruits will just be useful for jam. The density of fruits especially needs to be considered if they are cut into slices for compote. The smaller the sliced, the denser the fruit should be so that after pasteurization it does not turn into a puree mass.

That's all the wisdom, except that cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom (for roasting duck or turkey), fresh mint leaves are very suitable for apples and pears. These are original recipes of compote from apples and pears for the winter, “with a twist”. Creativity is one of the foundations of cooking.

Recipe 1. Compote from apples and pears for the winter, without sugar

Raw materials:

  • Garden apples
  • Forest Pears
  • Water


For compote, pick apples garden, sweet varieties, technical ripeness, and “wild”, forest pears. Before cutting the fruits, soak them in cold salted water for 2-3 hours: salt will help “expel” the fruit pests, and if the fruit was bought from the market, then pre-soaking will eliminate pesticides.

Prepare sterile jars and lids. Fruits cut into slices, removing the core and the stem. Boil the water in a large saucepan and blanch the slices together for 2-3 minutes. Then place them in the banks to the top. Pour in the water, in which blanched fruit, cover the jars with lids. When cooled to 40 ° C, pour the water back into the pot, boil and repeat the pouring. For the third time after the water boils, add a little citric acid (to taste). Immediately pour compote into jars and roll up the lids. Opening cans with apple and pear fruit compote in winter, you can add sugar to taste. Fruits in such compote will remain intact and retain the flavor of summer, and even such compote can be consumed with diets, as well as diabetic patients.

Recipe 2. Compote from apples and pears for the winter, from whole fruits


  • White filling
  • Pear “Lemon”, summer
  • Sugar syrup (ready)


Collect small fruits of apples and pears, technical ripeness, without any signs of damage. Soak them in water, wash and remove the stalk. Densely packed in prepared sterile jars, pour the fruit with boiling water, soak them for half an hour. Drain the water in a saucepan and add the same amount of sugar. Boil the syrup until the sample is “thicker”. Keep in mind that after boiling, the volume of syrup that needs to be poured over the fruit will decrease, so add water immediately, before cooking the syrup - you can use the excess for other preservation recipes. In the process of cooking syrup, remove the foam - you need to syrup was transparent, and five minutes before the end of cooking, add a solution of citric acid (2 g per liter of syrup). Pour the fruit in the cans with boiling syrup and roll up immediately. Wrap the cans in a blanket and hold them until cool.

Such a concentrated compote can be used to make drinks and desserts in the winter.

Recipe 3. Compote of apples and pears for the winter with raspberry syrup - maceduan

Composition per can (3l):

  • Raspberry syrup 30%
  • Apples and Pears (Peeled Slices) 40%
  • Water


Prepare apples and pears, as described in the recipe number 1, but at the same time pre-clean the fruit from the skin. Place the slices in sterile jars, filling them in 1/3 volume. In the boiling water, add the same amount of raspberry syrup, boil for 5 minutes and pour the fruit. Banks immediately put in a water bath and sterilize. For cans with a capacity of 1.0 l, sterilization time - 10 minutes, 2.0-3.0 l - 15 minutes.

After sterilization, immediately seal and turn upside down to cool.

Recipe 4. Compote of apples and pears for the winter in prune syrup

Raw materials:

  • Dried prunes 20%
  • Water 40%
  • Sugar 10%
  • Apples and pears of autumn varieties (1: 1) 30%


Put peeled and sliced ​​apples and pears with firm pulp into prepared sterile jars. Fill them with 1/3 of the volume. From sugar and prunes cook compote, as usual. Let it brew, strain and fill the jar with it.

Sterilize the compote, immediately roll up the jars and turn them over to cool.

Recipe 5. Compote of apples and pears for the winter with vanilla

Raw materials:

Invert syrup 3 parts

Fruits, sliced ​​(apples and pears) 30%

Vanilla (to taste)

Water 4 pieces


Prepare slices of pears and apples, fill cans, half the volume or slightly less. In the boiling water, add vanilla and syrup, mix, and after 2-3 minutes, pour the contents of the cans with it. Cover the jars with lids and pasteurize for 10-15 minutes. Immediately cork after pasteurization, and turn over the jars.

Recipe 6. Compote of apples and pears for the winter - brew with wild rose hips


  • Rosehip 200 g
  • Honey 400 g
  • Dried fruits: apples, prunes and pears - 300 g
  • Water 3 l


An ancient recipe of ancestors - brew. He was cooked for the holidays, served on the table on Christmas Eve, with the hope of well-being, and be sure to add honey to it. Of course, the compote of honey and dried fruits can be cooked at any time, and for this it is not necessary to preserve it in jars, but there is one subtlety: the more it infuses - the tastier. Briar collect after the first frost, or use dried berries. Wash dried fruits, cover with cold water and cook over low heat, from the moment of boiling - 5-10 minutes. Add honey and in five minutes pour into hot sterile jars. Seal without pasteurization.

Compote of apples and pears for the winter - useful tips and tricks

  • For canning, try to select fruits of the same degree of ripeness, so that after sterilization they retain their shape and consistency. More ripe fruits may be boiled after sterilization. For the same reason, the whole fruits are sorted by size before being put into jars.
  • It is no secret that gardens are treated with pesticides for pest control. Therefore, fruits purchased on the market must be kept in water before processing to avoid the ingress of pesticides into canned beverages.
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