How to make compote from frozen berries

How to make compote from frozen berries

In winter, our body is in dire need of vitamin replenishment. To fill the shortage of vital elements can be enough to drink a few cups of compote made from frozen berries.

Modern freezing technologies make it possible to preserve in the berries most of the beneficial substances contained in them. Cooking compote of frozen berries is not a difficult task, and if you use the recipes below, the process will be easy and quick.

Compote from frozen berries on sugar syrup

You will need:

  • favorite frozen berries - 0, 5 kilograms,
  • sugar - 2 glasses,
  • water - 2 liters.

Method of preparation

  • Pour all the sugar into a large saucepan.
  • Add water.
  • Set on fire and bring to a boil. It is advisable to constantly stir, since the sugar dissolves faster.
  • Put unbroken berries in boiling syrup. Stir. Bring to a boil.
  • Turn down the fire. Cover with a lid. Boil 10 minutes.
  • Cool. Strain.

The compote of frozen berries prepared according to this recipe will be very useful on the winter table.

Compote of frozen berries with added lemon

You will need:

  • frozen berries (raspberries, cherries, strawberries, currants) - 0.5 kg,
  • sugar - 1 cup,
  • water - 2, 5 liters,
  • lemon or orange - 1 piece.

Method of preparation

  • Pour water in a saucepan (for making compote, it is advisable to use enamelware). Bring to a boil.
  • Add freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange juice to boiling water.
  • Put the amount of sugar in the list of ingredients. Bring to a boil.
  • Put frozen berries into the boiling syrup (before cooking the compote they should not be thawed, as they will lose a lot of juice).
  • After boiling, simmer compote over moderate heat for no more than five minutes.
  • Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour, infuse.
  • Strain before serving. Enjoyable!

Compote of frozen berries with mint and cinnamon

You will need:

  • frozen berries (any) - 0, 5 kilograms,
  • dried mint - 150 grams,
  • sugar - 1, 5 glasses,
  • water - 2, 5 liters,
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Method of preparation

  • Mint pour hot water (but not boiling water) in the amount specified in the list of ingredients.
  • Put frozen berries in a bowl and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Put the slightly thawed berries in a mint infusion.
  • Add sugar and cinnamon.
  • Put on the fire and cook for 10 minutes on moderate fire.
  • Allow the compote to cool slightly, strain. After that you can enjoy the original taste of frozen fruit compote.

Compote recipe with photo

List of ingredients:

  • 3 handfuls of frozen strawberries,
  • 2 handfuls of frozen cherries,
  • 2 handfuls of frozen red currants,
  • 4 tbsp. l sugar
  • 2, 5 l of water,
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice.

Method of preparation

How to make compote from frozen berries

1. Put frozen strawberries into the pan. Since it is not necessary to thaw the berries before cooking, this significantly speeds up the process - they took the ingredients from the freezer and cook a delicious drink. If strawberries with tails - do not worry.

How to make compote from frozen berries

2. Now add frozen cherries to the pan. If the berry is sour, as is often the case, then you may need more sugar.

How to make compote from frozen berries

3. In the next step, put the frozen red currants in the pan to the berries. To save time, the berry was frozen together with the twigs and therefore we are now sending it to the pan in its original form.

How to make compote from frozen berries

4. Add granulated sugar. Since strawberries are almost always very sweet and fragrant, cherries often come with sourness, but not always, and red currants almost always have pronounced sourness, the amount of sugar is indicated conditionally, that is, it can fluctuate up or down.

How to make compote from frozen berries

5. Add water to the pan to the top and set on fire. When the water with the berries boils, make a slow fire and cook, cover the lid loosely for 20 minutes. Mix the fruit stewed several times to make sure that the sugar has completely dissolved. Also add 10 minutes before the end of cooking lemon juice or 1/5 tsp. citric acid.

How to make compote from frozen berries

6. Let the prepared compote steep under the tightly closed lid for about 15 minutes. Then cool it by placing the pan in a bowl of cold water or just in a cool place. Before pouring a healthy berry drink into glasses or into a decanter, strain it from twigs and leaves. According to the above recipes, you can make a compote of any berries and fruits. You can reduce or, on the contrary, increase the amount of sugar, add or remove ingredients from your list to your liking. However, it will not be superfluous to finally report a few useful tips that will help make the compote of frozen berries more fragrant, tastier, more useful.

  • Frozen berries before making compote should not be thawed, otherwise they will lose a lot of juice, and with it a lot of vitamins. If, for any reason, the berries are still thawed, then add a couple of minutes before the end of cooking the compote berry juice in the pan.
  • It is necessary to boil the compote of frozen berries over a moderate fire, as this will preserve most of the nutrients in the drink, and the berries will not turn into puree.
  • A foam will form during cooking, it should be removed because there is no benefit in it.
  • Compote will turn out to be fragrant, tastier and brighter if you cook it not from one type of berries, but to combine several tastes.
  • And of course, the more berries you put in compote, the richer will be the taste of in the finished drink.
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