Compote from black currant and apples

Compote from black currant and apples

Black currant is an amazing representative of berry plants. It has an extremely rich taste and strong aroma due to the high content of essential oils. Small blue berries are a kind of concentrate, so they are very convenient for making compotes, jelly, jelly, and other sweet foods and drinks. A handful of currant berries will easily paint a few liters of compote into a beautiful ruby ​​color and saturate it with flavor, and the rest of the taste can be added with cheaper fruits like apples and pears.


  • apples - 500-600 grams;
  • black currant - 100 g;
  • sugar - 4-6 tbsp. l .;
  • filtered water - 1.5 liters.

Compote currant-apple recipe

Compote from black currant and apples

1. Prepare the berries and fruits. Clean the currants from the twigs and rinse.

Compote from black currant and apples

2. Peel the apple. Cut into thin strips.

Compote from black currant and apples

3. We select a suitable pan. Put apples and currants in it.

Compote from black currant and apples

4. Then add the required amount of sugar.

Compote from black currant and apples

5. Pour about one and a half liters of boiling water and set it on fire. Be sure to bring to a boil.

Compote from black currant and apples

6. Prepare a jar, wash and sterilize with boiling water. Boil the lid.

Compote from black currant and apples

7. Put some compote in the jar to the very edges.

Compote from black currant and apples

8. Close the lid and roll.

Compote from black currant and apples

9. Compote is ready. It is recommended to turn the jar overnight. And in the morning to shift to a cool place.

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