How to freeze plums

How to freeze plums

In the summer, in this time of grace, walk and walk! But the hostess does not have time to breathe, everything is preparing for winter stocks: jams, compotes ... After all, one berry only departs, as another ripens.

Here are the plums filled with sweet and sour fragrant juice. Very tasty with them pies turn out! By the way, they can be baked not only at the time of ripening of the plums, but also in the winter, if, of course, the hostess podsitsya and freezes several bags with these tasty fruits. Moreover, the plum is not only tasty, but also useful.

Benefits of Plums

  • Plums contain sugars, pectins, organic acids, vitamins C, A, B1, B2, PP.
  • Plum has a diuretic and laxative effect.
  • It is useful in atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, as well as in hypertension.
  • Plum whets the appetite.
  • It is recommended for jaundice (it weakens yellowness).

Which plums can be frozen

There are over 1000 varieties of plums. There are large and small, round and oblong, sour and sweet.

  • For freezing, plums are suitable for their thick flesh, good taste and not watery.
  • Plums intended for freezing should not be green, but over-ripe plums are also not suitable.
  • It is best to freeze plums that carry transportation and have good keeping quality. These plums are kept fresh longer, which means they stand up to freezing better.
  • Very juicy and watery plums are not suitable for freezing.

Anna Shpet is a German late plum variety. It has dense and juicy pulp, fruits are large, dark blue. Plum of this variety has a small bone, but it is poorly separated from the pulp. Therefore, these plums, though good for freezing, but they will be difficult to split in half to remove the bone. These plums can be frozen entirely, if the volume of the freezer allows, or, armed with a sharp knife, cut into slices. The following variety Grand Duke is a very large plum. Each fruit weighs up to 60 grams. These plums have orange firm flesh and a sweet and sour taste. They are also well tolerated by freezing, but the bones are also poorly separated from the pulp, so they can be frozen, cut into slices.

The variety Victoria, although it has dense flesh and well separating bone, is not very suitable for freezing, because this plum has a mediocre taste that will not become better after freezing.

The old variety of plums Ekaterininskaya, although very tasty, is also not suitable for freezing. Because this plum has very tender, juicy, honey-sweet flesh. Plums of this variety are stored poorly, quickly deteriorate. They can endure the freezing badly, and after thawing they simply become limp.

Renklod is a well-known variety. These are plums with dense, juicy, golden-yellow sugary flesh. In ripe plums semi-segmental bone. These plums are stored for a long time - up to 12 days - without loss of presentation.

Prunes is a well-known variety of plums. Fruits of medium size have dense pulp and well separated bone. Prunes can not only freeze, but also easy to dry.

Preparation of drains for freezing

Plums sort, remove green and over-ripe fruits, tear off the stalk.

The fruits are washed in cold water, and then spread on a towel and dried. To speed up the process, each fruit individually can be wiped with a paper towel.

How to freeze whole plum fruits

If the plums are completely dry and hard, they can be frozen without prior stage. But they should not be poured into one big bag and put into the freezer. Indeed, in this form, even strong plums can be crushed, give juice, which will hold the fruit together with each other as well as cement.

  • Plums put several pieces in bags in one layer, trying to make them not very tight.
  • The bags are tied and put in the freezer.
  • The next day, the bags are untied, all of them are released (now the plums will not hesitate), they are well tied up and put back into the freezer.

How to freeze pitted plums

This type of freezing is suitable for those plums that have well separated bones, and the flesh itself is dense, and the plums do not expire juice when defrosting.

  • Prepared (washed and dried) plums are cut in half with a knife and the bone is removed.
  • Half the plums are laid out on a tray (flat plate, tray), covered with parchment or plastic film, cut side up. At the same time plums should not be in contact.
  • The tray is placed in the freezer for 1-3 hours for the initial freeze.
  • When the plums harden, they are poured into small plastic bags, preferably intended for freezing, well closed (tied) and put into the freezer.

How to freeze the plums into slices

If the plums are very large, they are cut into slices, of course, having washed them beforehand, having dried them from moisture and removing the stone. For this method of freezing fit plums with dense flesh, not overripe and not watery.

The sequence of freezing is the same as when freezing plums without stones (halves). If large plums have a very dense and thick skin, then you can freeze the plums without it.

  • For this, the sinks are washed.
  • Then, a cross-shaped incision is made on each plum at the base, cutting only the skin.
  • Plums are put in a colander, dipped in boiling water for a few seconds, and then immediately transferred to a colander in a saucepan with very cold (icy) water.
  • After such a procedure - blanching - the skin on the plums is well removed.
  • Bones are removed from plums, fruits are cut into slices and frozen, always using the pre-freezing method described above.
  • Frozen slices of plums are put into bags, closed with a zip-fastener or tied and put into a freezer.

How to freeze plums in sugar

This method of freezing is suitable for ripe plums, which are also very juicy.

  • Such plums are washed, necessarily dried, removed from them bones. It is better not to cut such plums with slices (again, due to the abundance of juice).
  • Some sugar is poured on the bottom of the plastic container, half of the plums are laid out on it (cut up), sprinkled with sugar.
  • Then another 1-2 layers are created, which are also poured with granulated sugar.

The disadvantage of this method of freezing is that the plums are very sweet and are suitable only for compote.

How to freeze the plums in syrup

For this method of freezing suitable as a dense, strong plums, and slightly overripe.

  • Washed plums are free of stones.
  • If the skin of the plums is thick, then they remove it too (see the blanching method).
  • Halves or slices of plums are put in containers suitable for freezing and filled with sugar syrup. Syrup is prepared at the rate of 100-200 grams of sugar per 350 ml of water.
  • The plums in the syrup are kept in the refrigerator for several hours and then put into the freezer compartment, having tightly closed the lids beforehand.

It must be remembered that liquids expand during freezing, so the containers “to the fullest extent” do not fill.

How to defrost plums

If plums are needed for making compote, then they are put into boiling water without defrosting.

Do not thaw plums (if they do not have bones) and for the filling.

But if you still need to defrost the plums, then do it in the refrigerator or at room temperature, but in no case in a microwave oven.

Re-freezing plums are not subject.

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