Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

You won't surprise anyone with apple and cottage cheese pies, but plum pies are almost exclusive, since the plum filling has not gained the same popularity. And the point is not that it is less tasty, just the plum is a seasonal fruit that is quickly eaten raw or goes straight to the jam, leaving no room for reflection from the “where to put the excess” series.

As for the pie filling, the plums are suitable for it no worse than cherries - and even better, because they are faster and easier to separate from the stones. During baking, they soften inside the dough, turning into a light, pleasant jelly.


  • plums - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • warm milk - 250 ml;
  • fresh yeast - 40 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 700 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

1. Prepare the necessary products for future patties. Wash plums, sort them, remove bones.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

2. We break eggs into a glass bowl and stir them with a whisk, putting salt and sugar. Pour the heated milk into the egg mass, add the crushed yeast. Give time 10 minutes to dissolve.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

3. Next, in small steps, add wheat flour, kneading the dough with the addition of vegetable oil.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

4. Cut plums into thin slices.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

5. We form balls of dough and, making cakes, put the plum filling with sugar and seal the edges, forming a pie.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

6. We grease the baking sheet with butter and put the patties on for 40 minutes in an oven with a temperature of 180 degrees.

Patties with yeast dough plums in the oven

7. We get pies, we serve to the table.

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