Strawberry jam for the winter

Strawberry jam for the winter

June and May are called the strawberry months, during this time you need to have time to cook a lot of delicious berry dishes. Strawberry jam is a European guest, it is traditionally served for breakfast. Jam smear on slices of dried baguette over a thin layer of butter. In appearance it will be a thick puree, retaining the taste and delicate aroma of fresh berries.


Strawberry jam for the winter
  • strawberries - 600 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 50 milliliters;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking with a photo

Strawberry jam for the winter

1. Choose very ripe strawberries of dark red color. Berries wash, tear off tails.

Strawberry jam for the winter

2. The strawberries are crushed with a blender, you should get a uniform berry sauce of medium thickness.

Strawberry jam for the winter

3. Add sugar. The ratio of the number of berries and sugar depends on the variety of strawberries. If the berries were sour, you can slightly increase the amount of sugar.

Strawberry jam for the winter

4. Pour water and lemon juice into a saucepan. Water is needed so that the jam does not burn during boiling. Lemon juice is an additional flavor component, as strawberries with sugar after boiling sometimes become clot. A lemon note will create a very nice balance of acid. In addition, the presence of this citrus affects the safety of the jam, lemon acid becomes a kind of preservative.

Strawberry jam for the winter

5. The pot is put on the stove, setting medium heat. When the strawberry puree boils, the fire is transferred to the minimum mode. Since this moment jam is not overlooked. You need to arm yourself with a wooden spoon, and periodically stir the strawberries. Boiling time - 15 minutes. Some of the liquid will evaporate, the jam will become thicker.

Strawberry jam for the winter

6. The most convenient packaging for jam is low jars with a capacity of 200-250 milliliters. Both glassware and metal lids are sterilized. Hot jam is poured into jars and twisted. After cooling, strawberry jam is transferred to the pantry or any other cool and dry room.

Jam can be used as a cream in cakes “assembled” from chocolate or biscuit cakes. Thick strawberry jam goes well with natural yogurt, sour cream, cream. These products should not be stirred to a uniform pink color, the “marble” white-red pattern, seen through the glass walls of the ice-cream bowl or glass, looks more interesting.

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