Lenten soup - for fasting and diets are good! The best traditional and original recipes of lean meat soup without meat and animal fat

Lenten soup - for fasting and diets are good! The best traditional and original recipes of lean meat soup without meat and animal fat

Shchi are traditionally considered to be a Russian dish.

They are so rich in vitamins that even cooked in lean broth will be nutritious and high in calories.

One plate of soup is equivalent to the whole complex of useful substances needed by a person per day. And our best recipes will help to diversify the lean menu.

Lenten soup - general principles of cooking

The main ingredients are white cabbage, potatoes, tomato paste. Potatoes are cut into slices or cubes, the cabbage is finely chopped or cut into small squares. For passirovanye use onions, carrots, beets, Bulgarian pepper. Tomato paste is added to roasting in a pan, if desired acetic acid, granulated sugar. Schi is served hot, seasoned with sour cream and thickly sprinkled with fresh herbs. You can diversify the serve with roasted pieces of rye bread with garlic.

“Classic” lean shchi


• Four liters of water;

• 12 grams of cabbage (white cabbage);

• One swede;

• One carrot;

• Two bulb onions;

• One celery and parsley root;

• Half a cup of sour cream of medium consistency;

• Two tables. spoons of fat or oil;

• One table. a spoon of tomato paste or two fresh tomatoes (medium size);

• Three bay leaves;

• Two or three peas allspice;

• Green onions / dill;

• Salt.

Cooking Method:

Put boiled and chopped fresh cabbage into boiling water. Thirty minutes later add the fried onions and roots, as well as spicy additives. Bring to readiness, add salt at the end of cooking. When serving, soup is filled with sour cream, sprinkled with fresh chopped greens.

Lenten soup “Vitamin”

Fresh sorrel will give schi summer taste and sourness. This stew served cold, sprinkled with pepper and dill.


• A pound of sorrel;

• One table. a spoonful of flour;

• Vegetable oil;

• Dill sprig;

• One red pepper;

• Tomato paste - to taste; • Potatoes and cabbage in small quantities.

Cooking Method:

Potatoes are peeled and diced. Cabbage finely chopped. Throw in boiling water. Meanwhile, the sorrel is thoroughly washed, finely chopped and stewed in vegetable oil, flour and tomato paste are added. When the vegetables boil, the dressing is added to the broth and boiled for another ten minutes until cooked.

Lean cabbage soup with salted cabbage

Fresh white cabbage can be replaced with fermented, previously washed thoroughly.


• A pound of salted cabbage;

• One onion;

• Three or four potatoes;

• Bay leaf;

• Salt and other spices to taste;

• Three table. spoons of sunflower oil;

• Two or three table. spoons of tomato paste.

Cooking Method:

Salted cabbage is washed in running water and put in a pot of boiling water. Add diced potatoes and boil for about thirty minutes. In a pan, watered with oil, pass the finely chopped onion with the addition of tomato paste. Fried onions put in a saucepan with cabbage soup and add the same spices, bay leaf and chopped greens.

Lenten Mushroom Shchi

Meat in lean broth can be replaced with fresh mushrooms. The soup will be fragrant and tasty.


• One small fork of white cabbage;

• Three hundred grams of fresh mushrooms;

• One onion bulb;

• Five to six large potatoes;

• Spices, salt to taste.

Cooking Method:

The cabbage is chopped and put in a pan two to three centimeters from the edges filled with water. Cook for half an hour. Then salt and add finely chopped mushrooms, chopped potatoes, boil for about thirty minutes. At the end of cooking, add spices and herbs as desired.

“Russian” Lenten Shchi

Traditional Russian soup prepared with the addition of a variety of vegetables in large quantities.


• One fork of fresh cabbage;

• Two medium sized beets;

• One onion;

• Two carrots;

• Six potatoes;

• Two tables. spoons of tomato paste (or four fresh tomatoes); • Vegetable oil;

• One table. spoon of acetic acid and the same amount of sugar;

• Spices and salt to taste.

Cooking Method:

Carrots are grated, beets are cut into strips, and the onions are finely chopped. Prepared chopped vegetables are stewed in a pan with butter. Acetic acid, granulated sugar, tomato paste and salt are added. Shredded white cabbage and chopped potatoes are boiled into boiling water, then steamed vegetables. If fresh tomatoes go to the cabbage soup, they are put in a pan together with other vegetables. At the end of cooking, spices and herbs are added to the soup. Served with sour cream and garlic.

Lenten “Ukrainian” soup

Ukrainian soup is sharp.


• 350-400 grams of fresh cabbage;

• One onion;

• Seven potatoes;

• Two tables. spoons of tomato paste;

• Fat (vegetable oil);

• Two beets;

• Two or three carrots;

• Two arrows of garlic;

• One or two table. l flour;

• Ground black pepper to taste;

• Bay leaf, salt;

• One table. l sugar sand;

• Fresh greens;

• 15 grams of acetic acid.

Cooking Method:

Beet cut into small pieces and put in a pan with butter. Add acetic acid, tomato paste and fry. A little later, carrot and onion slices cut into ringlets are added there. Put boiled potatoes in boiling water, and a little later - chopped cabbage. Cook it for about twenty minutes. After they throw the roasted vegetables, dilute the flour with water and pour it into the pan. Pour sugar, salt, add very finely chopped garlic, ground with greens. Give a little boil. To the table should be with crackers.

Lenten soup “Italian”

Add in the soup fresh or canned beans, it can also replace potatoes.


• One glass of fresh beans (or one can of canned);

• Five to seven potatoes;

• One carrot;

• One onion;

• Three garlic feathers;

• Three table. l sunflower oil;

• Fresh greens.

Cooking Method:

Beans are soaked in the cold water in the evening, in the morning they are boiled in the same water. The potatoes are peeled, diced and added to boiling water in a saucepan. Carrots and onions are cut into strips and fried in fat. Knead the garlic and add to the broth a few minutes before it is ready. Also put roasting into the pan. Cook until ready and turn off. Soup sprinkled with herbs.

Lenten soup with cauliflower

Instead of fresh or salted cabbage, you can use cauliflower or broccoli. Bean pods and peas will add vitamins and freshness to calamus.


• Six potatoes;

• cauliflower head;

• 12 pods of beans and peas;

• One fresh pepper;

• Sunflower oil;

• Two fresh tomatoes (medium size);

• One carrot;

• Green onions;

• Fresh herbs, salt, spices.

Cooking Method:

Carrots, onions and herbs are washed and finely chopped. Vegetables are pasted in oil and water. Bean pods and peas are washed and cut. The potatoes are peeled, cut into squares and thrown into boiling salted water. Then add the chopped pods, browning and chopped cabbage. Leave to boil. At the end of cooking add chopped fresh tomatoes, salt. Before serving, put triangles of fresh pepper in a plate and sprinkle with greens.

Lenten soup - tricks and tips

• Add only freshly cleaned potatoes to your soup. If the tubers have stood for some time in the water, they have isolated the starch, and the soup will turn out less tasty and useful.

• If acetic acid is added to the passaging, especially with the use of beets, the soup does not lose its saturated red color.

• Salt the soup at the end of cooking, and add sugar to the fryer in the pan.

• It is better to sprinkle fresh greens directly in the plates before serving, rather than add to the saucepan with the broth.

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