Sourdough bread - the main secret of delicious rustic pastries. Time-tested and new recipes for sourdough bread

Sourdough bread - the main secret of delicious rustic pastries. Time-tested and new recipes for sourdough bread

Who the grandmother lived in the village, he probably still remembers the taste and aroma of homemade bread baked in the Russian oven.

Our ancestors used yeast instead of yeast.

Sourdough bread turns out tasty and fragrant.

Unleavened yeast make it possible to preserve in bread all the benefits that are present in cereals.

Sourdough bread - the basic principles of cooking

If you decide to bake bread without yeast at home, first of all you need to cook the sourdough. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this, but it should be immediately noted that the starter is a living organism that requires constant feeding. In addition, you will need to be patient, because it will take from two to six days to make a leaven for bread.

Sourdough bread is different: rye and wheat, as well as with the addition of raisins, malt or hops. All of them are great for baking homemade bread.

For the preparation of the yeast using rye or wheat flour. Sourdough on the basis of wheat flour often sours and becomes useless, so it is better to prepare it for two or three applications. Rye flour is better suited for sourdough, because it retains all the nutrients that are absent in wheat. In addition, the leaven for bread on rye flour can be used for more than one year, provided that you feed and store it properly.

Water and flour are divided into four parts. Mix one part of the flour with water until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then the container with the mixture is loosely covered and left to warm for two days. After this time, the leaven will start to foam and a sour smell will appear. Add the second part of the flour and water and leave for a day. After this time, the leaven is fed with the remaining ingredients. At this time, the smell of alcohol should already be well felt, and the mass should bubble well. Once again feed the leaven and leave for 12 hours.

Keep the sourdough in the refrigerator. Before use, take 50 g of yeast, add some boiled water and flour and leave it warm until it starts to “play”.

Recipe 1. Sourdough for yeast-free bread


six art. spoons of rye flour;

six art. spoons of drinking water.

Method of preparation

1. Preparing a sourdough for bread is quite simple, but there are some points that must be taken into account. First, take 4 spoons of warm drinking water and pour it into a small jar. Add gradually four spoons of flour, gradually stirring. Then mix the mass thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Cover the jar with gauze and tighten the rubber band. Capacity with ferment is sent to heat for two days.

2. After 48 hours, add another two tablespoons of warm drinking water and flour. Well knead the mass to get rid of lumps. We cover the jar with gauze again and leave it warm for a day.

3. Sourdough ready. For baking one serving of bread, two spoons of leaven are enough. Add water and sugar to it, add salt and knead the dough.

Recipe 2. Sourdough for Homemade Bread


half a cup of raisins;

15 g sugar;

two glasses of warm drinking water;

15 art. spoons of flour.

Method of preparation

1. Do not rinse the raisins to make the sourdough bread! Take half a cup of raisins, pour it into a liter clean can and add 5 g of sugar.

2. Pour the contents of the jar with 250 ml of warm boiled water.

3. Immediately sift five tbsp. spoons with a pile of flour. Knead everything well so that not a single lump is left. Tightly close the jar lid and leave warm for two days.

4. After the allotted time should appear on the surface of the bubbles. Strain through a sieve. Raisin throw.

5. Pour the leaven back into the jar, here add five spoons of flour, after sifting it. Pour 100 ml of warm water and mix until smooth. Add 5 g of sugar and mix again.

6. Cover the jar with folded twice wet gauze and leave it in a warm place for a day.

7. After a day to feed the leaven again. Add five tablespoons of sifted flour and 5 g of sugar. Pour 100 ml of warm drinking water. Stir, cover with gauze and send to the oven preheated to 100C. Now we need to make sure that our leaven does not run away. Sourdough is ready as soon as it rises to the edges of the can.

8. Select a portion of the leaven for the bread. Leave the rest alone. The next day, feed it again, adding 5 g of granulated sugar, 100 ml of warm drinking water and 5 tbsp. spoons of flour. Keep warm. If you do not use the leaven in the near future, put it in the fridge.

Recipe 3. Sourdough bread at home


two teaspoons with a pile of wheat and rye flour;

10 ml of natural yogurt;

50 ml of drinking water;

two tsp of raisins.

Method of preparation

1. Take a half-liter jar, which can be tightly closed. Put in it all the ingredients and mix everything until smooth. Close the jar and leave it warm for a day.

2. The next day, add the same amount of rye and wheat flour and water to the mixture. Mix thoroughly until smooth and leave to rest for a day.

3. On the third day, pour 100 ml of heated drinking water into the jar and mix. Add four teaspoons of rye and wheat flour. Mix well again. Tightly close the jar and leave alone for a day.

4. Set aside three quarters of the mixture. Unfortunately, it must either be thrown away or given to someone. In the remaining mixture pour 100 ml of warm drinking water and mix. Then strain the mixture. Raisin throw. Pour 125 g of wheat flour into the filtered ferment, mix well and leave to stand for a day.

5. On the fifth day, remove three-quarters of the mixture again. In the remaining mass pour 100 ml of drinking water and mix. Pour 125 g of flour and knead again. Leave it warm for a day.

6. On the sixth day, the leaven is ready. Every time you take a leaven for baking, you need to feed it, that is, add water and flour.

Recipe 4. Ferment for unleavened bread


220 ml of drinking warm water;

10 g of honey;

400 g flour.

Method of preparation

1. Pour 100 g of flour into a suitable dish, add honey and pour in 70 ml of warm water. Mix everything, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for two days.

2. After the allotted time, the leaven will start to foam and a sour smell will appear. Pour 150 g of flour into it and pour in 75 ml of drinking warm water. Mix, cover and leave in a warm place.

3. A day later, once again feed the leaven. Add the same amount of water and flour. By this time, the smell of alcohol is already well felt.

4. Another day later to feed the leaven for the last time and leave for 12 hours. The mass should rise well. Take the right amount of starter for baking bread, and send the rest in the refrigerator. When the need arises, take 50 g of leaven from the refrigerator, add 50 g of flour and water to it, mix and send to heat so that it starts to ferment.

Recipe 5. Sourdough for rye bread


175 grams of rye flour;

175 ml of drinking water.

Method of preparation

1. On the first day, mix 25 ml of warm drinking water and 25 g of flour in a jar. It should make a thick mass. Loosely close the jar and leave warm for a day.

2. On the second day, the mass may slightly grow, but there are no significant visible changes. Add 50 ml of warm drinking water and 50 g of flour. Mix and leave the jar warm for another day.

3. On the third day, the mixture will begin to bubble. Add to it 100 ml of drinking water and 100 g of flour. Mix and maintain another day.

4. Sourdough ready. We take the required amount of leaven, and the rest is covered with a lid and put in the fridge. We feed every three days, adding to it 20 g of water and flour.

Recipe 6. Sourdough for Eternal Bread


wheat flour - 300 g;

300 ml of boiled water.

Method of preparation

1. In a clean jar, combine 100 ml of warm drinking water with 100 g of flour. Stir thoroughly. Get the mass, the consistency of homemade sour cream. Cover the jar with a wet towel and leave in a warm place without drafts for a day.

2. The next day, add 100 g of flour to the jar and add water until the mass becomes the consistency of home-made sour cream. You can mix a few times a day.

3. On the third day, the leaven will increase in size, and a frothy cap will appear on top. Once again feed the same amount of flour and water and again leave it warm.

4. When the leaven will double, divide it in half. Place the first half in a jar, make a hole in the plastic cap for the leaven to breathe, and send it to the fridge. Before use, remove the starter, feed and keep warm.

Recipe 7. Sourdough bread for kefir


a glass of kefir (preferably homemade);

a glass of any flour.

Method of preparation

1. Pour a glass of kefir into a bowl, cover it with gauze and leave for three days. Kefir should sour, and the water peel off.

2. Pour flour into kefir until the mass reaches the consistency of dough, like on pancakes. Stir until you get rid of all the lumps. Cover the container with dough with gauze and leave to rest for three hours, then mix again. 3. The ripening time of the leaven depends on the ambient temperature and the quality of the yogurt, but do not leave it alone for a long time, otherwise it will run away.

4. Put the starter in a glass jar and put it in the fridge. This starter can be stored in this form for a week.

5. If you decide to bake bread, remove the starter from the refrigerator and let it stand for half an hour. Feed the sourdough with flour and warm water in proportions of 1: 1. Cover with a towel and leave for a few hours. Take the required amount of leaven, and transfer the remaining amount to the jar. Close the container tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

Sourdough bread - tips and tricks from an experienced baker

  • To make a starter, use only clean dishes, otherwise it is easy to infect. That over time will lead her into disrepair.
  • In the lid with which you close the starter container, make several small holes to ensure a normal fermentation process.
  • Do not put a jar of leaven in a place where direct sunlight penetrates. Otherwise, the bank may become very hot, which will stop the reproduction of sour-milk bacteria.
  • If the leaven is kept in the refrigerator, it must be obtained at least one day prior to use.
  • Sourdough can be used not only for baking bread, but also for making pancakes, fritters or dough for pies.
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