Dumplings with potatoes and lard is a true Ukrainian joy. Secret recipes for cooking dumplings with potatoes and bacon

Dumplings with potatoes and lard is a true Ukrainian joy. Secret recipes for cooking dumplings with potatoes and bacon

Dumplings are different, but all they are very nourishing and beneficial, since they are half made of dough and filled mainly with vegetables, berries or cottage cheese.

All these products are inexpensive and are in every home.

And if sweet dumplings are not to everyone's taste, then nobody will definitely refuse flour products with potatoes and lard.

This Ukrainian dish was loved by many.

But how to do it?

Dumplings with potatoes and bacon - general principles of cooking

The simplest version of the dough is fresh (ravioli) from water, salt and flour. You can add egg or some butter. But sometimes the dumplings are kneaded with milk, kefir, sour cream is added or brewed with hot water. The dough after kneading should stand for 20-30 minutes. It will become softer, more elastic, it will be easier to work with it.

For the filling, you can use raw potatoes or boiled in the form of mashed potatoes. Salo is used mostly fresh, but you can take and salty. It is simply twisted in a meat grinder or cut, you can lightly fry. Also onions, garlic, mushrooms and other vegetables can be added to the filling.

How can you make dumplings

1. Special form. Roll out two layers of dough. The first is placed on the form with holes. Put the stuffing in the hollows, cover with the second flat bread and roll with a rolling pin.

2. Manually with a glass. A layer is rolled out, cups are squeezed out with a glass, a filling is put in each, edges are plucked.

3. Manually from the harness. The dough is rolled out with a long sausage, cut into washers, dipped in flour each, rolled flat cake, put the stuffing and connect the edges.

Recipe 1: Dumplings with Raw Potatoes and Fat

For the preparation of such dumplings with potatoes and bacon do not need to cook mashed potatoes. Mince is made on the basis of raw root vegetables.

Ingredients • 1 glass of water;

• salt pepper;

• flour;

• egg;

• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 2 bulbs;

• butter;

• 300 grams of fresh bacon.


1. Knead the usual dumplings dough. To do this, mix the egg with salt, dilute with water, pour out the sifted flour and make a cool lump. Cover with an inverted bowl and let it lie for half an hour. During this time, you can prepare the filling.

2. We clean the potatoes, three on a fine grater or skip through a meat grinder. Put it in a colander to drain the juice.

3. Salo is also ground. Can be in a meat grinder or blender.

4. Combine with potatoes, add salt and pepper. You can add chopped greens or a bit of dried leaves.

5. Split the dough, make dumplings. The above methods of modeling, choose any.

6. Boil in salted water 5-6 minutes after boiling.

7. Dice onions, fry until golden brown with oil.

8. Remove, pour oil with fried onions, gently mix.

Recipe 2: Dumplings with boiled potatoes and bacon

Very interesting dish option. For the preparation of these dumplings with potatoes and bacon will need to make mashed potatoes. It is advisable to cook in advance so that the filling has time to cool.


For test:

• 1 egg;

• 800 grams of flour;

• salt;

• 200 grams of water.


• 2 bulbs;

• 600 grams of potatoes;

• 200 grams of fat;

• spices.


1. Clean the potatoes, cut them into pieces, set to boil, salt in the end. Water is drained, mashed.

2. Cut the bacon into small pieces, fry for a minute. Add chopped onion, cook together until browning.

3. Divide the bacon with onions into 2 parts, one is sent in mashed potatoes, mix and cool the filling. The second part is left for submission.

4. Knead the dough out of the water with the egg and salt, let it soak.

5. Sculpt dumplings, boil.

6. Put in a cup, add the previously fried bacon with onions, eat dumplings while they are hot.

Recipe 3: Dumplings with Potatoes, Fat and Mushrooms

Another option with mashed potatoes. A feature of this recipe of dumplings with bacon and potatoes is the dough, which is kneaded in hot water. And also very aromatic stuffing with mushrooms.


• 2.5 cups of flour;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 glass of water;

• 30 grams of oil;

• salt pepper;

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 300 grams of fat;

• 100 grams of onions;

• 200 grams of mushrooms.


1. Sift flour, add salt, sour cream, butter and pour in a glass of hot water. Mix and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Peel potatoes, boil, mash.

3. Cut the lard into several pieces, lightly fry in a pan, to get a little fat. Take out the pieces.

4. Fry the mushrooms in the pan, add the onions and cook together.

5. Fat fried earlier we twist through a meat grinder, combine with mashed potatoes and mushroom mass. Mince salt, pepper, cool.

6. We take out our dough, we cut, we make dumplings.

7. Boil in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Served with sour cream, greens.

Recipe 4: Dumplings with potatoes, bacon and garlic

Option very fragrant dumplings with bacon, raw potatoes and chopped garlic. As well as a recipe for a delicious sauce based on sour cream, which also goes well with dumplings. Prepare any dough, you can one of the above recipes.


• 500 grams of dough;

• 700 grams of potatoes;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 250 grams of raw lard;

• salt pepper.

For the sauce:

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 5 sprigs of parsley;

• 2 spoons of ketchup;

• salt pepper.


1. Rub the potatoes, lightly squeeze the juice, add twisted lard and chopped garlic. Minced seasoning spices.

2. Take the previously prepared dough and sculpt the dumplings with potato filling.

3. Boil shaped products 5-7 minutes. Take out, grease with butter.

4. For the sauce, chop the parsley with garlic, add salt and finely grind the fragrant mass with a pestle to make the juice stand out. Mix with sour cream, ketchup and sauce is ready!

Recipe 5: Baked Dumplings with Potatoes and Fat

The recipe for a delicious dish of dumplings with bacon and potatoes. We prepare them according to any of the above recipes, but you can also buy them.


• 500 grams of dumplings;

• 150 grams of bacon;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 2 bulbs;

• 120 grams of sour cream;

• butter.


1. Boil the dumplings for a minute, remove, put in a bowl and cool.

2. Fry the onion, cut into small pieces with butter.

3. Cut the bacon into cubes, also send to the onion, lightly fry.

4. Lubricate the form, lay out the dumplings.

5. Fill the void with fried onions and bacon, the rest just lay out a layer on top.

6. Lubricate with sour cream, you can add a little salt and season with black pepper.

7. Cheese three, sprinkle the cooked dish and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown. If the dumplings are cooked with their raw potatoes, then you can hold them in the oven a little longer.

8. Serve hot, it goes well with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage salad.

Recipe 6: Dumplings with potatoes and bacon in a frying pan

It turns out that dumplings can not only cook! They turn out very tasty if you fry them with lard. For this dish, you can use raw dumplings, but it is better to boil them a little. Also previously cooked and uneaten dumplings will do.


• 300 grams of dumplings;

• 50 grams of fat;

• 1 onion;

• 3 eggs;

• 40 grams of milk;

• spices.


1. Boil dumplings 1-2 minutes. Remove from broth.

2. Cut diced lard, fry until light crust. Add the onions, fry together.

3. Put the dumplings in the pan, cover with the lid and cook for 2-3 minutes. Periodically we overturn. You can fry longer, to a bright crust.

4. Beat eggs with milk, salt, pepper, put any seasoning at your discretion, you can add chopped greens.

5. Pour the omelet over the fried dumplings with lard, cover, remove the fire to the minimum and cook for 2-3 minutes until the eggs have set. No need to mix.

Recipe 7: Dumplings with Potatoes, Fat and Cabbage

For the filling it is better to use sauerkraut, with it the taste of dumplings is more interesting. But if it is not, then you can fry and fresh.


In the dough:

• 1 egg;

• 120 grams of water;

• 380 grams of flour;

• salt.

In stuffing:

• 400 grams of potatoes;

• 200 grams of fat;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• spices.


1. Immediately knead the dough of their water with egg and flour, do not forget to salt. Put in the bag and leave at the time of preparation of the filling.

2. Make mashed potatoes of peeled and boiled potatoes, add some salt, as sauerkraut is usually salty.

3. Twist the lard, send in mashed potatoes.

4. Squeeze cabbage from brine and fry in a skillet with two spoons of butter, you can take the baked fat.

5. Mix mashed potatoes with cabbage, mix, add a little pepper.

6. We get our dough out of the bag, sculpt the dumplings.

7. Boil the classic way in salt water for 3-4 minutes. Then you can fry with butter. Served with sour cream.

Recipe 8: Steamed Dumplings with Steamed Potato Lard

Steam cooking method saves the beautiful form of dumplings with potatoes and bacon. It also preserves the taste of the dough, which we prepare for this recipe on kefir. It will be very gentle, airy.


• 1 egg;

• 200 grams of kefir;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 0.5 tsp. salts;

• flour.

For the filling will need 600 grams of potatoes and 250 grams of fat, spices.


1. Fork, beat egg with salt, add kefir, butter and flour. Knead the dough, leave to rest for 30 minutes.

2. We clean the potatoes, skip through a meat grinder with a large grid. Squeeze it out.

3. Salo, too, skip through a meat grinder, add to potatoes. Mince salt, pepper, you can add a little garlic or chopped onion.

4. Sculpt dumplings. The size can be any, a pair will not boil down and you can make even large products. 5. Spread steamers on the pan, but not close to each other. You can use manto cooker, multi cooker.

6. Cook 10-15 minutes after boiling water. If you decide to steam products with mashed potatoes, then 5 minutes is enough.

Dumplings with potatoes and bacon - tips and tricks

• You can add any greens to the potato filling. Dumplings will not only taste better, but also much more fragrant.

• The remaining vareniki can be frozen, not only in raw but also in finished form. Then they are simply boiled or fried in a pan. You can bake in the oven with various additives, as in one of the recipes above.

• Potato dumplings are often served with fried onions. It is better for him to use butter or refried pieces of fat, it will turn out much more fragrant.

• The dough will be softer and easier to work if you add a little vegetable oil to it during the kneading. You can put a spoonful of sour cream.

• The thinner the dough is rolled out, the more delicious the dumplings will be. From thick flat cakes they turn out to be clenched, the joints are poorly boiled and remain raw.

• The larger the cooking pot, the less likely the products will stick together or limp from prolonged boiling. Never save on the amount of water, and take the container more.

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