Salad with asparagus - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad with asparagus.

Salad with asparagus - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad with asparagus.

Asparagus Salad - General Cooking Principles

Asparagus is a real find for those who want to stay in shape, but do not want to limit themselves to tasty dishes. Asparagus is of two kinds: green and white. The taste of white varieties is soft and soft, the taste of green asparagus is slightly bitter, it has a specific aroma. The taste of a vegetable depends largely on the correctness and methods of preparation.

Asparagus contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals: vitamins of group B, C, E, A, PP, potassium, zinc, chromium, magnesium, iron and calcium. The product is able to lower pressure, removes harmful substances from the body, normalizes the nervous system, helps cleanse the body and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Asparagus dishes can be consumed in large quantities and include their diet. One of the most common appetizers of this vegetable is asparagus salad.

There are many options for cooking this dish. Depending on your taste preferences, a wide variety of foods can be added to an asparagus salad. With this vegetable you can cook both purely vegetarian and meat salads. Many other vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, various cabbage varieties), greens, mushrooms, low-fat chicken meat, eggs, green beans, with some berries and fruits (apples, pineapple, strawberries) and, of course, fish and seafood (salmon, salmon, squid, shrimp, mussels). Asparagus salad can be prepared from raw, boiled or canned vegetables, the main thing is to choose a successful combination of products.

As a dressing for the salad of asparagus use vegetable oils with spices, low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise, cheese sauce, low-fat kefir or natural yogurt. All the ingredients of the dish can be mixed with dressing, put slides or layers.

Asparagus salad - preparing food and dishes

Asparagus salad is served as an independent dish or as a side dish to the main dish. In any case, you need a salad bowl or bowl, where all the ingredients will be added, a saucepan (if you have to cook meat or vegetables), knives, a cutting board, a grater, as well as small vases, glasses or plates for serving.

As noted above, asparagus salad can be made from both raw and cooked vegetables. Asparagus is usually boiled or steamed (this will save all the useful properties and vitamins of the product). Before cooking the vegetable, it must be cleaned with a special knife for peeling potatoes. Green varieties need to be cleaned from the middle of the shoot to the bottom, white asparagus is cleaned only from above. You need to boil the asparagus in slightly salted water with the addition of lemon juice for 5-15 minutes (the white one boils longer than the green one). The tops of the stems should stick out a few centimeters from the water, as the stems themselves cook longer.

Asparagus salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Asparagus Salad

This low-calorie and healthy dish is cooked quite easily and quickly (about minutes). They can diversify diet or just serve every day for breakfast in order to overall health promotion.

Ingredients Required:

  • Shoots of white asparagus - 380-400 g;
  • Linden honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • Dried apricots - 40 g;
  • Green asparagus - about 200 g;
  • Dried rosemary - 1/4 tsp;
  • Hazelnuts and hazelnut oil - 2 tbsp. l

Preparation Method:

Wash the asparagus, peel it with a knife, cut off the hard part of the stalks (3 cm from each stalk). Cut the shoots into small pieces. Peeled nuts finely chopped. Stew dried apricots, then cut into small pieces. Pour the hazelnut oil on a pre-heated frying pan and fry the white asparagus for 3-4 minutes. Add a green vegetable and fry everything together for a couple of minutes. Add chopped nuts, dried apricots, honey, fry all over low heat for 2 minutes. After - put in a bowl, add salt, pepper and rosemary, as it should be mixed. This asparagus salad should be served only in the form of heat.

Recipe 2: Asparagus and Salmon Salad

A real delicacy that requires some effort and time, but the taste of this dish will leave an indelible impression.

Ingredients Required:

  • Salmon fillet - 550-600 g;
  • Green asparagus - 300 g;
  • Celery - 120 g;
  • A mixture of salads - 240 g;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Mango medium size - 2 pcs .;
  • Green onions - 30 g;
  • Natural yogurt - 100 ml;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp;
  • White vermouth - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

Preparation Method:

Remove the skin from the fish, cut into small cubes and fry in hot oil for 3-4 minutes. From the stems of asparagus to cut the hard bottom, the stems themselves slightly scrape and cut into small pieces. Boil the vegetable in boiling water for three minutes. Throw asparagus in a colander, rinse with cold water, let the liquid drain and dry the shoots. Prepare the dressing: peel the mango, remove the bone, cut the flesh into cubes. Mango puree in a blender, add yogurt, vermouth, pepper and mustard. Everything should be whipped. Place the fried salmon, asparagus and sliced ​​celery in a salad bowl. Serve the dish with cooked mango sauce. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a la carte plates, put asparagus salad on them. Serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Asparagus and Tomato Salad

This incredibly tasty vegetarian dish will appeal even to any “meat eater”. The dish does not take much time (about half an hour) and is prepared from the available products.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 4 medium-sized cucumbers;
  • Radishes - about 160 g;
  • Green asparagus - 160 g;
  • Chick peas - 90 g;
  • Maconi - 160 g;
  • Cilantro and dill greens;
  • Salt, white pepper.

Preparation Method:

Wash tomatoes, cut into small circles, spread out on a platter in a circle. Cut hard bases from asparagus stems, wash, boil in salted water (about 4 minutes). Wash cucumbers, peel. Cucumbers and radishes cut into thin strips. Cut the peas into small pieces. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper, matsoni, finely chopped greens and mix. Asparagus salad put slides on tomatoes.

Recipe 4: Asparagus Salad with Egg

Very tasty and savory salad, which can please guests and loved ones. The dish can be used for breakfast or in the form of a light dinner.

Ingredients Required:

  • Asparagus green - 200 g;
  • Arugula - 50 g;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Olive and butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Black pepper, salt;
  • White wine vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar.

Preparation Method:

Prepare the sauce: Mix the sugar, salt, olive oil, pepper and wine vinegar. Arugula wash, tear hands and mix with the sauce. Boil eggs, cool, chop each into several large slices. Cut cheese into thin slices. Pour olive oil and butter on a preheated pan, put asparagus sprouts, fry for 8 minutes. Add pepper and salt. Put the cooled asparagus on a plate, pour over the sauce and spread eggs on top. Dish sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipe 5: Asparagus salad with pineapple

Delicious, original and aromatic asparagus salad. Can be served at a festive meal.

Ingredients Required:

  • White asparagus - half a kilo;
  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs .;
  • Pineapple - 5 little ringlets;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • Lemon juice, mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. l cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l butter, some sugar;
  • Parsley.

Preparation Method:

Fry chicken fillet in butter for 7 minutes on each side. Cool, cut into cubes. Cut the asparagus into small pieces, put in a pan with butter, add sugar. Pour half a cup of hot water and cook for 10 minutes. Tomatoes and pineapple cut into cubes. Cream, lemon juice, chopped herbs and mayonnaise mix (this will be the sauce). Put the chicken, asparagus, tomatoes and pineapple in a bowl, pour the salad dressing. Let the dish stand for about 40 minutes.

Asparagus salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Asparagus salad will be especially tasty, savory and fragrant, if you season it with a specially prepared sauce. Cooks of the best restaurants recommend the following options for refueling:

  • Chopped boiled egg with parsley and butter;
  • Mixture of balsamic vinegar and olive oil;
  • Sauce of butter and finely chopped ham with grated spicy cheese;
  • Sauce of butter, cream and crackers;
  • Olive oil with lemon juice and pine nuts.
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