Lazy cabbage rolls in the pan - it just can't be easier! Recipes for lazy cabbage rolls in a pan with millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, vegetables and mushrooms

Lazy cabbage rolls in the pan - it just can't be easier! Recipes for lazy cabbage rolls in a pan with millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, vegetables and mushrooms

Lazy cabbage rolls are a traditional Russian dish. It was prepared in the villages as a daily or festive dish.

The main ingredients, as now, were cabbage, rice cereal and minced meat. But cabbage rolls can be cooked with other cereals, for example, with millet, buckwheat or pearl barley. Ideal additional ingredients in this case will be pumpkin, roasted vegetables and pickles.

Lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan - general principles of cooking

Cereals for lazy cabbage need to pre-cleaned, washed and boiled in lightly salted water. Suitable: rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet or oatmeal.

Cabbage should be washed and cut into thin strips. If cabbage is used for cabbage is not young, it is better to pour boiling water over it for a few minutes, then drain the water. So bitterness is removed. If young cabbage is used, this procedure will be superfluous.

Stuffing for such cabbage can be used any to your liking. The main thing is that it is fresh and without obscuration.

The minced meat must be mixed with all the other ingredients and after that it is necessary to form patties or small balls. You can pre-fry them in a pan, or immediately spread in a saucepan.

The sauce can be made from mayonnaise, sour cream, tomato paste, cream, ketchup, fresh tomatoes or tomato juice.

During cooking, it is better to keep the pot half closed. So the liquid will evaporate gradually, and the cabbage rolls will have time to prepare.

Lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan - a classic recipe


• 460 g ground beef;

• 60 g rice cereal;

• 80 g wheat flour;

• 250 g of fresh cabbage;

• 2.5 Art. l ketchup or tomato paste;

• 210 ml of water;

• salt;

• refined oil.


1. Rice crumbles, if necessary, rinse and cook. Drain broth, rice is not washed.

2. Wash the cabbage, cut into thin strips and put in a saucepan. Pour it with boiled water for a couple of minutes and drain all the water. 3. Mix ground beef with boiled rice and cabbage. Season with salt. Form balls or small patties and breaded them in sifted flour.

4. Fry meat balls lightly in a frying pan until golden brown. Put them in the pan.

5. Prepare a sauce of tomato paste and water. Pour them lazy cabbage rolls and stew at moderate heat and almost close the lid for about an hour.

6. Serve hot, watering sauce from cabbage.

Lazy cabbage rolls with millet groats in a pan


• 300 g minced pork;

• 300 g ground beef;

• 80 g millet groats;

• 500 g white cabbage;

• 100 g pumpkin;

• one chicken egg;

• 1 tbsp. l wheat flour;

• 1 tsp. seasonings for meat or hops-suneli;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 120 g breadcrumbs;

• 110 g of any ketchup;

• ground black pepper;

• half a glass of water.


1. Sort millet, wash, pour water in a saucepan and boil with a pinch of salt.

2. Thinly chop white cabbage.

3. Grind pumpkin on a grater.

4. Mix the pork and ground beef, add to it boiled cereal, cabbage, pumpkin and egg. There also add wheat flour, salt, ground pepper and seasoning for meat. Mince mix well.

5. Use your hands to form small round patties from mincemeat and breaded them in bread crumbs.

6. In a saucepan, mix water, ketchup and sour cream, bring to a boil. Add salt if necessary.

7. Lower the meat balls into the boiling sauce one by one.

8. When all the cabbage rolls are immersed in a saucepan with sauce, reduce the heat to small, cover and simmer for about an hour.

9. Serve, watering the sauce from the cabbage roll and garnished with fresh herbs.

Lazy cabbage rolls with buckwheat and vegetables in a pan


• 550 g of minced meat;

• one raw chicken egg;

• one carrot;

• one bow;

• 100 g zucchini;

• half a cup of buckwheat groats;

• vegetable oil;

• 250 g white cabbage;

• two medium red tomatoes;

• black pepper;

• 120 g of wheat flour.


1. To go over the buckwheat, rinse and add water so that the water covers the cereal for 2-3 cm. Put a pinch of salt and cook for about 10 minutes. After that, close the lid with a buckwheat saucepan and remove the heat. Grains buckwheat swell in boiling water after about half an hour. If you cover the pot with a kitchen towel, the swelling process will be faster. 2. Wash all vegetables, dry with paper towels and clean.

3. Grate carrots.

4. Zucchini chop into squares.

5. Onion chop into cubes.

6. Shred cabbage.

7. Grind the tomatoes in a blender to a slurry of uniform consistency.

8. Mix ground beef with buckwheat, add onions, raw egg, a small amount of salt and pepper.

9. Form small patties from mincemeat and breaded them in flour.

10. Carrots, cabbage and zucchini should be moved to a cooked pan and lightly browned in butter. Pour water so that it covers the products by 2-3 cm. Turn on the heating of the stove and bring the vegetables to a boil.

11. Add tomato puree to the pan and mix. If foam appears, remove it.

12. When the basis for the cabbage rolls in the saucepan begins to boil again, put the mince meatballs there alternately. This should be done carefully.

13. Then cover the pot with the lid and simmer until the meat is completely cooked. If necessary, add salt.

14. Serve a la carte. Put the first burgers, then top them with a vegetable mixture and pour over the sauce from the cabbage rolls.

Lazy cabbage rolls with Chinese cabbage in a pan


• 450 g of minced chicken;

• 250 g Chinese cabbage;

• one egg;

• one medium sized onion;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 100 g wheat bread rusks;

• 70 g semolina;

• 150-200 ml of water;

• 80 g of tomato paste;

• 150 g heavy cream;

• salt;

• pinch of pepper.


1. Peel the onion, wash it and chop it randomly.

2. Garlic also peel and grate.

3. Wheat crackers mix with cream and leave for a few minutes.

4. Mix minced chicken with chopped vegetables and bread along with cream. Stir in the egg, a little salt and pepper.

5. Roll up balls. Bread them in semolina.

6. Peking cabbage washed and cut into strips.

7. Add water to the pan. When the contents of the pan will boil, lower the breaded minced balls one by one, placing them along the bottom of the pan.

8. Put cabbage on these balls.

9. Tomato paste mixed with water and gently pour into the pan. 10. Bring all that is in the pan to a boil, remove the foam and simmer until cooked. In this case, the lid of the saucepan should be closed by a third and the fire reduced to a small boil.

11. Serve, watering with sauce and sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Lazy cabbage rolls with sauerkraut in a pan


• 450 g sauerkraut;

• 400 g ground beef;

• 100 grams of rice cereal;

• one large onion;

• 40 g sour cream;

• 420 ml of tomato juice;

• spices to taste;

• vegetable or sunflower oil.


1. Rice to sort and wash. Then boil so that the rice grains are slightly soft. Drain broth, and rice cool.

2. Peel onions, wash and cut into cubes of arbitrary shape. After that fry in vegetable oil.

3. Squeeze the cabbage from the brine, if you come across large pieces of cabbage, cut them.

4. For stuffed cabbage mix stuffing, rice, cabbage, onion. Season with salt and spices. Hands sculpt small balls.

5. Grease the bottom of the wide pan with butter and put the cabbage rolls.

6. Turn on the heat of the plate so that the cabbage rolls are slightly fried.

7. Tomato juice mixed with sour cream. Pour this mixture into the pan with stuffed cabbage.

8. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 35 minutes.

9. Serve with mashed potatoes or with fresh vegetables.

Lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms and pearl barley in pan


• 200 g of champignons;

• 300 g white cabbage;

• one carrot;

• one onion;

• half sweet pepper;

• 150 g of pearl barley;

• 200 ml of tomato juice;

• 100 ml of water;

• on a pair of dill and parsley;

• salt;

• vegetable oil or sunflower;

• black pepper (ground).


1. Enumerate the barley, rinse with cold water and pour in a bowl Leave for 5-8 hours for swelling (you can overnight). Then rinse the rump. So croup will be better and quicker.

2. Put the barley stew in a separate saucepan. This process will take from 30 minutes to an hour.

3. Mushrooms clean, wash and cut into thin plates.

4. Wash cabbage, chop. 5. Peel and wash carrots and onions. Then chop the vegetables.

6. Peel sweet pepper from the stem and seeds. Cut into thin plates.

7. Rinse greens and chop finely.

8. Onions, carrots and peppers fry in sunflower oil for three minutes. Add mushrooms and simmer in a pan until evaporation of moisture. Fry a little.

9. Add pearl barley, cabbage, a little hot water, salt and ground pepper to the pan. Simmer for 10-13 minutes before evaporation.

10. Cool the braised mixture, make small chops and put it on the bottom of a wide saucepan. Pour tomato juice, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

11. Turn on the heat and simmer the lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan until tender.

12. Serve hot with fresh herbs.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the pan - tricks and tips

  • You can add any greens or vegetables to your lazy cabbage rolls to your taste.
  • Minced meat can be made from different types of meat.
  • In order for the burgers to be crisp, pre-roll them in flour or breadcrumbs.
  • If desired, it is possible not to form balls from prepared minced meat, but simply to extinguish it together with the sauce in a saucepan.
  • Make sure that during the cooking process all the water does not evaporate and the cabbage rolls are not burnt.
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