Minced meat cutlets of sockeye is a homemade delicacy. Juicy and tender chops of minced sock with cheese, potatoes, greens

Minced meat cutlets of sockeye is a homemade delicacy. Juicy and tender chops of minced sock with cheese, potatoes, greens

The bright red meat of this fish belonging to salmon has a particularly delicate flavor. Salmon is suitable for both roasting and smoking, it can be fried and stewed. And our selection of recipes will help you to make soyaki salads with really tasty cutlets.

General principles of cooking minced meatballs

On sale there is already ready mince from this fish. But if there is an opportunity to purchase steaks or a carcass of salmon, then it is not that difficult to make homemade minced meat from it. To do this, you need to cut the fish, remove the skin, separate the fillets, removing all the bones. Then grind it with a meat grinder or blender.

Meat of salmon is not too fat. Therefore, so that the cutlets do not come out dry, lard is sometimes added to the minced fish. In addition, white bread soaked in milk or cream is put for looseness and fluffiness, and semolina is used for the same purpose.

What else do they put in such burgers? Black or red hot peppers are suitable for spices, as well as any seasoning for fish. Go well with red minced fish dill, parsley and green onions. Also onions, finely chopped or punched in a blender are added for juiciness. Fresh grated ginger root and soy sauce bring in interesting flavors, which, by the way, is very salty in itself, and in this case, the minced meat can be additionally not salted. There are options for the preparation of sockeye patties with the addition of cheese, potatoes or minced other varieties of fish. These recipes can be found below.

Minced meat cutlets with salmon and red pepper

Salo will make the patties more juicy. If it is salty, do not add heavily minced meat.


A kilogram of minced salmon;

two eggs;


red pepper;

four pieces of white bread;



70 grams of fat;


Method of preparation

From slices of bread we cut off the crusts. Fill the crumb with a small amount of milk. Give soak. We are with fingers. Milk needs so much so that the bread soaks it completely, but not too much, so as not to make the stuffing liquid. Peel the onion. Finely shred or punch through a blender. Pour into a bowl. We break eggs there. We mix.

Fat cut into very small cubes or scroll in a meat grinder. Sent to the bow. Mix again. Add stuffing from sockeye. We salt. Pour red hot ground pepper to your taste. And knead until smooth.

Heat the oil in the pan. Form hands cutlets. We send to roast on a quiet flame. First 8-10 minutes on one side, then the same on the other.

Minced meat cutlets with ginger

Fragrant and moderately acute. The amount of red pepper can be varied depending on the desired spiciness of the dish, and it is advisable to use ginger in moderation - its bright taste can kill all the others.


750 grams of minced salmon;

two tablespoons chopped fresh ginger root;

two small onions;

1/4 teaspoon of dried red pepper flakes;



Method of preparation

Onions clean, finely chopped. Add to the minced fish. There we break the egg. Put ginger, salt, flakes of red pepper. Stir.

Making small cutlets. Put them on a plate and put them in the freezer for about twenty minutes.

Then we get cutlets and fry them in a non-stick frying pan, well heated. Five to six minutes on each side is enough.

Minced meat cutlets of sockeye with grated potatoes

Hearty and tender. From such an amount of ingredients you get four rather large burgers.


400 grams of salmon (two steaks);

two potatoes;

half onion;

ground black pepper;

two cloves of garlic;


four art. spoons of breadcrumbs;

vegetable oil;


Method of preparation

Boil the potatoes in the uniform. While he is preparing, rinse the salmon steaks and dry. Cut off the skin, remove the bones, cut the fillets into pieces.

Cooking stuffing. Grind the fish with a blender with onions and garlic cloves. We salt. Add pepper. Break the egg. Knead.

With ready potatoes scrape off the peel. Rub with a grater. Add to the stuffing. We mix. We make cutlets from fish and potato mince. Now we roll them in breadcrumbs. We fry in vegetable oil: first on a high flame for a couple of minutes on both sides, then cover with a lid and keep on low heat until ready.

Minced meat cutlets of sockeye with the addition of semolina and cream

To get a very delicate burgers, in this recipe, blender turns the onion into a puree. The semolina added for softness and fluffiness can be replaced with chopped oat flakes at will.


A kilogram of minced salmon;


four large onions;

100 grams of semolina;

150 ml of cream;



seasoning for fish.

Method of preparation

Bulbs peeled, cut into large pieces. Punch well with a blender.

Put the stuffing in a deep bowl. Add onion, seasoning, salt and raw egg. Mix the ingredients.

Pour semolina into cold cream. Stir thoroughly. Give swell.

Swollen cream semolina add to the stuffing. Mix well.

We collect minced meat with a spoon, spread each patty on a plate with breadcrumbs, roll it, form hands.

Fry for several minutes on both sides, then over low heat under a lid, bring to full readiness.

Minced meat cutlets of sockeye with cheese

These patties resemble zrazy. As a filling, a piece of cheese is put in each, which is melted during cooking. In this recipe, burgers are cooked in the oven, which makes them less nutritious and more useful than fried ones.


A pound of fillet of sockeye;

bunch of parsley;



200 grams of cheese;

ground pepper.

Method of preparation

Fillet rinse, dry. Cut into slices and grind meat grinder.

Parsley crumbled finely. We cut the cheese into small pieces - the size varies depending on how large the burgers are.

We add parsley, raw egg, salt, pepper. Knead.

Prepare the form for the oven. Grease it with oil.

We collect a portion of minced meat in the palm, put a piece of cheese in the center. We will eat the cutlet so that the cheese is inside, and we put it into shape. Just do the rest of the patties. In a hot oven, bake the chops for ten minutes. Then we turn it over once, lower the temperature a little and hold it for 15 more minutes until ready. Eat such burgers better than hot ones so that the cheese filling remains melted.

Minced saute cutlets with greens

To make the chops easier and harmless for the figure, not whole eggs are used in the recipe, but only their proteins.


600 grams of salmon;

1/2 tbsp of lemon juice;

a few sprigs of dill;

green onion feathers;

black pepper;

two egg whites;


vegetable oil;

20 grams of flour.

Method of preparation

Nerka my, we cut on fillets - we remove bones, skin. With the help of the meat grinder make minced fish.

Onion and dill crumble finely. Add to the stuffing. There we put the squirrels of two eggs, flour. Season with salt, lemon juice, pepper.

Next, you need to warm up the pan well, preferably with a non-stick coating, since we add quite a bit of oil for frying, it is advisable to do without it at all. Making small patties. Fry for three minutes on each side, so as not to overdry. Served with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Minced meat cutlets with white fish

Such cutlets can be made small in size - they will become an interesting snack. Choose the white sea fish of your choice, cod, haddock, hake, pollock will do.


A pound of fillet of sockeye;

half a kilo of cod fillet;

squirrels of two eggs;

vegetable oil;

a large bunch of dill;

soy sauce.

Method of preparation

Fillet of both types of fish cut in small pieces. We send in the blender and we turn into gentle forcemeat.

Dill finely chop. Add it to the stuffing. Separate the egg whites, also put them to the fish. We mix. Pour soy sauce - a couple of tablespoons, stir again.

Stuffing mince with a teaspoon, make small neat burgers. Fry for two or three minutes on each side until golden.

Steamed minced meat patties (in a slow cooker)

This method is good because it allows you to preserve the valuable nutritional properties of fish. Cutlets are not too high in calories, but no less tasty. Ingredients

400 grams of salmon fillet;

two bulbs;


100 grams of bread crumbs;

greens to taste;

one egg.

Method of preparation

Chop fillet of salmon in blender. The same method can be crushed and onions.

To the mince with onions add salt, egg, chopped greens. Knead.

Now we fall asleep breadcrumbs. If the stuffing turned out liquid, you can increase their number. We mix. Give the meat to stand for a quarter of an hour.

Then you can start making cutlets. We form them with our hands. We spread in a special capacity of the multicooker for steaming. Pour water into the bowl of the device (according to the instructions). Select the desired mode. Steamed burgers reach in about 25 minutes.

Minced meat cutlets made of sockeye - secrets and tricks

· After frying the patties on both sides, add a little water or broth to them and simmer under the lid. So they will be more tender, less fatty and roast.

· When making cutlets, wet hands with cold water.

· If the minced fish came out watery, the addition of breadcrumbs will help to form the chops.

· Making cutlets from not very fatty fish more succulent helps not only lard, but other ingredients, such as mayonnaise, as well as vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, carrots.

· Cooked chops of sockeye can be frozen for future use.

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