Navy pasta with minced meat - it's quick and nutritious! Top 10 pasta-style recipes with minced meat: pork, chicken, collective

Navy pasta with minced meat - it's quick and nutritious! Top 10 pasta-style recipes with minced meat: pork, chicken, collective

It may seem that any such dish as pasta in a naval manner can be prepared by anyone.

But, as it turned out, even such a seemingly simple dish has some subtleties and features of cooking.

In addition, it can be cooked in absolutely different ways.

Navy pasta with minced meat - general cooking principles

For the preparation of a hearty and quick dinner, the ideal option would be pasta in a naval manner with minced meat and it is not so important which of the recipes you choose.

Pasta for the dish, you can choose any: small, large, spaghetti - there is no fundamental difference. The only thing worth considering is better to still get pasta from durum wheat. Firstly, they are more useful, secondly, they do not boil soft and look very beautiful in the dish.

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. The preparation of this product does not take much time: water is poured into the pan, brought to a boil, salted, spread out the products, boiled, stirring for about seven minutes, and then immediately thrown into a colander. Some rinse the pasta after cooking under cold running water, others add to the stuffing, not rinsing - here, be guided by your own preferences. And so, and so it turns out delicious.

Minced meat for a dish you can buy already prepared or make yourself. Meat can be used any: beef, veal, pork, chicken. Usually, minced meat is fried with onions until cooked, after which additional ingredients are added as desired: for example, carrots, garlic, pumpkin, sweet peppers.

You can use tomato paste or tomatoes in cooking, but you can do without them. It is permissible to use all kinds of greens, which will give the pasta a freshness and flavor in a fleet. Spices are used to taste, but in any case, within reason, it is salt, a mixture of peppers, oregano, Italian, Provencal herbs.

1. Navy macaroni with “Classic” minced meat


• 350 g beef or mixed (beef with pork) minced meat;

• 280 g pasta;

• salt, ground pepper;

• vegetable oil;

• onion.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put half a spoonful of salt. Throw pasta, cook, stirring occasionally, about 5-8 minutes. We recline the finished pasta in a colander.

2. Clean the onion and finely crumble, spread on the hot oil, fry until soft.

3. Spread minced meat to onions, mix thoroughly. We fry the mass until ready, constantly stirring so that nothing burns.

4. We pour salt, we put to taste ground pepper, we spread pasta.

5. While stirring, simmer another five minutes.

2. Naval macaroni with minced meat in tomato sauce


• 450 g mixed minced meat;

• 320 g pasta;

• vegetable oil;

• two eggs;

• two bows;

• salt, a mixture of peppers;

• one and a half glasses of water;

• 80 g spicy tomato sauce.


1. We twist the peeled onion in a meat grinder, mix it with minced meat.

2. Put the minced meat in a deep frying pan, salt and pepper. Fry for five to eight minutes.

3. Pour in hot water and simmer until the liquid boils away.

4. Add in stewed minced beaten raw eggs, salt, pepper mixture, mix.

5. Put the spicy tomato sauce, simmer for about five minutes.

6. Add macaroni boiled until ready, stir, turn off the gas.

3. Flea pasta with minced chicken and tomatoes


• 280 g of minced chicken;

• 250 g spaghetti;

• to taste garlic, salt, oregano;

• three or four tomatoes;

• oil for roasting;

• 50 g of tomato paste.

Preparation: 1. Put the stuffing in a bowl, add salt, add oregano, mix well.

2. Peel and chop the garlic and onion.

3. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, peeled, cut into small cubes.

4. Heat the oil in a skillet, spread the onion, add garlic after a minute of roasting, and after a minute add minced meat. Fry, stirring, to blush.

5. Put the prepared tomatoes and tomato paste to the mince, mix. Tomim in tomato juice twenty minutes.

6. Spaghetti boil, following the instructions on the package, recline on a colander.

7. Spread pasta on the plates, pour fragrant fried with tomatoes stuffing.

4. Flea pasta with minced meat, vegetables and mushrooms


• half a kilo of minced meat;

• 300 g of champignons;

• carrot;

• large onions;

• salt pepper;

• vegetable oil;

• a glass of broth (meat);

• parsley leaves;

• 450 g of tubules (macaroni);

• sweet pepper.


1. Chop the onion and fry it together with the minced meat in a deep saucepan on the hot oil until cooked.

2. Put the diced mushrooms, fry for five minutes.

3. Add ground pepper and salt, chopped carrot, chopped pepper, mix. Fry for a few minutes, pour in the hot broth, close the lid, stew and cook until all ingredients are ready.

4. Boil pasta until half cooked, fold it in a colander and immediately put it into the stuffing. Mix thoroughly, simmer all together for another ten minutes.

5. Navy pasta with minced meat and cheese


• a pound of minced veal;

• 200 g of shells;

• 30 g of tomato paste;

• four small bulbs;

• to taste garlic;

• Italian herbs;

• salt, a mixture of peppers;

• cooking oil;

• a small bunch of dill;

• 100 g of any hard cheese.


1. Cut the onions into half rings, fry until transparent in olive or vegetable oil. 2. Add minced meat, salt, pepper mixture, pour a small amount of Italian herbs. Mix well, fry for about ten minutes.

3. Add tomato paste, continue to simmer, after ten minutes put freshly squeezed garlic and chopped dill.

4. Boil the shells and lay them out to the mince, mix.

5. Pour all the ingredients with grated cheese, turn off the gas, let it brew for five minutes.

6. Navy baked pasta with minced meat


• 450 g of minced meat (any);

• a pound of pasta;

• onion;

• a glass of red wine;

• two spoons of tomato paste;

• salt pepper;

• 300 g of hard cheese;

• 200 g bechamel sauce.


1. Fry shredded onion with minced meat, pour in wine, add spices, tomato paste, simmer until complete evaporation of the liquid.

2. Boil the pasta.

3. Mix the bechamel sauce with half the finely grated cheese.

4. Stir pasta with cheese sauce.

5. We spread on the greased form part of the pasta, evenly distribute the stuffing over the top, put the remaining pasta, we fall asleep with cheese.

6. Bake for fifteen minutes over medium heat.

7. Naval macaroni with minced meat and pumpkin


• a pound of ground beef;

• 250 grams of feathers;

• 220 grams of pumpkin pulp;

• onion;

• a clove of garlic;

• vegetable oil;

• salt, ground white and black pepper;

• to taste greens.


1. Boil the pasta, drain the liquid.

2. Pass the peeled and finely chopped onion to transparency.

3. Add minced meat to onions, mix well. Fry for five to ten minutes to a pleasant blush.

4. Add garlic, boil down for another couple of minutes, turn off the gas.

5. Boil diced macaroni in lightly salted water for ten minutes.

6. Put the pumpkin, pasta and minced meat in a deep stew pan, add chopped greens, all the spices, mix. 7. After ten minutes of slow languor serve the dish to the table.

8. Navy pasta with minced meat and sour cream


• 300 grams of mixed minced meat;

• 300 g pasta;

• 100 g sour cream;

• onion;

• salt and pepper to taste;

• mincemeat roasting oil.


1. Put the minced meat in a deep bowl, add sour cream, pepper, salt.

2. Fry golden onions, spread the minced meat in sour cream.

3. Tom until meat is fully cooked, about twenty minutes.

4. Add to the minced boiled until cooked pasta, mix.

9. Flea pasta with minced meat and smoked bacon


• 270 grams of pasta of any shape;

• 150 grams of smoked bacon;

• two spoons of ketchup;

• to taste salt, pepper;

• half a glass of water;

• 200 g of minced meat;

• onion;

• butter.


1. Onions clean and shred small cubes.

2. Put on the pan, add oil, fry to a nice golden hue.

3. Chop the bacon or bacon and add to the onion, fry until browning.

4. Add minced meat, mix thoroughly, stew until meat is completely cooked. At the end add some salt and pepper.

5. Pour boiling water, add ketchup and chopped garlic. If necessary, put the spices, focusing on your taste. Tomim another about five minutes, then remove from heat.

6. Boil the pasta, but not until fully cooked, drain the liquid, and spread the pasta into the mince. Stir.

7. Put the pan or stew pan with a dish for ten minutes in the oven.

10. Flea pasta with minced meat, spices and vegetables


• 300 g of any pasta;

• 420 g of minced chicken;

• red onion;

• two celery stalks;

• large carrots;

• a pair of cloves of garlic;

• cooking oil;

• leaves of dill and parsley;

• salt pepper;

• seasoning for pasta, marjoram, dried basil. Preparation:

1. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in hot oil until golden.

2. Add the stuffing, from time to time loosening it so that it roasts simultaneously from all sides.

3. We spread grated carrots, chopped garlic and celery to the practically ready stuffing.

4. Pour all the spices that make up the dish, add salt and finely chopped dill to taste.

5. We pour in a little more than half a glass of water, we languish, closing the lid for about fifteen minutes.

6. Boil the pasta, spread to the minced meat and vegetables, mix thoroughly, cook for another two or three minutes and turn off the gas.

Navy pasta with minced meat - tricks and tips

• It is better not to use butter for roasting, because the dish will be more nutritious, and the juice that comes out of the meat is quite enough to make the pasta juiciness.

• Be sure to fry the minced meat first without adding water or tomato sauce, and then stew it - the dish will turn out much tastier.

• Instead of tomato paste, it is permissible to use sauces, ketchups to taste.

• To give the dish a special spice, try adding grated smoked cheese.

• Minced meat does not have to be twisted; minced meat is allowed to cook.

• To make the dish sharp, add a little chopped chili or red pepper while cooking.

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