So many varieties of jelly jelly? Thick and ordinary kissels from jam - cherry, currant, raspberry

So many varieties of jelly jelly? Thick and ordinary kissels from jam - cherry, currant, raspberry

Kissel in the middle of summer? Whatever you want! And if in the window sweeps and in the shops instead of fresh fruit only overseas pomegranates, bananas and oranges? That's when we open the pantry and the banks of harvested jam appear. Apricot, raspberry and blueberry. Strawberries, blackberries and cherries - everything goes! And the kissels are ... no tale to say!

Kissel from jam - the general principles of preparation

• From jam can be cooked as a liquid drinking jelly, and more dense - dessert. Jam is used as the basis for the preparation of “compote”, which is thickened to the desired concentration with starch.

• The average ratio of potato starch for the preparation of drinking jelly - two tablespoons to four glasses of berry or fruit decoction. When you add a larger amount of thickening product, get thick dessert jelly, which is usually consumed chilled. When using corn starch, the rate of the product should be doubled.

• The basis, so-called compote, can be cooked from any jam. The most fragrant drink or dessert is obtained from berries twisted or ground with sugar, as well as with the addition of fresh fruits.

• Jam is diluted with water and brought to a boil, then strain the cooked base through a sieve if the berries contain small bones or use a colander if fruit jam is used. Separated broth is brought to a boil and brewed with diluted starch in water.

• To make a prepared drink or dessert turn out to be homogeneous, starch water is injected, pouring in a thin stream, by intensive circular motions, stirring the contents of the container. Over low heat, not allowing to boil, the jelly is brought to readiness for two minutes, then cooled.

• Drinking jelly from jam can be consumed immediately after cooking or after cooling.

• Thick dessert jelly can be cooked homogeneous or with pieces of berries and fruits remaining after straining the liquid base. They are served for dessert in ice-cream bowl chilled. They can be prepared in one-color and multi-layered, if you cook a few jelly from different types of jam. Such jelly can pereselit specially cooked cottage cheese cream. Often dessert kissel served under whipped cream, which is decorated with grated chocolate or berries and fruits, lined with jam.

Cherry jam from berries with berries and apple slices


• a tablespoon of fresh, dry starch;

• three small, preferably sweet apples;

• cherry jam, seedless - 5 tbsp. l .;

• granulated sugar to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. With apples, cut off the peel, remove the cores, cut the fruits into small cubes.

2. In a two-liter saucepan, pour a liter of filtered water and put on an intense fire.

3. Put the apple slices in boiling water, wait until it boils again and add cherry jam. On a low heat, preferably with a minimum boil, boil the apples in cherry broth until softened. You can add a little sugar based on your own taste.

4. In cold water, about a quarter of a glass, dilute the starch well and put it into boiling compote, intensively stirring with a whisk or spoon with a long handle.

5. After that, reduce the heat so that the kissel only boils slightly, boil for two minutes and remove from the stove.

Aromatic blackcurrant kissel from jam


• three liters of filtered drinking water;

• currant jam or ground with currant sugar - to taste;

• potato starch - 5 tbsp. l

Cooking Method:

1. From blackcurrant jam, prepare the juice, diluted with water. Taking a sample and, if necessary, adding the jam, adjust the taste. Note that starch brightens, lowers the sweetness and taste characteristics of the finished drink. Therefore, prepare concentrated juice.

2. To make the jelly uniform, strain the berry drink through a sieve, lightly kneading the black currant with a spoon, and boil. A foam will form on the surface, it must be removed.

3. Pour half a liter of boiled cold water into a small container, add the starch to it and mix it thoroughly.

4. Intensively stirring boiling juice, pour thinned starch into it in a thin stream and reduce heat.

5. Boil blackcurrant jelly on low heat for three minutes and remove from heat. Do not let the drink boil!

Recipe for “not a child” raspberry jelly from wine jam


• one cup of boiled drinking water;

• sugar - an incomplete tablespoon, about 20 grams;

• 60 gr. raspberry jam;

• four teaspoons of cornstarch or two potatoes;

• 150 gr. red dessert wine.

Cooking Method:

1. Dissolve raspberry jam with cold boiled water and strain the prepared compote through a rare sieve. Pour out the drained liquid into a saucepan and put on intense heat.

2. In the boiling raspberry decoction, pour in the wine, add sugar and leave to cook on low heat.

3. Cold boiled water (half a glass) dissolve starch and gently, pouring a thin stream, enter the solution into the boiling liquid.

4. Continuing to mix, bring the jelly to a boil and remove from heat, cool.

Thick cherry kissel from cream and jam


• full glass of seedless cherry jam;

• three tablespoons of potato starch;

• half cup thick, no less than 33% cream;

• 25 gr. powdered sugar.

Cooking Method:

1. Put the jam in the pan, pour in a liter of drinking water, stir well and bring to a boil.

2. Pour half a glass of cold drinking water into a separate bowl, add starch and whip the mixture until homogeneous.

3. Intensively stirring the boiling broth in circular motions, pour a thin starch into the water in a thin stream and reduce the heat.

4. When the contents of the pan thickens, remove from heat and cool slightly. Then pour the cherry kissel over the ceramic ice-cream bowls and leave to cool completely. When pouring dessert, make sure that several cherries fall into each ice-cream pan.

5. Place the completely cooled kissel in the common compartment of the refrigerator and leave it to cool and thicken further.

6. Before serving, decorate chilled dessert with a “cap” of whipped cream with powdered sugar. You can put a cocktail cherry on top or sprinkle with large chocolate chips.

Multi-layered dessert from jelly on jam and milk - “Triple”


• 250 gr. a glass of pasteurized milk;

• half a cup of sea buckthorn and blackcurrant jam;

• tablespoon of vanilla sugar;

• Two spoons of potato or four corn starch.

Cooking Method:

1. Put sea buckthorn and black currant jam in separate containers, pour a glass of cold water into each, stir and strain.

2. Dissolve starch with a glass of cold water and divide the resulting mixture into three equal parts.

3. Pour the vanilla sugar into the milk and set on high heat. In a boiling milk, enter a third of the starch mixture, mix thoroughly, wait for boiling and remove from heat.

4. Separately bring blackcurrant and sea buckthorn “compotes” to the boil and, just like into milk, put into them one third of the starch dissolved in water, cool it.

5. Cooled, not completely thickened, colored jelly, put in kremanki layers and put until complete thickening in the refrigerator.

6. Serve the finished dessert, powdered with powdered sugar.

Cherry jelly from curd with curd cream - “Striped”


• cherry jam (seedless) - 1 tbsp .;

• 250 ml of not set white wine;

• 120 gr. sugar;

• two large lemons;

• potato starch - 60 gr .;

• a pound of low-fat elastic cottage cheese;

• 15 gr. instant gelatin;

• three eggs;

• 500 gr. thick, homemade or just heavy cream;

• small vanilla pod.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix cherry jam with wine, add an incomplete glass of water. Add sliced ​​lemon zest and bring to a boil. Drop in a colander and be sure to remove the zest.

2. Cool “compote”, about half a cup in volume, dilute the starch. Separated “compote”, put on a strong fire and, bringing to a boil, add a thin stream of diluted starch.

3. Bring the jelly to a boil, place the cherry in the colander, stir and cool.

4. Pour gelatin with water and let it stand until it swells well and dissolve in a water bath. 5. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add sugar to yolks, add a small pinch of fine salt, pound. With the remaining sugar, beat the whites well. Whisk cream separately.

6. Mash the curd on a sieve. Add a teaspoon of the peel, crushed with a fine grater from the second lemon, yolks and sugar faded, vanilla pulp and mix well.

7. After that, gently add whipped cream and proteins to the curd mass.

8. In a large glass container lay out well cooled chilli and cottage cheese cream, remove it in the cold for an hour.

Kissel from jam - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If you use raspberry, strawberry or black currant jam in the preparation, filter the “compote” through a rare sieve so that the small bones of the berries do not fall into the ready-made dessert.

• To make the jelly homogeneous, starch should be diluted only in cold water and poured into the “compote” slowly, without ceasing to stir it intensively.

• Brewed jelly is not recommended to boil, just enough to bring to a boil. Boiling can break the density, the kissel will become thinner.

• The surface of the drink is not covered with film, if it is lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

• Well, if, on the contrary, the children ask for “foam” more abruptly, but more magnificently? Well, then we do the same thing as in the previous council, just letting the jelly cool down thoroughly ...

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