Fruit jellies are an easy dessert for those who follow their figure. A selection of simple and original fruit jelly recipes

Fruit jellies are an easy dessert for those who follow their figure. A selection of simple and original fruit jelly recipes

Jelly is the simplest delicacy, for the preparation of which any ingredients and additives are used. Due to this, you can get a dessert with a new taste every time.

The main advantage of jelly is low calorie, so you can eat it without fear of getting better.

Fruit jelly - the basic principles of cooking

Jelly is prepared using agar-agar, pectin or gelatin. It is these ingredients that make it possible to get the dessert of the desired consistency. Many housewives prepare fruit jelly from ready-made powders. This is of course convenient, but in the purchased mixtures there are preservatives and dyes that do not make jelly useful.

The basis for making jelly at home is made from sour cream, compote, soda, juice, milk, alcoholic beverages and syrups.

As a filler in the jelly add pieces of fruit, berries. In winter, you can use canned or frozen.

To obtain a homogeneous consistency, gelatin is pre-filled with cold water and dissolved in a water bath. The mixture is filtered to remove all the grains.

Sheet gelatin is washed, then poured on for half an hour with cold water. The remaining water is drained, and the gelatin is squeezed and added to the boiling base.

Agar-agar is soaked for at least an hour. This thickener needs two times less than gelatin.

The prepared thickener is added to the base for jelly and mixed. Fruits prepare, cut into small pieces, spread in a form and pour gelatinous mixture. Or put in the basis, already poured into forms.

Recipe 1: Fruit Jelly with Oranges


300 ml of orange juice;

8 g of instant gelatin; 30 grams of white sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Pour orange juice into a small dipper. Add sugar and heat the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, until sugar is dissolved. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed 50C.

2. Pour gelatin into the ladle and quickly stir it with a spatula so that there are no lumps. Once it is dissolved, remove the ladle from the heat and filter the mixture into a cool dish.

3. The orange mixture, cooled to room temperature, is poured into portions and put in the refrigerator for three hours. Before serving, sprinkle with coconut jelly or chocolate chips.

Recipe 2: Dairy Fruit Jelly


fruits and berries;

two liters of filtered water;

almond extract - 20 ml;

agar-agar - 30 g;

milk - one and a half stak .;

sugar - half a stack.

Method of preparation

1. Pour the water into a small scoop, set on fire and bring to a boil. Dissolve agar-agar in boiling water. Add sugar and continue to cook, stirring continuously, until it is completely dissolved. The fire should be minimal.

2. Add almond extract and milk to the dipper. Mix and pour the mixture into the form.

3. Add pieces of any fruits and berries. Cool to a barely warm state. Sent in the fridge until complete freezing.

Recipe 3. Fruit jelly with strawberries and gooseberries


gooseberry - 100 g;

dessert wine - 30 ml;

strawberries - 100 g;

gelatin - 10 g;

sugar - 100 g;

warm water - three stack.


sour cream - a glass;

350 g of white sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Put my gooseberry in a saucepan, pour water on it and set on slow fire. Cook from the moment of boiling five minutes. Then we lean back on the sieve and drain the liquid. Gelatin and sugar are dissolved in dessert wine and added to gooseberry liquid. 2. Return the mixture to the fire and cook, stirring continuously, until it begins to thicken. Then remove from heat and leave to cool.

3. Strawberries my, remove the tails and put on the bottom of the form in which we will prepare the jelly. Fill berries, prepared with warm liquid.

4. Combine the sugar with sour cream and lightly whisk. We put the form with jelly in the cold until it solidifies. Before serving, decorate the cream with a pastry bag.

Recipe 4: Fruit Jelly with Raspberries and Cognac


5 ml of cognac;

150 grams of fresh raspberries;

20 ml of lemon juice;

5 g of gelatin;

100 g of white sugar.

Method of preparation

1. Raspberries can take fresh or frozen. Wash fresh berries. Separate two thirds from the total amount and transfer to a separate enameled bowl. Mash thoroughly.

2. Put gelatin in a cup and pour 50 ml of filtered cold water. Stir and leave to swell.

3. Boil about a glass of water. Put sugar in boiling water and cook for about ten minutes. Add the swollen gelatin, mix and bring to boil again. Add the raspberry puree. Cook on low heat for half an hour.

4. Add to the mixture brandy and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Cook for another ten minutes. Strain the hot jelly through a sieve into a bowl and cool it by dropping the bowl in a saucepan with cold water. Pour the jelly into the mold and put in an hour in the cold.

5. Remove the dishes from the jelly, put it in hot water and carefully place the dessert on a plate. Garnish with raspberry berries.

Recipe 5: Champagne Fruit Jelly


four leaves of mint and gelatin;

raspberries and blueberries - two handfuls each;

champagne - 600 ml;

sugar - 60 g

Method of preparation

1. Wash my berries, dry them on a napkin and fold them into transparent glass forms, filling them in half. Sent to the fridge. 2. Pour gelatin sheets at the rate of one part of 11 parts of filtered water. Then we drain the remaining liquid and squeeze the gelatine from moisture. Fill it with 150 ml of boiling water, add sugar and stir until a clear mixture is obtained.

3. Pour champagne into the cooled gelatinous mixture and mix. Fill the resulting solution berries in the form and send in the fridge. Before serving the form with the frozen jelly, dip it in hot water for a few seconds and turn it over on a dessert plate. We decorate mint leaves.

Recipe 6: Fruit Jelly with Bananas and Strawberries


two ripe bananas;

five pink peppercorns;

300 grams of strawberries;

several leaves of fresh mint;

5 g of agar-agar powder;

a glass of filtered water.

Method of preparation

1. In a deep saucepan, soak the agar-agar powder according to the instructions above. Reserve for an hour. We put on a slow fire and bring the agar mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for half a minute. Remove from heat and cool to a warm state.

2. Strawberries my, obsushivaem. About a third of the berries are cut lengthwise into halves of the same size. We spread the strawberries in a circle of culinary ring slices out.

3. Part of the berries leave for decoration. The rest is laid out in a blender. We also send peeled and sliced ​​bananas here and interrupt everything to a puree state. Pour fruit puree in a solution of agar, while stirring intensively. Pour the mixture into a culinary ring.

4. Cool jelly at room temperature, then send it to the fridge until it solidifies. Then carefully remove the ring. Slice the strawberries. We decorate the finished jelly with ground pink pepper, mint leaves and strawberry slices.

Recipe 7: Fruit Jelly with Curd

Ingredients peaches;

sour cream - 50 g;

cocoa - 50 g;

low-fat cottage cheese - 420 g;

gelatin packaging;

sugar - 210 g;

warm water - incomplete stack.

Method of preparation

1. Put gelatin in a small dipper, cover it with water and leave for half an hour. Then put on a slow fire and warm until it disperses completely. Mix continuously.

2. Fresh peaches, wash and peel. Canned fruits immediately cut into large pieces.

3. Cottage cheese mash well with a fork, or grind through a sieve to get a soft homogeneous consistency. Add sour cream, sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve completely. Add loose gelatin and whisk well.

4. The curd mass is divided into two parts. Add cocoa in one and mix. Put peach slices into transparent glass molds. Fill half with white curd mass. Send a quarter of an hour in the fridge. Then put the chocolate mixture and again put in the refrigerator. Hold until fully set.

Fruit Jelly Tips and Tricks

  • Do not use aluminum cookware. In it, the liquid darkens, and the taste can deteriorate.
  • You can use fruit from jam or compote to make fruit jelly.
  • Gelatin after blooming is desirable to drain.
  • You can serve the fruit jelly directly in the forms, or lower them for a few seconds in boiling water and turn them over on the plate.
  • You can decorate with whipped cream, grated chocolate, coconut chips or mint leaves.
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