Yeast dough meat pies: detailed recipes. Old traditions and new ideas for pies with yeast dough meat

Yeast dough meat pies: detailed recipes. Old traditions and new ideas for pies with yeast dough meat

It would seem that something new can be invented from yeast dough?

But now and then there are all the new recipes, which even from one reading already want to taste.

Yeast Dough Meat Pie - Basic Technological Principles

Some housewives rarely prepare yeast dough, as they consider this type of dough complex and capricious.

If you know the main technological moments, then this myth will shatter, and from the kitchen you will always hear the aroma of all sorts of pastry from yeast dough.

The main requirement is impeccable quality. Flour for making yeast dough pie can be of different varieties, depending on the recipe, but it must be sifted, without any odors. In this regard, it is necessary to remember that the flour is very hygroscopic, and it is not uncommon for it to absorb not only moisture in the room where it is stored, but also smells. The moisture content of the flour affects the consistency of the dough. If it exceeds the norm, then, accordingly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid added during mixing. The success of baking is flour of the highest grade.

Pay attention to the quality of the fat used for the yeast dough: the old smell and the rancid taste of vegetable oil, margarine or creamy mala will ruin the baking. Butter or margarine before laying in the dough is kept at room temperature.

The exception is the technology of making yeast dough in a cold way, in which all the ingredients are laid in a cooled form, and the kneading should be done in a cool room. It is difficult to create such conditions in the home kitchen, so in the process of kneading the dough is repeatedly placed in the refrigerator for half an hour or for several minutes - in the freezer for cooling, and then continue rolling and lamination (for puff yeast dough).

From vegetable oils, only refined varieties should be used, especially when the oil is used to lubricate the form in which the product is baked or the working surface with which the dough comes in contact. Unrefined oil will give the dough a specific smell, which is not always appropriate in the finished baking, and in the baking process this oil burns. Leave unrefined oil for cold cooking. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype that it is inappropriate to add sugar to the dough for savory baking, try at least once to bake a pie with meat from yeast dough, in which the presence of sugar is noticeable, although to a lesser extent than in sweet cakes: any savory pastry with moderate adding sugar to the dough gives an excellent taste, especially when a slightly sweet dough is combined with a sharp or sour taste of the filling. 30-50 grams of sugar must be added anyway in order for the yeast to start working: with sugar they “turn on” into the work process much faster.

Water or milk should be heated to 20-30ºC. This temperature is most comfortable for the yeast, but this, again, does not apply to the cold process technology.

Of course, the dough must be salted. Use rock salt, preferably purified, finely ground, because it does not contain dark inclusions, which will be very noticeable in baking.

In addition to butter and milk, eggs are added to the unsweetened dough as a muffin. It is better to add eggs to the dough, hammering them one by one, so as not to accidentally spoil the dough, if a very stale egg suddenly falls. Before adding the egg, it is better to whip it beforehand so that the consistency of the dough is more uniform. In addition, the whipped egg mass is enriched with air bubbles, which, getting into the dough with egg whites, makes it more lush and light. As you know, the quality of yeast dough is largely determined by its ability to “rise”, and the increase in dough in volume occurs due to the accumulation of gas - the product of yeast processing. The air that accumulates between the protein fibers while beating the eggs improves the functioning of the yeast by supplying it with oxygen. If the yeast needs sugar to provide energy and nutrition, then, like all living organisms, the yeast needs air, which they receive additionally from beaten egg mass. Hence, the fermentation process of the dough is accelerated and its quality is improved.

Which yeast is better: dry or pressed? There are different opinions about this. On the one hand, dry yeasts are more stable, their shelf life is much longer than that of “live” or pressed yeast, they provide a faster rise of the dough. Pressed yeast has almost the same composition of living microorganisms, but they are in a more humid environment. Accordingly, the mass of compressed yeast should be increased in the recipe, in a 1: 2 ratio, if it is necessary to replace instant yeast, the mass ratio of super-yeast and compressed is 1: 3. Yeast dough is prepared by the sponge and straight way, which are most famous, and therefore we will not dwell on the technology of their preparation. In addition, lately more and more successful puff yeast dough, which has a good texture. Also, its advantage is the possibility of long-term freezing and storage. The difference between kneading “cold dough” is the use of cooled liquid (not higher than 18-20ºC), frozen butter or margarine. The principle of mixing is to prevent the yeast from working until the moment of proofing of the semifinished dough before baking.

The so-called “Khrushchev dough” is very popular, which is also frozen for long-term storage, but when it is defrosted it is revived with the help of baking soda.

Try to make pies in different ways and choose the most acceptable option for yourself.

As for the meat filling, its choice is so diverse that you can cook meat pies, perhaps every day, without repeating for a year, or maybe even two years. Similarly, the assortment of meat fillings is not calculated. Moreover, in this matter there are no restrictions for personal creativity. It is safe to say that meat for pies can be processed by any available means: cook, fry, simmer, soar, bake, smoke. The most convenient for stuffing pies is minced meat or ground with the help of kitchen appliances.

For pies suitable for any type of meat and offal, as well as sausages, canned meat. Of course, to give extra flavor, meat and meat products are often combined with other ingredients. These can be vegetables, cereals, cheeses, and even fruits and dried fruits. Spices and spices are selected depending on the composition of minced meat and its constituent ingredients, given that their main purpose is to make the products interesting, elegant shades.

Recipe 1. Meat pie made from yeast dough, not rich, cooked in the straight way

Dough Ingredients: Yeast, pressed 25 g

Sparkling water 250 ml

Salt 5 g

Flour 1.0 kg

For minced meat:

Cooked meat, bold 300 g

Onions 100g

Ground pepper


75 g oil

Broth or water 150 ml

One yolk to lubricate the product.


Dissolve the yeast in warm water. Sift flour and combine it with salt. Add 300 g of flour to the water with yeast, stir the dough with a whisk, cover the dishes with a film so that gas does not come out and soak for several minutes until foam appears on the surface. Knead the dough, adding the rest of the flour in small pieces.

Mince boiled meat and onion through meat grinder and stew in a skillet, adding broth, salt, spices. At the end of quenching, the liquid should evaporate.

Prepare the mold and turn on the oven to heat (200ºC). On a workbench, oiled, roll out a very thin and oval layer of dough. Put the cooked and cooled minced meat. Roll the dough roll, pinching the edges. Put the semi-finished product in the form and put on the proof. When the roll will increase by 2 times, grease it with a beaten yolk and bake.

Recipe 2. Yeast Dough Meat Pie, Butter Pie: Sponge Cake



Dry yeast 20 g

Milk 400 ml

Flour 300 g


Butter, melted 125 g

Sugar 100 g

Eggs 3 pcs. and 1 yolk

Flour 850 g

Salt 10 g

For minced meat:

Smoked-boiled ham 600 g

Chopped parsley and onion 150 g

Processed cheese 250 g

Sesame, fried 50 g


Sift one and a half cups of flour and combine with yeast. Pour cool milk (15-18ºC) into this mixture and mix. Cover the brew with a lid, loosely, and refrigerate overnight. Opara should roam for at least 10-12 hours. After 8 hours, remove the pan so that the rest of the brew can warm up at room temperature. Ghee, whipped eggs and salt combine, mix and pour into the heated brew. Stir again. Sift flour, knead the dough. Leave it to rise. When the dough approximately doubles in volume, crush it and let it go again.

In the meantime, prepare the stuffing: finely chop the greens, ham and melted cheese (you can grate a coarse grater) and mix the ingredients. Optionally, you can add pepper or sauce, but add sauce in moderation, so that the filling is not liquid and does not spoil the dough. Grease the cooked form and sprinkle with flour. Preheat oven to 180ºC. Divide the finished dough in half, roll out 2 circles: one - with a diameter of 30 cm, the other - 26 cm. Lay a large layer in the form so that the edges hang down over the side. Put the stuffing, cover with the second circle of the dough. Pinch the edges of the cake and place in heat (25-30ºC). When the cake rises strongly, brush the surface of the yolk with a brush and bake. When the cake is ready, remove for a moment from the oven and once again cover the surface with yolk to give the baking gloss. Put the product back in the oven for 5-10 minutes, remove the mold and cover the cake with a napkin for a few minutes so that the crust does not become too dry and hard. Put another warm product on a dish lined with a napkin.

Recipe 3. Yeast dough meat pie: puff pastry


Sour cream 15% 300 ml

Dry yeast 25 g

Margarine, creamy 400 g (or butter 72.5%)

Flour 800-900 g


For the filling:

Eggs quail, boiled 10-12 pieces.

Liver and vegetable pate:

Beef or chicken liver fried 800 g

Fried onions 100g

Stewed grated carrots, in sour cream 150 g



Chop half of the sifted flour with pieces of the frozen butter or margarine before formation of a fat and small crumb. Gather the baby in a container and put it in the fridge.

Combine the sifted flour with salt and yeast, add sour cream directly from the refrigerator. Knead the dough and begin to roll it on a silicone surface or sprinkle with flour on the table. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.3-0.5 cm, sprinkle it with cooked crumbs, lightly press the dressing to keep it on the surface, and roll the dough in half or in an envelope, bending the edges of the layer to the center. Roll again as thin as possible and do so no less than 16 times. In the process of rolling, if you notice that the dough has heated and become too soft, remove it for a while in the cold, after cooling continue to layer it.

If you are going to bake pies right away, then cut it into squares of the same size and put meat stuffing with mushrooms in the center of each one, and sprinkle it with grated cheese with greens on top. Wrap the opposite corners of the square to the center and pinch the folded edges of the dough on one side with an angle so that one opposite edge remains open. In prepared round shape, lay the semi-finished products in a circle, in the form of a flower. The open part should be located in the center of the form. Separate parts of the cake should not fit snugly to each other, so that when raising the dough, the form of the cake is preserved.

From a small piece of dough, roll out a thin sausage and, dividing it into pieces, lay it in the center of the grate on the open part of the fragments. In the openings of the grid, put cranberries on the filling. Send the cake for proofing, and when it rises, bake in medium temperature.

Preparing the filling:

Marinated mushrooms and fried boiled chicken fillet cut into cubes. Add also finely chopped browned onions. Stir the minced meat, seasoning with spices to taste. Hard cheese rub on the smallest grater and put in a separate bowl on the desktop. Also prepare a cup of cranberries.

Recipe 4. Italian-style yeast dough meat pie


Water 0.5 l

Flour 700 g

Yeast, quick 25 g

Provencal herbs 40 g

Salt 15 g

Sugar 70g

Olive oil 150 g


Smoked pork tenderloin 500 g

Cherry or “cream” 250 g

Cheese, hard 300 g

Celery root, boiled 100 g

Italian herbs

Thyme 50g

Egg 1 pc. (for lubrication)

Cumin, seeds 20 g (for powder)


Pour all the dry ingredients into the sifted flour. We combine warm water with olive oil and gradually add to the dry mixture, kneading the dough first with a spatula and then with the hands, until a smooth and elastic consistency.

Next, roll out the dough into a rectangular or oval layer, make symmetrical cuts on the long sides, 8-10 cm long. Put prepared stuffing in the center, along the cuts, alternating between the minced elements, cut into thin slices. We intertwine the cut strips among themselves, connecting them in the center, in the form of a braid.

When the dough rises grease the egg, sprinkle with cumin seeds and bake.

Recipe 5. Meat Pie from Yeast Dough “Color Pie”


For test:

Kefir 350 ml

Yeast 30 g

Eggs 2 pcs.

Flour 500 g

Beet 150 g Spinach 300g

Salt 15 g

Sugar 50 g


Boiled beef 400 g

Garlic 30g

Salt, black pepper

Grated cheese 250 g

Fried mushrooms 300 g


Washed, sorted out spinach and peeled beets, grind separately and perebite blender in a puree mass.

Combine dry ingredients for the dough. Beat the eggs and pour warm kefir into them. Knead the dough like pancakes and divide it into two parts. To each piece add mashed potatoes and mix the dough.

Chop the boiled tenderloin and season with minced garlic and spices. Add the meat portion of the filling to the beetroot dough. Add cheese and sliced ​​fried mushrooms to spinach dough. Pour the dough into a greased deep form and bake until golden brown in the oven, also separately. Baked cakes can be served separately with sour cream or put together by making them in the form of a cake, filling with whipped cream, mashed potatoes or vegetable slices.

Recipe 6. Yeast dough meat pie: cold method


Dry yeast 8 g

Cold milk 400 ml

Salt 10 g

Margarine, creamy 350 g

Flour 450g

Sugar 50 g

For the filling:

Home-made sausage, pork, fried 1 kg

For product lubrication: 1 egg


Cold milk, soft margarine, soda, salt and sugar are ground in one dish, add sifted flour and knead the dough, which should have a uniform consistency, stick out of the hands, but remain heavy. Wrap the dough and refrigerate. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours. But after 3-4 hours you can bake pies.

After soaking in the refrigerator, begin to form a pie.

Clean the sausage film. Roll the dough into a rectangle and cut it into strips of 4-5 cm wide. Connect their parts to each other in length and lay the sausage slices along the entire length of the dough, pinching the edges of the dough. Roll the product with a snail and place it on a greased sheet. Smear the top with a beaten egg and bake on average.

Meat Pie - Tips and Tricks

  • It happens that during the dough kneading it is found that the flour contains little gluten, and the dough is spread out with pancake, it does not rise. If this is revealed until the moment when the products made of it are already formed, then the situation can be corrected:
  • add potato starch and semolina to the dough: for 1 kg of dough - 30% of the mixture of potato starch and semolina diluted in a small amount of warm water or milk. Knead the dough again thoroughly, cover it with a tight film and let it come up in a warm place.
  • Excess yeast in the dough is undesirable: it gives a sour taste and an unpleasant smell to the baked product. . Do not try to speed up the process of raising the dough by adding yeast. Yeast dough does not like to rush.
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