Cocoa Cream - how to make it? Classic cocoa cream recipe and possible delights

Cocoa Cream - how to make it? Classic cocoa cream recipe and possible delights

At the time when Christopher Columbus went to conquer the shores of America, no one yet knew what cocoa is. But along with the discovery of another old continent, Columbus presented the world with an incredible product - cocoa.

Cocoa Cream - General Cooking Principles

Today cocoa is not only a sweet treat, powder can be added to a large number of other dishes, for example, in cocoa cream.

The main ingredient of our cream is cocoa. Although it is customary to take cocoa in a sweet form, it does not bear harm to the figure, unlike chocolate in which it is always added.

In order to make such a cream perfect, you need to precisely observe all proportions and correctly bring it to the boil, since in most cases, the cream should be boiled.

Cocoa cream can contain a lot of elements, so before you start cooking, check with the list of products. Otherwise, you will not get the most delicious, pleasant and fragrant cocoa cream.

Cocoa Ordinary Cream

To make the simplest recipe for this cocoa cream, you will need the following ingredients:

• One tablespoon of cocoa powder

• One can of condensed milk

• One pack of butter

• One teaspoon of brandy

Method of preparation

Before you start cooking the cream, remove the butter for half an hour from the refrigerator. During this time, it will become soft, and you can easily make it the basis of the cream.

When the oil has taken the desired shape, it is necessary to soften it with a fork. From the little square, small lumps will turn out, continue to grind it slowly, moving to the churning mode. Then gain momentum and bring the consistency to light. Next, start slowly pouring condensed milk, do not forget to stir the resulting mixture.

When the cream begins to move away well from the walls - it will be a bell that it is time to add the main ingredient - cocoa.

Dilute cocoa with a small amount of hot water, about two tablespoons of water for about one tablespoon of cocoa. In the end, you should have a mushy mass. Wait until the gruel cools down and only then connect it with the rest of the cream. Creating a cocoa cream, do not stop stirring, bring the cream to a uniform consistency.

In the end, for those who like to experiment with alcohol in recipes, pour a teaspoon of brandy into the cream. He will not become a heady element, just emphasize the wonderful aroma of the cream.

In this process of cooking such a cream will be completed. Remember that you can change the proportions in the cream. The more you add cocoa powder to the cream, the more saturated it will be. If you want to make the cream less sweet, reduce the dose of condensed milk by a quarter.

Also remember that in addition to this recipe, cocoa powder should be added to the preparing cream in a diluted state. So you can experiment and pour cocoa with heated milk or milkshakes instead of water. This method will turn the cream into a more homogeneous and pleasant mass.

Milk Cocoa Cream

This recipe is suitable for lovers of cocoa cream with spoons.

They say that a lot of sweet does not happen, you have the opportunity to experience it for yourself. Cocoa cream is not only an addition to different dishes, but also a completely independent dessert.


• Fat milk - 0.5 liters;

• Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Butter - 30 grams;

• Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

• Starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;

• Some salt;

• Vanillin.

Method of preparation

To get started, prepare all the ingredients, they must be the same room temperature.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on a slow fire, with an interval of half a minute, increase the heat to the optimum. All milk should not be poured, only 0.3 liters.

Add cocoa powder, sugar, vanillin, salt, butter to boiling milk. Before you throw the butter into the milk, carefully rub it with a fork. Continue to boil the mixture for five minutes, stirring so that the milk does not burn.

For this process, it is better to take an aluminum saucepan or pan. Enamelware is dangerous for milk.

Leave the pan, but do not wait until it cools. At this time, engage in the second part of the preparation of cocoa cream. To do this, in a separate container, combine 200 milliliters of milk and all the starch. Stir until the starch is completely dissolved. Boldly add the resulting mixture to hot milk.

Again, put the pan on the fire and stir until the cream begins to boil, the cream begins to thicken during cooking. Boil cream no more than 2 minutes.

After the main cooking process is completed, remove the pan from the heat and let the cream cool, then add a pinch of vanilla, carefully move everything.

Dessert served cold. Divide the cream into portions and spread on the ice-cream bowls, you can add fruit to decorate, and grate a chocolate bar or sprinkle cocoa powder on top.

If you did not have starch, you can use flour in the same proportions.

Also, the cream can be used in a more conventional version. It is best to coat them sponge cakes. The cream is non-greasy, so do not be afraid to overdo it when cooking. But remember that before you lubricate the biscuit cake cocoa cream, the cake itself should be soaked.

Classic Cocoa Powder Cream


• 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• 400 grams of butter;

• 2 glasses of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

• 1 pinch of salt.

Method of preparation

For the first stage, prepare the sugar and butter. Oil can be put to soften in advance, half an hour is enough for him. Sugar sugar in powder with a coffee grinder.

Now begin to soften the butter with a fork, do this until the butter is smooth. Continuing to beat, gradually pour powdered sugar. It should be poured so that the powder had time to completely dissolve in the oil. Add salt and vanilla sugar to the mixture.

After that, beat two eggs into the mixture alternately, do not stop stirring. Then pour cocoa powder, do not stop, stir. When all the ingredients turn into a homogeneous mass, you get a cocoa cream with a pleasant color.

If you need to make a more saturated cream - increase the portion of cocoa.

Cocoa Cream for Adults

For those who love not only sweet, but also its harmonious connection with alcohol, we recommend making not just a cream, but a cream liqueur. Ingredients:

• 250 ml of milk

• 5 Art. l bitter cocoa powder

• 1 vanilla pod

• 125 g sugar

• 65 ml distilled alcohol

• 125 g brown sugar

Method of preparation

So, in order to prepare the base for the cream, boil the milk along with the cinnamon. Stir during cooking. After remove from heat. Let the milk cool, in the meantime, open the vanilla pod with a knife edge and remove the pulp, throw it into the milk.

Next, mix cocoa and sugar, it is better to make it with a spoon, so you will not have lumps. Add the gruel to the milk and again put the saucepan with all the ingredients on the fire. Wait until the milk starts to boil, and immediately remove the cream from the heat.

Check whether the sugar has dissolved, if not, and there are grains on the bottom, repeat the procedure again, make sure that the milk does not run away and does not stick to the bottom.

Cool the cooked cream and pour in the alcohol, mix thoroughly. Cream liqueur should be infused, about two to three hours before use. Such a mixture can be used for cakes, then it is worth reducing the dose of alcohol a little. With this cream, you absolutely do not need impregnation for the cake cake.

Cocoa cream can be used in the form of a cocktail, here apply all your imagination to decorate. You can add fruit or nuts. Add cream to the muffins and ice cream.

After cooking, pour the cream into the bottle, then the flow will be more spectacular.

Chocolate Cocoa Cream on Yolks

This is another recipe for delicious and real cocoa cream. The recipe may remind you of custard, but here are the other ingredients and their proportions. The processes are also similar, but as a result another mass is obtained, not resembling custard.


• 1 liter nonfat milk

• 1.5 glasses of powdered sugar

• 2 tbsp. cocoa powder

• Ten egg yolks

• 3 tbsp. spoons of flour

• One and a half tablespoons of butter

• 1 teaspoon sugar with walnut extract

Method of preparation

Milk with the powder set on fire and slowly begin to boil, stir until all the lumps of cocoa powder dissolve. Yolks fray with powder. This can be done both with a blender and a conventional kitchen whisk. For a better process, put salt on the tip of the knife in the yolks, and pour the powder dosed. Next, add the flour and start slowly stirring, make sure that the flour is evenly distributed and does not form lumps, otherwise the cream will look like a tasteless semolina with lumps from childhood. To avoid trouble, watch the process carefully. Begin to pour milk into the mix, but very carefully and slowly.

Now determine the mixture in a water bath, it is best to make cocoa cream in glassware, resistant to high temperatures.

Brew cream without stopping stirring. In the end you will get a thick mass. Remove the pan.

Now add butter and sugar with vanilla extract to the chocolate mixture. Mix well, let the cream cool and use for cakes and other pastries.

Cocoa Cream - Tricks and Tips & Tricks

Cocoa cream can be frozen or served in cups. You can also make a less thick cream and serve it as a topic for ice cream or corn sticks.

The cream can be dissolved in milk and make an unforgettable children's drink based on cocoa.

Using the latest cream recipe, you can add it as a filling for cookies or cupcakes, also try to do it with cakes.

In order for the cream to retain its properties, putting it in the fridge do not forget to cover the dishes with plastic wrap, so the cream will not weather and dry.

Products with this cream will be the perfect additions to a family breakfast or a festive dinner.

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