Baked fish in the oven - the best recipes. How to cook fish in the oven.

Baked fish in the oven - the best recipes. How to cook fish in the oven.

Baked fish in the oven - general principles

Fish dishes are widely consumed in dietary and medical nutrition, they are valued for their high nutritional value, lower calorie content compared to many types of meat, the presence of essential fatty acids, the content of huge amounts of vitamins, especially group B, and trace elements. In addition, the fish is easily digested, has very good taste and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, thanks to the complex of B vitamins.

Baked fish in the oven is not only healthy food, but also extremely tasty. In addition, the fish is preparing quickly enough, which saves time - this is another plus of the product. In terms of protein and nutrient content, sea and river dwellers may well compete with the best meats. For example, pike perch by food value exceeds chicken, and carp - beef.

The process of roasting fish in the oven is as follows: the fish or its components are placed in dishes greased with a small amount of fat, and placed in an oven preheated to 230-280 degrees. Such types of fish as zuban, crucian carp, carp, cod, nototeniya, halibut, makrarus, bluefish, merou, sardine, sole, oilfish (oily fish), sea bass, mackerel are especially tasty in the baked version.

You can bake the product with vegetables, especially with potatoes, rice, cheese, milk, mushrooms, in foil using seasonings, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, etc. It is not recommended to bake sea fish in breadcrumbs, it is better to use wheat flour in combination with potato with a 4: 1 ratio for this purpose.

Fish in the oven - preparing dishes

In order for a fish dish to turn out nutritious and tasty, first of all, you need to follow a number of culinary rules. The quality of the resulting dish depends on the correct choice of dishes and kitchen utensils. It should be remembered that fish can be baked in the oven only in clay, black cast-iron or enameled pot. Other metal, aluminum pans are not recommended, as they will give the fish a gray color in the baking process, significantly worsen the taste of the dish and contribute to the destruction of many useful substances in it. Baking tray for baking is preferable to choose a small size.

Fish in the oven - food preparation

If you buy whole chilled fish in the store, pay attention to some points. First, the fish should be fresh: with smooth, shiny scales evenly covered with mucus, the belly should not be swollen, the eyes of fresh fish are transparent, shiny and elastic. Secondly, before buying a product you need to smell: the smell should not be sour and there should not be other shades, except fish.

So, the fish you purchased. When you come home, clean it of scales (if any) from the tail to the head, rinse and gut. Remove the insides carefully. Removing the gallbladder, try not to damage it. If it does burst - do not worry. It is enough to wash the fish thoroughly in cold, necessarily running water, and all the bitterness will come out. Cutting off the tail, head, fins or not is a personal matter.

Then rinse the fish, especially from the inside, coat it with salt and follow according to a specific recipe. By the way, you can bake as whole fish, and cut into pieces, in this case, the time for cooking a dish is significantly reduced.

Recipe 1: Fish baked in foil in the oven

Foil - a great invention of mankind - protects food raw materials, like dishes, but has no negative sides. The foil does not oxidize, it is compact, light, retains the nutrients in the product, provides an unsurpassed flavor to the fish dish without any additional intervention. For this recipe it is advisable to use pink salmon meat.

Ingredients: one pink salmon, one lemon, large onions, carrots - one, 50 gr. drain oils, any choice of herbs for decoration.

Method of preparation:

1. Fish clean, rinse. Onion cut into half rings. Grate grated carrots (preferably large). Lemon, like onions, cut into semicircular lobules. 2. Next, onions and carrots, salt, pepper, must be overcooked in vegetable oil. First the onions are fried, then the carrots are added.

3. The fish should also be coated with salt and pepper inside and out, stuffed with roasted vegetables, put 2-3 slices of lemon and cut into small pieces of cream.

4. If the vegetables remain, they need to be laid out in a prepared sheet of foil, and on top lay stuffed fish and a couple of lemon slices (on the fish). Thoroughly wrap the future dish in foil, well sealing the edges (if one sheet is not enough, take more), put on a baking sheet and bake for an hour at 180 degree temperature.

Free the finished fish gently from the foil, put it in an oblong large dish and decorate with greens. Food can be cut into portions and serve.

Recipe 2: Fish with potatoes in the oven

For this recipe, take the fish fillet, which is baked with potatoes in a delicate milk sauce. A tasty and very healthy dish is perfect for a family dinner. According to the recipe principle, potatoes can be replaced with other vegetables (for example, cauliflower) or baked fish in a separate form.

Ingredients: fillet of medium-fat fish - 800 gr., 10 medium potatoes, 2 onions, sour cream of ten percent fat content - 250 gr., 300 ml of milk, grated cheese - 100 gr., 2 tbsp. l high-grade flour, ketchup, salt, pepper at will and taste.

Method of preparation:

1. Boil the potatoes, but they should remain slightly undercooked, let them cool. Grate the onions on a medium grater, fry them slightly. oil, then add flour to the pan with onion, mix everything, hold on the stove for another couple of minutes.

2. Then add onion with flour with sour cream and ketchup (2 tablespoons of ketchup are enough) and stew, stirring, for another 2 minutes. Next, pour the milk, stir and boil again a couple of minutes. Salt and pepper the sauce.

3. Cut potatoes with plastics, grease a baking sheet with butter, cover the bottom with potatoes, and place fish pieces on top. Pour the potatoes with fish sauce cooked and clean in a preheated oven (up to 220 degrees). Bake 40 min. without cover. Ten minutes until cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese. The finished fish on top will be covered with a beautiful appetizing crust, and inside - soaked in milk sauce. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Fish with vegetables in the oven

Fish is a very useful product, vegetables are also valuable. They ideally complement and enhance the beneficial properties of each other.

Ingredients: sea fish - 2 pcs., White cabbage - 1, 2 carrots, 2 onions, Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc., Tomato (tomato paste), mushrooms, spices of your choice (for fish) , mayonnaise, half a lemon, melted cheese - 2, greens.

Method of preparation:

1. Shred cabbage, carrots, onions and peppers; put everything in a frying pan for frying. When the cabbage is soft, add a twisted tomato or pasta.

2. Cut fish into pieces that are salted, drench mayonnaise with spices.

3. Grease a baking sheet with fat, lay out a layer of half fried, then - fish, sprinkle it with lemon juice, and top it with the remaining roast. Make a mesh of mayonnaise and send it to the oven until ready. 15 minutes before being ready, sprinkle the future dish with grated cheese.

Recipe 4: Fish in foil in the oven with lemon and mustard

Ingredients: kilogram of fish, a bunch of parsley greens, medium-sized onion, ground black pepper, tomato, fine salt, 50 g of mustard, lemon.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the fish carcass thoroughly, if necessary, clean it of scales. Cut off the head and tail, cut off the fins and remove the insides. Rinse and blot again with a paper towel. Across the carcass, make a few small cuts to the ridge. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper, and leave it to infuse for 20 minutes.

2. Tomato wash, wipe and cut into thin slices. Peeled onions cut into half rings. Cut the lemon in half and cut one half into thin circles.

3. Cover the form with foil and place the prepared fish on it. Insert a slice of tomato and lemon into each cut.

4. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the lemon. Mix it with mustard. The resulting sauce grease the fish on both sides. 5. In the abdomen, place the remaining tomatoes and onions. You can top with a bow. Wrap the carcass in foil. Put the form in the oven for half an hour. Bake at 200 degrees. A few minutes before readiness, open the foil to brown the fish.

Recipe 5: Fish in foil in the oven under vegetable fur coat

Ingredients: six pieces of fish fillet (200 g each), vegetable oil, four medium carrots, fish seasoning, two large onions, finely ground salt, 200 g cheese, 70 g of mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

1. If you are using frozen fish, you must defrost it by placing it in cool water. Rinse thawed pieces of fish fillets and dip them with a napkin. Season each piece with pepper and salt on both sides. Leave for a while, so that the fish is soaked with spices.

2. Peel and wash vegetables. Using a blender, chop the carrots and onions. Put the pan on the stove and heat the vegetable oil in it. Transfer the onions to the skillet and fry until transparent. Then add carrots to it. Fry vegetables until soft carrots. Fry cool.

3. For each piece of fish make foil some kind of plate with sides. Put the fish in foil.

4. Add mayonnaise to the vegetable fry and mix until smooth.

5. Lay out the vegetable mixture on the fish in an even layer. Coarsely rub the cheese and sprinkle them with fish. Place the baking tray with the fish in the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 175 degrees. Serve without taking out the foil.

Recipe 6: Fish in foil in the oven in a cream-soy marinade

Ingredients: 300 g of any non-bony fish, fresh greens, 50 ml of soy sauce, a pinch of cumin seeds, 50 ml of sour cream, a pinch of chilli pepper, 50 g of sour cream, 30 g of olive oil, st. spoon of grated ginger, two cloves of garlic.

Method of preparation

1. Scrape the fish carcass, cut off the head and tail. Make a cut along the ridge. Separate the fillets from the bones. Cut the fish into small chunks.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the sour cream with the grated ginger root. Squeeze peeled garlic through the garlic press here. Add olive oil, season with cumin seeds and chili pepper. Pour in soy sauce. Thoroughly mix the marinade until smooth. 3. Dip each piece of fish in the marinade and leave it for at least half an hour for the fish to marinate well.

4. Cover the baking tray with folded foil. Put on her pieces of fish. Cover the top with the same layer of foil and wrap the edges well. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake the fish for about 20 minutes. Remove the finished fish from the oven, remove the top layer of foil and sprinkle it with finely chopped greens.

Fish in the oven - useful tips

So that the dishes do not get clogged with fishy smell during baking, cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, just before you start cooking it can be smeared with vinegar or lemon juice, then simply rinsed in water. To eliminate the smell from your hands, rub them with lemon peel or coffee grounds.

Fish in the oven is usually baked in a pan or pan. The dishes should be completely filled with garnish and fish, otherwise the moisture will quickly evaporate when baking and the product will be dry.

Fish is a perishable product that needs to be stored properly, separately from other ingredients. Improper storage conditions will greatly affect the quality of future fish dishes.

And the last tip: it is best to bake the fish just before the meal and immediately serve on the table. Overcooked baked fish in the oven eventually loses its unique taste.

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