Russian salad - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Russian salad

Russian salad - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Russian salad

Having heard the phrase Russian salad, one half of the Russian population associates it with nutritious, nourishing food, dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise. The second half of the population recalls salads with cabbage, cucumbers, beets, beans, herring, apples and other familiar products, but not with no overseas products.

Many will agree with us that all these associations are suitable for such a category of dishes as Russian salads.

A variety of variations of cooking Russian salad.

Recipe 1. Russian salad with boiled pork and beans

Hearty salad, the basis of which is boiled pork and assorted beans, that is, red and white beans. The sweet taste of canned beans, shaded by sweet and sour dressing of balsamic vinegar, olive oil with sugar and pepper.

Ingredients Required:

- boiled pork - 300 grams;

- tinned white, red beans - 1 can each;

- Crimean onion - 1 piece;

- pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;

- cilantro - a few twigs;

- green onion feather - 1 bunch.

For salad dressing:

- granulated sugar - 0.5 tablespoons;

- Balsamic vinegar - a tablespoon;

- olive oil - 4 tablespoons;

- pepper, salt.


Preparation of dressing: mix sugar, vinegar, hot pepper, olive oil, salt in a large container. The dressing is stirred to dissolve the salt and granulated sugar.

Preparatory stage:

- Thin half rings of the Crimean onions, the first goes to the salad dressing. At the time when the remaining products are prepared, the onion is pickled, its pronounced taste becomes piquant.

- Baked ham is cut into strips.

- The beans are freed from the liquid and washed.

- Pickled cucumbers are cut into half rings.

- Washed, dried cilantro is torn by hands, finely chopped green onions.

Formation of salad: in a container, where onions were pickled, baked ham, beans, half rings of cucumbers and greens are laid. The salad is mixed, if the spicy taste is added spices. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2. Russian Sadko salad

Few of the people of Russian nationality refuse herring with a crust of wheat bread. This culinary masterpiece, made friends by two pairs of Russian products - salted fish with bread and cucumbers with cabbage.

Ingredients Required:

- white cabbage - 500 grams;

- wheat bread - 4 slices;

- pickled cucumber - 1 piece;

- slightly salted herring (fillet) - 2 pieces;

- garlic - clove;

- green onion feathers, parsley, cilantro, dill - all for 1 bunch;

- mayonnaise for dressing - 4 tablespoons;

- Salad leaves for pillows.

- salt pepper.


Preparatory stage:

- White cabbage, cut into strips, rubbed with salt, pepper.

- Wheat bread is cut into small squares, which are fried in a dry (oil-free) pan.

- Marinated cucumbers and herring fillets are finely chopped.

- Greens, onion feathers, garlic finely minced.

- Greens, garlic, onions are combined with fish, cucumbers and dressed with mayonnaise.

Formation of salad: a pillow of lettuce leaves is laid out on top of a flat dish, cabbage on top, then products seasoned with mayonnaise. Before serving, the salad is sprinkled with fried bread. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3. Russian Salad “Snack”

This salad is prepared in a hurry, its constituent ingredients do not need additional heat treatment. A dish with a pronounced taste, captured sweet-sour notes due to apple and lemon juice, and the sharpness is felt due to chili pepper and radish.

Ingredients Required:

- carrots - 240 grams;

- radish - 150 grams;

- sweet and sour apple - 200 grams;

- white cabbage - 200 grams;

- parsley, dill 20 grams.

For salad dressing:

- sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;

- chili - 0.5 pieces;

- granulated sugar several pinches;

- lemon juice - a teaspoon;

- salt.


Preparatory stage:

- Cabbage is cut into thin strips and ground with salt.

- Apple, carrot, radish rubs on a grater with a large nozzle.

- Parsley and chili pepper (without seed) finely chopped.

- Preparation of the dressing: lemon juice, chili, sugar, salt is added to the sunflower oil. Formation of salad: sliced ​​vegetables are laid out in a salad bowl, seasoned with dressing, mixed and sprinkled with greens. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4. Russian salad of pork heart and smoked cheese

Juicy, hearty treat, where the main role is assigned to a boiled heart. Juicy salad gives pickled onions, mayonnaise, piquancy - green peas and smoked cheese.

Ingredients Required:

- pork heart - 1 piece;

- sweet pepper - 1 piece;

- fleshy tomato - 2 pieces;

- canned green peas - bank;

- smoked cheese - 100 grams;

- onions - head;

- dill - a bunch;

- sugar, a bite of 1 tablespoon;

- mayonnaise, salt.


Preparatory stage:

- Pork heart, boiled in salt water, is cut into straws.

- Onions, sliced ​​in half rings, marinated for half an hour in vinegar and sugar.

- Sweet pepper, smoked cheese and tomatoes (without a stem and seeds) is cut into strips.

- Peas free from pickle, chop the dill.

Formation of salad: combine pickled onions, peas, heart, pepper, cheese, tomatoes and dill in a salad bowl. The ingredients are dressed with mayonnaise. Enjoy your meal!

Russian salad - chef tips

When preparing a salad, the culinary specialist must adhere to three basic rules:

1. Salad is a dish that can combine different foods, but remember that the set of ingredients must be compatible with each other in taste, not arbitrary.

2. The first rule applies to salad dressing, which depends on the set of products. In order not to spoil the whole salad, you should not refill all servings, and it is better to remove the sample from the experimental part.

3. Salt salads need to be able to. Most salads are salted just before serving, except for puff and meat salads. But salads from spicy, tender greens are not salted, but brought to taste with lemon juice.

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