Buckwheat in a merchant with pork is a second instant dish. Top 6 best buckwheat recipes for merchants with pork

Buckwheat in a merchant with pork is a second instant dish. Top 6 best buckwheat recipes for merchants with pork

The love of modern housewives for buckwheat is simply explained in a merchant's way - the dish is tasty, it is cooked simply, it does not require expensive products, and it is pleasant to both adults and children.

In essence, buckwheat in a merchant's style is healthy cereal, soft meat, tasty gravy and fragrant vegetables.

Buckwheat in a merchant with pork - general principles of cooking

In order for buckwheat to become really tasty in a merchant, you should consider some points:

• Always scrub the croup and rinse thoroughly.

• Water for cooking needs twice as much buckwheat.

• Cooking is best in a cast-iron pot or multi-cooker.

• To make the buckwheat crumbly, it must be pierced in the oven or in a dry frying pan.

• Cook buckwheat in a merchant style on medium heat.

1. Buckwheat in a merchant's style with pork and mushrooms


• 200 grams of pork;

• 300 grams of buckwheat groats;

• 8 pieces of champignons;

• carrot;

• small onion;

• Art. l rast oil;

• 0.5 liters of regular drinking water;

• salt, a mixture of peppers.

Cooking Method:

1. Buckwheat in a merchant style with pork and champignons is a tasty and refined classic dish. Ready porridge should get juicy, fragrant. At the very beginning, you need to make sure that all products are available, and champignons, if desired, can be replaced with porcini mushrooms. It is allowed to add Bulgarian pepper, fresh chopped greens. For cooking buckwheat will require thick-walled dishes, but the method involves the use of both the stove and the oven (at the discretion of the hostess).

2. Pork is neatly cut into pieces, after which it is washed and dried. It is advisable to cut the meat into small pieces.

3. Now you need to wash and clean one fresh carrot. It is cut into small cubes or grated tinder.

4. Onions are peeled from the husks, and then finely cut into half rings.

5. Wash the champignons or wipe them gently with a damp cloth. It is advisable to cut them into large pieces. If the mushrooms are cut finely, you need to be prepared for the fact that they noticeably burn. 6. In the next step, finely chopped pieces of pork are fried in a frying pan until golden brown appears. Then add a little salt, black pepper.

7. To the roasted meat add carrots, onions and fry until soft vegetables. If Bulgarian pepper is included in the recipe, it should be added at this stage.

8. Now add the mushrooms and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. All products are fried together for about five minutes.

9. After the set time, add buckwheat and mix everything thoroughly. It is advisable to add a little more salt or favorite spices. All products are poured with a small amount of water, then stirred and covered with a lid. Porridge is cooked on low heat, focusing on the state of buckwheat. Usually it takes about 20 minutes to cook. At the very end, it is advisable to add bay leaf for taste.

10. Dish is desirable to serve portions.

2. Buckwheat in a merchant's style with pork, greens and spices


• 300 grams of pork fillet;

• 20 grams of dill and parsley;

• one carrot;

• bulb head;

• 2 glasses of buckwheat groats;

• 3 tbsp. l oils;

• a teaspoon of salt, black pepper, hops-suneli.

Cooking Method:

1. Pork fillet is washed and dried carefully, then cut into small cubes. Then the meat is spread in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry on high heat until golden brown appears. After that add salt, black pepper and hops-suneli. Fire reduce and continue roasting meat.

2. Pork shift in a pan with a thick bottom.

3. Now peel the onion and finely chop it into cubes.

4. Peeled and diced carrots are added to onions. Both ingredients are fried to a soft state over low heat. It is advisable to constantly mix.

5. Roasted vegetables are added to the pork.

6. Buckwheat is reclined on a colander and washed thoroughly with plain water. Now it can be fried in a pan. Porridge will acquire a special taste and aroma if the following task is accomplished: put buckwheat on a dry hot dry frying pan and fry over high heat. It is advisable to constantly mix buckwheat. A good sign is the appearance of cod. After that, buckwheat is added to meat with vegetables. 7. Now the products are carefully salted and thoroughly mixed. It is advisable to pour four cups of boiled water. After boiling water, the fire is reduced to the minimum reading. Buckwheat porridge is baked under a lid for about half an hour.

8. Before serving, add fresh herbs, previously chopped.

3. Buckwheat in a merchant's style with pork and vegetables in a slow cooker


• a pound of pork;

• one carrot;

• bow;

• 1 multistakan cereals;

• 2 multistacks of hot water;

• butter;

• bay leaf, spices and salt.

Cooking Method:

1. Pork is carefully washed, and then cut into pieces of large size. Meat is recommended to fry in sunflower oil for 20 minutes with the multicooker lid closed. For this stage use the “Baking” mode.

2. Now you need to wash and clean the onions, carrots. Both ingredients are cut into small cubes and then added to the pork.

3. Meat with vegetables stir fry for another ten minutes.

4. Buckwheat is thoroughly washed, and then poured into the slow cooker. Now add salt, spices and bay leaf for taste.

5. Everything is flooded with water.

6. It is recommended to conduct the main stage of cooking porridge in the “pilaf” mode. In most cases, buckwheat is prepared all the set time with an automatic program. If you do not like boiled porridge, the program may be disabled a little earlier.

7. Buckwheat in pork with merchants served in portions. For decoration use sliced ​​fresh cucumbers.

4. Buckwheat in a merchant with pork and garlic in tomato sauce


• 400 grams of pork;

• one carrot;

• onion head;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 400 grams of buckwheat groats;

• garlic clove;

• tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• a tablespoon of tomato paste;

• spices, seasonings to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. Before cooking buckwheat in a merchant, make sure that all ingredients are present.

2. After checking, you need to put a frying pan with thick walls on medium heat, adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Now you need to wash the pork, removing excess fat. The meat is cut into small pieces. At the very beginning, roast pork, occasionally stirring it. 3. In the next step, you need to do onions, carrots. Vegetables washed with plain water. Carrots cut into cubes, onions - diced.

4. The oven is heated to 180 degrees Celsius in normal mode without using convection.

5. After roasting the pork until half cooked, salt it, add your favorite seasoning. Then the meat is transferred to the container intended for the oven. For successful cooking of meat with buckwheat use a form with a lid. Pork is poured with water, and it should be covered about an centimeter. Immediately after this, further stewing of the meat in a preheated oven follows. At this time, you need to fry carrots with onions on the stove, using the same pan.

6. To extinguish the pork is given about half an hour. After this time, add roasted carrots with onions, a clove of garlic and a tablespoon of tomato paste. If necessary, add water again, since all ingredients must be poured. To extinguish take 15 minutes.

7. It is time to prepare buckwheat, which must be removed from litter and rinsed twice. Then buckwheat add to meat. It is recommended to pour a little water: buckwheat should be closed by a centimeter. The dish will be ready in 30 - 35 minutes. It is important to note another cooking option: a couple of hours before the culinary process, buckwheat is poured with water and then cooked in the oven with all the ingredients for about 10 to 15 minutes, not half an hour.

8. The finished dish is pulled out of the oven. Add 50 grams of butter to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. A pot of porridge wrapped in a terry towel for languishing for 5 - 10 minutes.

5. Buckwheat in a merchant's style with minced pork


• 300 grams of minced pork;

• 150 grams of buckwheat groats;

• 100 grams of carrots;

• one onion;

• a pair of cloves of garlic;

• growing oil;

• A couple of tablespoons of tomato paste.


1. Buckwheat is washed and dried in a pan.

2. The next step is fried onions, grated carrots and minced pork. At the same time the carrot should get a golden color.

3. Now allowed to add tomato paste. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. 4. Dried buckwheat is added to pork and roasted vegetables. All the ingredients are poured with boiled water, and the buckwheat should be covered with a centimeter of water. Add salt. The dish is simmered simmered under the lid. Add finely chopped garlic to buckwheat and then mix it. For taste it is allowed to add a couple of bay leaves, ground pepper. The dish is ready!

6. Buckwheat in a merchant with a pumpkin


• a glass of buckwheat;

• 250 grams of pumpkin pulp;

• 250 grams of pork;

• onion;

• garlic clove;

• Bay leaf;

• vegetable oil;

• allspice, salt, seasonings for meat.

How to cook:

1. Buckwheat is boiled to the finished state in water, which must be salted beforehand.

2. Then chop the onion in a frying pan until golden brown and transfer it to a bowl.

3. After that fry the peeled garlic, but do not add it to the main ingredients, but set it aside.

4. Pumpkin pulp, diced, fried in the finished garlic butter for ten minutes. Then add to it salt, allspice peas, bay leaves.

5. Pork is cut into small cubes and fried in a separate pan to the finished state. It is allowed to use spices.

6. Buckwheat porridge mixed with onions, pumpkin, pork. The dish will delight with aroma, satisfaction and taste, if it is served on the table hot.

Buckwheat in a merchant with pork - secrets and useful tips

• The dish will be tastier if you use pork with a thin fatty layer.

• Do not be afraid to add various vegetables to fry: pepper, tomato, onion, garlic. They will give the dish a special taste.

• You can calmly replace pork with any other kind of meat: beef, chicken, turkey.

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