Homemade yogurt gingerbread: mint, citrus, spicy. Choose any recipe for gingerbread on kefir - everything will turn out!

Homemade yogurt gingerbread: mint, citrus, spicy. Choose any recipe for gingerbread on kefir - everything will turn out!

Each hostess wants to cook something simple, homely and at the same time with a twist.

Here you will not get off with sandwiches, especially if a lot of relatives are expected to visit you.

Well: if you do not want to lose face, then use our recipes for making delicious gingerbread on kefir.

Gingerbread on kefir - general principles of cooking

The main ingredient in the preparation of gingerbread is kefir. To knead the dough, it should be at room temperature. Eggs are divided into proteins and yolks. The first go to the preparation of the glaze, and the second - added to the dough. Also use salt, sugar, soda or baking powder. The dough should be thoroughly mixed, it should turn out soft and tender. Roll out on a plate and cut into circles. The baked products are dipped in icing. Gingerbread, smeared with fudge, can be decorated with multi-colored sprinkles.

Gingerbread cookies on homemade kefir

Remember that the homemade dish is always better than the store. Spend a little time preparing the dough for this simple recipe. Soak the baked gingerbread with sweet syrup and brush with protein fudge.


• One liter of kefir;

• 800 grams of granulated sugar;

• Flour;

• Eight table. spoons of sunflower oil;

• 4 table. spoons of slaked soda.

For syrup:

• Half a glass of water;

• One glass of sugar.

For glaze:

• Two egg whites;

• One hundred grams of granulated sugar;

• Citric acid - at the tip of the knife.

Cooking Method:

Kefir whipped with sugar, add flour and butter. Add soda, slaked 4 tablespoons of acetic acid. Thoroughly knead the dough and roll it into a thickness of 1.5-2 centimeters. Glass or special mold cut into circles. The baking sheet is covered with confectionery paper and spread on it cakes. Bake in the oven without overdrying. To prepare the syrup - water is mixed with sugar. The cooled products are dipped in the prepared syrup and left for ten minutes. In the meantime, icing is prepared. Protein whip with sugar and add citric acid. Gingerbread rolls in fudge, spread on a wire rack and put to dry in the oven for five minutes.

Gingerbread cookies on Mint kefir

Add a few drops of mint syrup or tincture to the dough and bake until golden brown. Mint taste and menthol aroma is provided to finished products.


• 250 grams of thick cream;

• Pollitra kefir;

• Four yolks;

• One tea. spoon of food soda;

• One tea. a spoonful of salt (fine);

• One tea. spoon of mint syrup;

• Flour (top grade);

• Two glasses of granulated sugar.

For glaze:

• Three cooled egg whites;

• 350 grams of powdered sugar;

• A pinch of citric acid.

Cooking Method:

All ingredients must be at room temperature. Sour cream mixed with kefir, add yolks. Salt, sugar, add mint syrup, soda and mix thoroughly.

Gradually add flour and knead soft dough. At night, the dough is left on the table, covered with a napkin.

After eight hours, the dough is not priminaya spread on a table or chopping board, sprinkled with flour. With the help of a rolling pin, the dough is rolled one centimeter thick. Gingerbread cuts are cut out in a round glass or a mold and put them on a baking sheet. The remains of the dough are sprinkled with flour, rolled again in circles. The gingerbread cookies are baked in the oven for about twenty minutes before browning. In the meantime, preparing a protein glaze. Egg whites until thick foam, beat with powdered sugar and add citric acid. Hot products spread on a dish and smeared with fudge, give to dry.

Gingerbread cookies on “Cheese” kefir

High-calorie and nourishing get gingerbread, cooked with the addition of cottage cheese. The number of ingredients used in this recipe will allow you to prepare a lot of gingerbread for a large company.


• A half a kilo of crumbly curd;

• Two glasses of granulated sugar;

• Two glasses of kefir;

• Ten table. spoons of vegetable oil;

• Baking powder for the dough;

• Half a teaspoon of salt;

• Three egg yolks;

• One kilogram of flour (top grade);

• Three chicken eggs;

• One kilogram of flour;

• Three hundred grams of powdered sugar.

Cooking Method:

Cottage cheese is mixed with kefir at room temperature. Add sugar, vegetable oil, egg yolks and flour. All thoroughly mixed, salt, pour baking powder. The dough is left to stand. Then rolled into the boards and cut circles. At the exit get about 50 gingerbread. Bake in the oven for about twenty minutes. At this time, make a protein glaze. Egg whites are combined with powdered sugar and whipped with a mixer. Baked products are dipped in the glaze and allowed to dry.

Gingerbread cookies on citrus kefir

Add citrus fruits zest and vanilla sugar to the gingerbread dough. Gingerbread will be incredibly fragrant and ideal as a treat for tea, especially during the New Year holidays.


• Half a cup of kefir;

• Two egg yolks;

• Two glasses of granulated sugar;

• Two tables. spoons of honey;

• Two Chin. spoons of burnt soda;

• 4 table. spoons of vegetable oil;

• A bag of vanilla;

• Citrus peel.

For glaze:

• Two egg whites;

• One cup of powdered sugar;

• Citric acid - at the tip of the knife.

Cooking Method:

Eggs are divided into yolk, which is put into the dough, and white, which is used for fudge. Kefir at room temperature is mixed with yolk and sugar, flour is added. Knead the dough, add honey, butter, soda, vanilla sugar and always - lemon zest and orange zest. The resulting soft dough is rolled out to a thickness of two centimeters, a round cup or shape cut out circles with a glass. Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet or sprinkle it with flour, then put gingerbread and bake at medium temperature. Proteins whisk until thick foam, add powdered sugar and lemon juice. Finished gingerbread pour glaze and let dry.

Gingerbread cookies for squirrel "

Gingerbread, cooked for this recipe, soaked in sweet syrup. Cinnamon will add flavor and spicy flavor.


• 500 grams of flour (top grade);

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of butter;

• 100 grams of fruit syrup;

• Two tables. spoons of kefir;

• One table egg;

• Lemon;

• One tea. spoon of cinnamon;

• Soda and salt.

Cooking Method:

Syrup and butter are heated in a scoop and mixed with sugar. Then add salt, cinnamon and grated lemon zest. Knead the dough together with flour and soda dissolved in the egg. Let him stand for two days. From the finished dough rolls harnesses, cut them into pieces and mold balls into the size of a nut. Bake in the oven at an average temperature of 10-12 minutes.

Gingerbread on “Fermented Milk” Kefir

Sour-milk gingerbread, cooked according to this recipe, is ideal for children's menu. Chilled products sprinkle with powdered sugar or chocolate chips.


• Two glasses of kefir;

• Two tables. spoons of sunflower oil;

• Four cups of flour (top grade);

• One tea. spoon of soda;

• Sugar powder (chocolate crumb) - for sprinkling.

Cooking Method:

Kefir is whipped with a whisk or a mixer with vegetable oil and granulated sugar. Then add soda, quenched with vinegar, pour flour and knead the dough. Roll out to a thickness of 0.5 centimeters, spread on a greased baking sheet and bake over high heat. The finished hot cake is cut into gingerbread-shaped pieces. Finished products are sprinkled with powdered sugar or chocolate chips.

Gingerbread cookies on kefir “Spicy sweets”

Knead the dough on the basis of fruit syrup, add cloves, zest of citrus. For the filling, use apple jam. Pepper will give gingerbread gourmet ostrinku. Products are ideal for refreshments during the Christmas season.


• 100 grams of butter;

• 100 grams of kefir;

• Two eggs;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 250 grams of flour;

• One tea. spoon of soda;

• One glass of fruit syrup;

• Carnation;

• Dry shredded orange peel;

• One glass of apple jam.

For glaze:

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• Three table. spoons of water;

• One table. spoon butter;

• 100 grams of powdered sugar;

• Black pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking Method:

Crushed spices are added to the preheated syrup and cooled. Then add eggs pounded with sugar, kefir, flour and soda - stir the dough. Spread it in a greased form and bake in an oven over medium heat for 25-30 minutes. The cooled cake is cut lengthwise into two parts, jam is applied on the lower part and the top is covered. The cake is cut into pieces of different shapes - squares, diamonds, sticks.

The chocolate is broken into small tiles and heated; hot water is added until it dissolves. Add the softened butter, icing sugar, black pepper and grind to obtain a homogeneous mass. Gingerbread cover the finished glaze on top and sides.

Gingerbread cookies on puff kefir

You can cook not only sweet, but puff gingerbread. Although it will take a little more time to prepare the dough, but for a variety of menus it is worth trying. Sugar is used as a sprinkle.


• 300 grams of flour;

• One glass of kefir;

• 200 grams of butter;

• 1/4 teaspoon salt;

• Two eggs (one egg for lubrication).

Cooking Method:

Sift the flour, make a well, pour in a beaten egg and kefir, add salt and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, cover with a napkin and put in a cold place for 20-30 minutes. While the dough cools, the butter is cut into small pieces and allowed to soften slightly. Then mix it with flour and gently knead, but do not grind. The dough is rolled into the shape of a square, put butter in the middle. Fold the envelope and pinch the edges. After that, the dough is rolled out in the form of a rectangle and connect its opposite ends in the middle, pinch them, fold in half and put in a cold place for 30 minutes. After cooling, the dough is re-rolled, folded four times and set for 20 minutes in the cold.

After cooling, the dough is rolled into a 6 mm thick layer, cut into small squares, smeared with egg and sprinkled with sugar. The baking sheet is sprinkled with cold water and the dough squares are put so that the side that is sprinkled with sugar is at the top. After that put the baking sheet in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Gingerbread on kefir - tricks and useful tips

• All liquid products used to make gingerbread should be at room temperature.

• Yeast dough will not stick to hands if the skin is smeared with sunflower oil in advance.

• Thin dough can be rolled out quickly and easily by wrapping the rolling pin with a clean linen towel. If the dough turned out to be damp, you can put confectionery paper on it and roll it through it.

• If homemade cakes are burnt, cool them, then gently scrape the burnt crust with a grater or knife and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. • To gingerbread does not dry out, it is better to leave them in a clay bowl, covered with a damp towel, or in a plastic bag.

• Do not grease the edges of gingerbread puff pastry with eggs - they will become hard during baking and will not rise.

• To make the gingerbread cookies bright yellow, add salt to the yolks and grind them. Leave for a few hours in a cool place.

• To find out if the dough is ready, pierce the baked product with a toothpick. If it is dry, the dish is ready, you can remove it from the oven.

• If the jam used for filling gingerbread is thin, boil it or add crushed crackers or cornflakes. It will turn out very tasty.

• Rinse the bowl in which you whip the whites, rinse well, and then remove the remaining fat with a soft paper. Protein with fat droplets is not whipped.

• Proteins are whipped better if they add a little lemon juice and a pinch of powdered sugar or a few drops of vinegar.

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