White frosting - an elegant decoration for baking. Cook at home and decorate with white icing any pastry

White frosting - an elegant decoration for baking. Cook at home and decorate with white icing any pastry

It is suitable for decorating cakes, cakes, donuts or cupcakes.

Make white icing from powdered sugar, egg white or chocolate, and a snow-white outfit is provided to your sweet dish.

Consider the most common recipes for making white glaze for a wide variety of confectionery.

White Frosting - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of white glaze always use icing sugar.

It must be sifted through a fine sieve.

Proteins are separated from eggs and whipped until a homogeneous white foam is obtained.

Instead of powdered sugar, you can use sugar.

The whipped mixture is heated over low heat, stirring continuously.

White icing for cake “Classic”

To prepare the glaze in the classic way, you only need water and powdered sugar.


• One cup of powdered sugar;

• Four table. spoons of water.

Cooking Method:

Sugar powder is sifted and poured into a small dipper or saucepan. Put the dishes on a slow fire and gradually add warm water. The mixture is heated to thickening, stirring all the time. When the mixture reaches a certain density and malleability - the icing is ready.

White icing for cake “Oily”

If you add butter or margarine to the glaze, and water is replaced with milk, it will be whiter and more dense in color.


• One cup of powdered sugar;

• 150 grams of margarine or butter;

• Two tables. spoons of milk.

Cooking Method:

Sifted icing sugar is transferred to deep dishes. The milk is heated and poured into a bowl of powder with a gradual small stream. In the process, the mass is well stirred. Margarine or butter is melted in a metal dish and poured into the glaze when thickened. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

White icing for chocolate cake

You can make the icing using white chocolate. Add vanilla and fudge get fragrant. Ingredients:

• 150 grams of white chocolate;

• 5 table. spoons of whole milk;

• 150 grams of butter;

• Salt on the tip of a knife;

• Two tables. spoons of sugar;

• Half a teaspoon of vanilla.

Cooking Method:

White chocolate must be broken into sticks. Butter cut into pieces, put in a saucepan or deep bowl and put in a water bath. The melting mixture is stirred until it becomes a dense homogeneous mass. Then add salt, sugar and vanilla sugar, pour the milk. All is thoroughly stirred, and after a few minutes the glaze is removed from the water bath and left to cool. To do this, a bowl with the finished mixture can be put in a container with cold water. The cooled chocolate mass is whipped for five to ten minutes with a broom, blender or mixer at a slow speed. When the icing began to fall behind the spoon, it is ready.

White Mint glaze

This type of glaze is suitable for sand and cottage cheese baking. It looks original, pleasant to the taste.


• Four table. spoons of sour cream (better than homemade);

• 50 grams of powdered sugar;

• Half a teaspoon of mint syrup.

Cooking Method:

Sour cream and powdered sugar are mixed in a small bowl or bowl. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Cook on slow gas for five to seven minutes, at the end add mint syrup. Everything is well mixed and removed from the stove. Prepared glaze immediately applied to the surface of the baked goods. Mint glaze dries within an hour.

White icing for cake and cake

Frosting is an indispensable decoration when baking Easter cakes or muffins with raisins. Salt and lemon juice will not allow the glaze to drain from your ruddy flour products.


• One cup of powdered sugar;

• One egg white;

• One teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking Method:

Protein is separated from the yolk, lemon juice is added and whipped until a dense air mass is obtained. Gradually pour the icing sugar, continue to beat. So that the white icing does not form stains, add a little salt at the end of the whipping.

Cake with white icing “Summer Kiss”

Who does not like cakes? There probably will not be. White icing, berries and crunchy cakes, isn't it a real pleasure? Cook a cake with fresh berries. It is ideal for both tea and dessert wines.


• 400 grams of high-grade flour;

• 250 grams of butter;

• 8 table. Spoons of cold water;

• One glass of sour milk;

• Half Chin. spoons of salt;

• One chicken egg.

For cream:

• 400 grams of butter;

• Two glasses of red currant;

• Two glasses of black currant;

• Two glasses of sugar.

For glaze:

• 300 grams of powdered sugar;

• One table. spoon of hot water.

Cooking Method:

To make puff pastry dough for cake, margarine or butter is chopped with flour until smooth, gradually adding water and stirring. Then the dough is rolled out with sausage and cut into six pieces. Roll out each piece, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Flap on top of prick with a fork in several places.

In order to prepare the cream, melt the butter and beat. Currant fray with sugar (red currant separately from the black) and add the resulting berry syrup to the oil. All carefully mixed. To prepare the glaze, powdered sugar is mixed with hot water and ground to a smooth mass.

Ready-made cakes are smeared with cream so that a layer of red currant, a layer of black currant, etc. turns out. From above, the cake is watered with cooked white icing and put in the fridge for three hours.

Cakes with white icing “Royal Feast”

Frosting is also used to make delicious cakes. Add walnuts or cedar nuts to the fudge, they will give the baking a delicious taste.


• One glass of starch;

• One can of condensed milk;

• Two chicken eggs;

• Half Chin. spoons of soda;

• Salt on the tip of the knife.

For glaze:

• One bar of white chocolate;

• 100 grams of walnuts.

Cooking Method:

Condensed milk and two eggs are poured into a saucepan, salt and soda are added. Thoroughly stir, gradually pour all the starch, pour the dough into the form, filling them one third. Bake in the oven at medium temperature. To make a glaze, white chocolate is melted and mixed with crushed walnuts. Ready-made cakes are poured over with white icing.

White-glazed cakes “Crimson Mystery”

Cakes - always a great way out, to meet unexpected guests, just to surprise old friends or come up with a treat for the festive table.


• One glass of flour;

• Three eggs;

• 150 grams of oil;

• One glass of sugar;

• One tea. spoon of soda, hydrated vinegar.

For cream:

• 200 grams of mashed raspberry and blackberry;

• One and a half cup of cream;

• 15 grams of gelatin.

For glaze:

• 250 grams of powdered sugar;

• 50 grams of powdered milk;

• 25 grams of starch;

• Two egg whites.

Cooking Method:

Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, soda, flour. Bake three biscuit cakes and cool them. To prepare the filling, gelatin is left for one hour in cold water, then dissolved in hot raspberry puree. The mixture is cooled to a temperature of 15-20 degrees and mixed with whipped cream. Each layer of biscuit cover ready jelly. To prepare the glaze in a homogeneous powder, powdered milk, powder and starch are mixed. Biscuit cut into pieces in the form of “handkerchiefs” and on top cover each cake with icing. Fresh raspberry or blackberry berries are laid on them.

“Oysters” with white icing

You can make the most delicious oysters from rich yeast dough. Dip them in freshly glazed glaze, dry and enjoy your homemade baked product.


• 1 kg of flour;

• Two glasses of milk;

• 200 grams of butter;

• 8 table. spoons of sugar;

• 60 grams of yeast;

• Two chicken eggs;

• Salt - at the tip of the knife.

For the filling:

• 300 grams of poppy;

• 300 grams of honey.

For glaze:

• 50 grams of butter;

• 1/4 cup milk;

• Two tables. spoons of sugar;

• One egg;

• Three table. cocoa spoons.

Cooking Method:

Knead the dough in the basic recipe for yeast dough. When it comes up the second time, it is laid out on a cutting board, greased with vegetable oil. Then it is divided into 30-40 parts and each is rolled into rectangular layers 10x10 cm. Each of them are lubricated with melted butter. Poppy mixed with honey and put a thin layer on all the squares. After that roll up into rolls and put on a greased baking sheet. After 10-15 minutes, put in a hot oven. Bake thirty to forty minutes. While oysters are baked, they are engaged in the preparation of the glaze. Milk is mixed with sugar, egg and cocoa, whipped and put on a slow fire. When boils, boil for another 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously. Then cool a little and beat with butter. Frosting is ready. Oysters are removed one by one from the baking sheet, dipped in the glaze with the upper side and put on a dry cutting board until the glaze is cooled. Then laid on a beautiful dish and served with tea.

Donuts in white glaze

Homemade donuts, cooked in deep fat, pour the snow-white glaze. The secret of their preparation lies in the fact that the deep-fat fryer should be heated sufficiently well, but at the same time the oil should not be too hot. In this case, the product will burn, and the middle will remain raw. Before lowering the product into the fat with a soft brush, it is necessary to clean the flour from it so that the frying fat is not contaminated.


• Seven eggs;

• 500 grams of milk;

• 200 grams of butter;

• 300-350 grams of flour;

• 600-700 grams of vegetable oil.

For glaze:

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 120-150 grams of milk;

• A bag of vanilla.

Cooking Method:

Milk is boiled with butter, add flour and stir. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is cooled, after which one egg is added, without ceasing to interfere. In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, dip a spoon in it, take a little dough and dip it in boiling fat. Finished donuts are removed with a slotted spoon and spread on parchment paper.

While donuts cool, cook the icing. To do this, pour sugar in hot milk and stir until it dissolves. Then put this mixture on a strong fire and bring to a boil, then reduce the fire and cook the icing to readiness. A few minutes before the end of cooking add vanillin. Remove the glaze from the heat and whisk until a white foam is formed. Sweet on the consistency should resemble sour cream. The cooled donuts are dipped in the glaze and spread on the dish. Before serving, donuts can be sprinkled with grated chocolate.

White Frosting - Tricks and Tips

• Glaze is applied to the finished flour products with a cooking brush immediately after cooking, as it dries very quickly.

• If the icing has dried before you put it on baking, heat the fudge on the gas or in the microwave.

• Remember that cold protein is whipped faster than room temperature.

• If the icing does not thicken for a long time, put the dishes with it on the ice cubes.

• To speed up the thickening process and the density of the glaze, use freshly squeezed lemon juice.

• To prevent glaze from burning, cook it in non-stick cookware.

• If you do not plan to treat children with cooked flour products, add a little rum to the frosting.

• Apply decorative topping on the glaze immediately before it has dried.

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