Frosting for gingerbread at home: man-made beauty. Recipes varied delicious glaze for gingerbread

Frosting for gingerbread at home: man-made beauty. Recipes varied delicious glaze for gingerbread

The icing for sweet cakes underlines their pleasant taste.

This delicacy has its own peculiarities in cooking. If you follow them, baking will always be appetizing, tasty and showy.

General principles for making delicate glaze

What is the consistency should have a glaze for gingerbread? It should not be liquid and not thick. Then the mixture is well fixed on the product of dough, and will not drain from its surface. Too thick icing requires a few drops of warm liquid.

If the fragrant mixture to decorate the baking will be liquid, you must pour the icing sugar. This ingredient can be made from granulated sugar by grinding it in a coffee grinder.

To prepare the glaze, they actively use lemon juice. This liquid component is replaced by water. It has a positive effect on the taste of the glaze. Lemon juice is needed for too sweet gingerbread.

Eggs will help the glaze to get a dense and soft texture. The yolks are added to the mixture for a yellowish shade. Baking with glaze is better to dry in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees. A slight heat will protect the human body from salmonella.

To make the color of the finished glaze brighter, you need to add food colors. Then the pastry will have a festive look. A spoon of raspberry jam contributes to a red tint of glaze and a magical raspberry flavor. Turmeric will give the mass an orange hue.

Glaze can be applied to the entire surface of the dough or with its help to make a beautiful drawing Draw on gingerbread better than ordinary syringe without a needle.

Grated chocolate frosting with sour cream for gingerbread


sugar - 80 g

grated dark chocolate without additives - 130 g

sour cream - 245 g

Method of preparation

Grind sugar with sour cream in a saucepan.

Put on a small fire. Wait until sugar is completely dissolved. Glaze must be stirred all the time.

Put grated chocolate in a saucepan. Keep on fire until the chocolate mass becomes homogeneous.

Remove container from heat.

Wait until the mixture thickens.

Gingerbread dip in the icing. Put on a plate.

Serve with tea after complete drying of the glaze.

White icing for gingerbread


Protein chicken eggs - 1 pc.

Powdered sugar - 225 gr.

Lemon juice - 4 ml

Method of preparation

Pour lemon juice into the dish.

Add protein.

Beat the mixture.

Pour out the sifted powder.

Stir until the protein mass stops flowing from the corolla.

Pour the glaze into an airtight container.

Before use, add 2 drops of lemon juice. Mix.

Put the finished glaze for gingerbread in a plastic bag with a hole of about 1 cm.

Apply a thick glaze on the gingerbread contour. Wait until it dries.

With the same mixture to hold smooth lines of equal thickness.

With the help of a toothpick from the lines to create drawings.

White Chocolate Frosting for Christmas Gingerbread


powdered sugar - 160 g

white chocolate - 195 g

cold milk - 40 ml

coconut chips - 70 g

Method of preparation

Chocolate break into small pieces.

Put in a bowl. Melt on a warm water bath.

Powdered sugar poured into a bowl.

Pour in 20 g of milk. Mix.

Pour the liquid mixture into the melted chocolate.

Stir icing for gingerbread until smooth.

Pour in milk residue.

Beat frosting with a mixer.

Decorate the gingerbread with a mixture of white chocolate and powdered sugar.

Top with coconut shavings.

Gingerbread Oil Chocolate Icing


powder of sugar - 155 g

butter - 2 g

cocoa - 36 g

water - 60 ml

Method of preparation

Capacity to fill with powdered sugar.

Add cocoa powder.

Oil is placed in a saucepan. Melt.

Pour water into a separate vessel. Boil. Pour into the cocoa mixture with the powder. Stir until smooth.

Put melted butter to products.

Use the finished chocolate-butter icing immediately.

Frosting for gingerbread


3 chicken eggs

340 grams of powdered sugar

15 g tangerine peel

Method of preparation

Divide the yolks and whites in different dishes.

Beat the protein mass until the foam rises.

Add icing sugar.

Beat at the highest possible speeds.

Pour the zest. Gently mix the fragrant mixture.

Decorate gingerbread masterpieces with glaze.

Orange glaze for homemade gingerbread


fresh orange juice - 145 ml

powdered sugar - 250 gr.

food coloring - 2 gr.

starch - 48 g

Method of preparation

Pour fresh juice from oranges into a container. Heat up

Add starch and icing sugar.

Stir until smooth.

Put food coloring.

Stir until smooth.

Put the finished icing for gingerbread with ginger on gingerbread.

Glaze for toffee cakes


toffee hard - 220 g

butter - 45 g

milk - 60 ml

icing sugar - 48 g

Method of preparation

Oil put in a saucepan.

Pour the milk in there.

Container with ingredients put on fire.

Put toffee.

Pour out the powder. Mix.

Boil until the candy is completely dissolved, stirring the ingredients.

Apply the finished icing on the gingerbread in several layers.

Rum icing with gingerbread


powdered sugar - 255 gr.

hot water - 240 ml

rum - 24 ml

Method of preparation

In capacity sift icing sugar.

Add the required amount of water.

Infuse rum. Grind the mixture well.

Finished glaze can be applied to products.

Serve gingerbread with icing for a festive dinner.

Glazed fruit icing


sugar - 180 gr.

dried plums - 70 gr.

canned cherries - 60 gr.

chocolate chips - 30 gr. food red paint - 4 gr.

almond nuts - 25 gr.

cocoa powder - 48 gr.

butter - 55 gr.

milk - 105 ml

Method of preparation

Remove the oil from the refrigerator so that it softens.

Cocoa pour into the dish.

Add sugar.

In a separate container to pour milk. Heat the dairy product. Add to the container with a mixture of sugar and cocoa.

Heat over low heat, stirring the contents. Boil. Cook for 3 minutes.

Remove container from heat.

Add butter. Mix.

Pour the hot glaze over the pastries.

Gingerbread Frosting - Tips and Tricks

  • Butter will make the glaze for gingerbread shiny.
  • The irregularities on the baking must be cut while the dough is warm so that the icing for the gingerbread lies evenly.
  • Do not whip the protein too much, because the icing will be saturated with air and will bubble.
  • Properly melted chocolate will allow you to get the perfect icing.
  • There is no cocoa powder in white chocolate, so when melting it is necessary to calculate the peculiarities of the temperature regime.
  • You should not melt 240 g of products at the same time.
  • The icing for gingerbread should be moderately thick.
  • The ingredients for the glaze are best heated in a water bath.
  • Properly cooked frosting does not spread. Such a mixture is convenient to draw patterns.
  • To make the icing for gingerbread white, you need to choose icing sugar with a very light shade.
  • Beetroot gives red color to the glaze, orange juice - yellow, parsley - green.
  • Orange juice will make the mixture gently yellow.
  • It is better to apply powder prepared by yourself so that the glaze has a delicate flavor.
  • Sugar powder is recommended to sift.
  • If the baking is smeared with a thin layer of jam, then the icing will lie perfectly flat. After complete drying, shine will appear.
  • To prepare the glaze, do not choose porous chocolate. If you add a spoonful of cocoa to the mixture, its color will become more saturated.
  • Proteins should be whipped in a dry and clean container. It is better to use a glass or porcelain dish.
  • The whisk for beating must be dry.
  • To speed up the process of whipping egg whites into foam, you must apply the following tricks:
  • add a pinch of salt;
  • put lemon juice with salt and powdered sugar;
  • pour out some vinegar drops;
  • cool protein mass.
  • If there is any fat or liquid drops on the corolla, this will interfere with the chipping of proteins.
  • In an aluminum pot, the whites darken, the yolks get a greenish tint.
  • If there are cracks in the enamel bowl, small pieces of enamel may fall into the prepared mass.
  • The mixture, to which the whipped protein is added, should be stirred gently in order to keep the air in the protein mass. Otherwise, it will settle and become liquid.
  • In order for the mass to be thick, it is necessary to whip it at very high speeds.
  • In order to better whip sour cream, you need to drive in the white of an egg. Cool mass.
  • The butter will be whipped easier if you pre-cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl for softening, immersed in warm water.
  • In the process of preparing the glaze with the addition of flour, you must use a long whisk. Then the finished mass will be smooth.
  • While stirring the icing with a whisk, you need to make movements, describing the number 8.
  • Oil glaze should be applied to gingerbread only after it has cooled.
  • The icing for gingerbread will be smooth if smoothed with a knife dipped in hot water.
  • If sprinkling icing with starch, the mass will not be poured over the dainty dough.
  • To make chocolate glaze, you need to melt the chocolate in a hot water bath, stirring gently to melt the product completely. The finished glaze will not have a burnt aftertaste.
  • Chocolate can be heated to a temperature of 45 degrees.
  • The walls of the dishes, in which chocolate pieces will be melted, must be greased with butter. Then the chocolate will not stick to them.
  • Apply glaze to the top of the gingerbread from the center to the edges, then the layer will be even.
  • If there is no chocolate on hand, you can use cocoa powder to make a glaze.
  • When making a cocoa glaze, it is very important to first add the powder and then water, mixing the mixture thoroughly. Otherwise, the powder in the glaze will turn into lumps, and it will be difficult to stir it.
  • Cooking icing for gingerbread should be on low heat.
  • In order to interrupt drawing with a glaze without a drop, you need to perform a quick movement from yourself upwards.
  • For chocolate glaze drawings, you need to put a transparent film on the image.
  • If you apply one kind of chocolate, the icing will not flake and fold.
  • If the gingerbread is to be poured over with icing in two layers, it should be done with a short break in order to freeze it.
  • It is better to store the sweet mix for decorating gingerbread in a food film to prevent drying.
  • If only a portion of the prepared glaze has been applied, the residue can be frozen.
  • Gingerbread with icing can be served with tea, cocoa, milk, yogurt, stewed fruit, coffee and kefir.
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