How to make pureed soup: new recipes for the first courses. Recipes pureed soups with chicken, vegetables, mushrooms and cereals

How to make pureed soup: new recipes for the first courses. Recipes pureed soups with chicken, vegetables, mushrooms and cereals

Doctors suggest including mashed soups in the diet for anyone who has digestive problems and has tonsillitis or bronchitis.

Children (especially infants) such a dish gives a lot of vitamins and the way to “adult” food.

Cream soup is still useful and important for people who take care of themselves and their health.

Mashed soups - general cooking principles

You can use all kinds of vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, carrot, potatoes, leeks, zucchini and others), cereals, liver, veal, fish, chicken, goose, turkey as ingredients for the base soup in the form of mashed potatoes. The scheme of cooking pureed soups is simple. Products bring to readiness, further wiping and adding the finished mass in the broth.

Ingredients that are easy to grind, such as vegetables, are wiped through a sieve. Be careful with meat, it must first be chopped in a meat grinder and only then sent to a rubbing machine. Broth can be based on chicken, meat or gastronomic cubes for the soup (but remember that the soup on fresh meat is much tastier). It can be filled with milk, white sauce, cream with yolks or simply not fat cream. A piece of butter, added at the last stage, when the soup is almost ready, will make the dish tender and fragrant. In the finished mashed potatoes lumps should be absent. The consistency of it should be similar to a homogeneous mass, so it is worth filtering before grinding components. The soup will eventually be similar to the color of products that are larger, or white, thanks to cream and milk.

“Mushroom”. Mashed champignon soup

Very tender and airy soup with a pleasant cream base, with the addition of potatoes and onions.


• mushrooms: 600 grams.

• potatoes: 450 grams.

• parsley root: one piece.

• Onions: 2 pieces.

• heavy cream (25-30%): 550 milliliters.

• parsley (not dried): 1 bunch.

• sunflower oil: 2.5 spoons (soup).

• salt (large): 3 pinches.

• Pepper: 2 pinches.

• white bread: 3 pieces.


1. Peel the potatoes from the peel, cut into large pieces, add water and boil in a saucepan. 2. Chop onion and fry until golden.

3. Cut mushrooms (not very fine) and fry until ready in a separate pan.

4. While the mushrooms are roasting, the onions and the potatoes are believed, we will make crackers for the soup. Cut white bread and leave in the oven for ten minutes.

5. Drain the water from the potatoes, leaving 3-4 centimeters of water in the pan. Pour some of the liquid into the dish; it will come in handy later.

6. Add potatoes and onions to the pot in the pan. All this is thoroughly ground with a blender.

7. Add the cream and seasonings to the puree. Once again, beat everything.

8. If the soup turned out to be somewhat thick, then add the stored water from the potatoes.

9. Put the saucepan on medium heat and bring it almost to a boil. Make sure that the contents do not boil off.

10. Serve with greens and crackers. Good appetite!

Cinderella. Pureed Pumpkin Soup


• pumpkin: 500 grams.

• butter: 60 grams.

• cream: 20 grams.

• Milk 300 milliliters.

• carrots: two medium.

• salt (to taste).


1. Clean and slice the pumpkin.

2. Boil the milk and immediately fill it with pumpkin (half).

3. Salt the pumpkin with milk and set on low heat.

4. While preparing the pumpkin, clean the carrots and boil.

5. After the pumpkin is cooked, grind it by adding the rest of the milk.

6. The resulting mixture is again put on the stove and bring to a boil.

7. After boiling the liquid, add cream, butter, ready carrots and pass through a blender.

8. The soup is ready. Serve with fragrant garlic croutons. Enjoy your meal!

Golden Fish

Pureed fish soup.


• fish (pike perch): 500 grams.

• onions: one piece.

• carrot: 4 pieces.

• garlic: 4 cloves.

• black pepper (whole): to taste.

• butter: 2 soup spoons.

• cream: 2 dessert spoons.

• green peas: one glass.

• Flour: 2 tablespoons.

• Greens (parsley or dill): one bunch.

• salt (to taste).

• Lemon juice: 3-4 tablespoons.


1. Clear fish from scales and, if possible, from bones. Cut into medium cubes and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat with pepper and chopped greens. Make sure that there are no bones, otherwise you can damage the technique and affect the taste of the soup. 2. Cut the onions and carrots into approximately equal pieces and add to the fish. Cook until fully cooked over low heat.

3. While cooking fish with vegetables, you need to cook garlic: squeeze it through the garlic press.

4. Catch fish and scroll in the meat grinder, and wipe the vegetables with a sieve. Then blender chop vegetables with fish. It should get a consistency similar to mashed potatoes. Pour fish and vegetable broth into separate dishes.

5. Fry the flour in melted butter and after 3-4 minutes add two tablespoons of the broth.

6. Mix the resulting sauce with mashed fish and vegetables, salt, pour in cream and pepper. Put the pot on the fire, the soup should boil.

7. The soup is ready, serve hot with fresh herbs. Good appetite!

Healthy grated oatmeal soup


• oatmeal: 100 grams.

• egg: one piece.

• milk: 800 milliliters.

• butter: 70 grams.

• salt (to taste).

• sugar (to taste).


1. Rinse the grits well and cook until ready.

2. At the time when the cereal is boiled, boil the milk by adding a raw egg.

3. Strain the decoction of oatmeal, and wipe the grain itself.

4. Mix the broth with grits and add boiled milk with the egg.

5. Cook the resulting mixture for 10-15 minutes on low heat.

6. Add salt, pepper, butter to the soup and pour into plates. Enjoy your meal!

Mashed French Cheese Soup

Gentle and refined taste will not leave anyone indifferent!


• hard or melted cheese (at your discretion): 120 grams.

• water: one liter.

• potatoes: 3 pieces.

• carrots: one piece.

• onions: one piece.

• salt (to taste).

• garlic: one slice.

• cilantro (to taste).


1. Type water in the pan and boil it on the stove along with the peeled potatoes.

2. While the potatoes boil, three carrots and chop the onion. Fry carrots with onions and add butter.

3. After the potatoes boil, throw to her a fried carrot with onion.

4. Cook vegetables until ready.

5. Remove the pan from the stove and grind to a homogeneous blender.

6. Put the pan on the fire again and do not forget to add cheese. Boil until complete dissolution of the cheese. 7. Carefully stir the mixture, add cilantro, chopped garlic and salt. Also in the soup, you can add ready-made mushrooms, ham or shrimp. Enjoy your meal!

Vitamin pureed vegetable soup

Pureed vegetable soup is the most versatile, you can change the proportions and composition of the ingredients yourself! The main thing is to observe the level of density.


• zucchini (medium size): 2 pieces.

• Leek (optional): one stem.

• Potato: 3 pieces.

• carrots: 2 pieces.

• broccoli: 300-400 grams.

• cauliflower: 200 grams.

• dill: one bunch.

• cream (10-15%): 250 milliliters.

• butter: 60 grams.

• salt.

• pepper.


1. Divide the cabbage and broccoli into florets, rinse, salt and boil for 15 minutes.

2. Fry the leeks in melted butter, add the zucchini, and simmer for 8 minutes.

3. Drain water from cabbage and broccoli into a separate container. Stew all vegetables until cooked.

4. While vegetables are being cooked, cut the greens.

5. As products are ready, remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool. Then grind everything in a blender.

6. Salt, pepper and season with cream, then whisk all the vegetables again using a blender.

7. The resulting soup can be heated on low heat and serve with greens (optional).

Mashed Chicken Soup


• chicken: one carcass.

• water: 2.5 liters.

• carrot: one piece.

• onion: one piece.

• parsley: one root.

• milk: half a glass.

• butter: 60 grams.

• vegetable oil: 1 tablespoon.

• egg (yolk): one piece.

• Flour: 2.5 soup spoons.

• bay leaf (at your discretion).

• salt.

• pepper.


1. Thoroughly rinse the chicken, clean off the giblets and put to believe until ready.

2. At this time, chop the vegetables and cook with vegetable oil.

3. Separate the finished chicken from the bones, cut into small pieces and chop in a blender.

4. Using broth, bring the chicken to a mushy state. Strain the puree through a sieve and put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.

5. While the chicken is cooling, wipe the vegetables and cook the sauce. For the sauce, fry the flour with butter until a light golden hue forms. Then add two tablespoons of chicken broth to the flour and cook for 15 minutes. 6. Mix the chicken and vegetable puree with the sauce. Mix thoroughly. Add cream, egg and parsley. Grind it all over again on a blender and put on fire.

7. After the soup boils, you can pour it into plates.

Small tricks of cooking mashed soups:

  • Soup from any cereals will be prepared much faster, if initially used in ground form.
  • All products must be fresh, well cleaned and washed.
  • If you use frozen meat for cooking, then defrost it better naturally. Microwave singing here is not entirely appropriate.
  • A very strange, but effective secret: the smaller the soup, the tastier it is. Do not try to cook the pot for the week ahead.
  • Frequent problem: too liquid or too thick. To avoid an overly thick consistency, pour some of the water, in which the vegetables were boiled, into a separate container. The question with liquid soup will be solved by a simple little trick: use the number of plates of water equal to the number of servings.
  • Keep the order of the products, namely their sequence in cooking.
  • It is important to remember that each product has its own cooking time. Therefore, some products need to be prepared separately from each other.

The most important secret: cook with the soul.

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