Stuffed Eggplant - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook stuffed eggplant.

Stuffed Eggplant - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook stuffed eggplant.

Stuffed Eggplants - General Principles and Methods of Cooking

Do you know that the well-known eggplant is a berry crop for all of us? Yes, yes, this berry from the family of the nightshade is also called baddzhanan or bubrizhann, well, in our country they are often called just blue. Eggplants are very useful, they contain a large amount of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body (iron, cobalt, copper, manganese). They improve the work of many organs and systems, because of their low caloric content, they are recommended to be used by people with overweight and obesity.

You can prepare them as a standalone product, or as an ingredient in a complex recipe. The richest dish is stuffed eggplant. The filling can be just vegetables, mushrooms, meat, cheese, or a mixture of these products. As a rule, stuffed eggplants are cut, stuffed with a mixture and baked in the oven or fried.

Stuffed Eggplants - Food Preparation

Breeders have brought a variety of varieties in shape, size and color. Pear-shaped or almost spherical eggplants are much less common. Most often grown oblong fruits of blue shape, but there are also absolutely white eggplants. For example, the White Egg variety really resembles an egg; the British even call them Easter eggs. The “golden egg” is yellow and oval. Well, our compatriots prefer blue varieties of dark purple.

It is best to take medium stuffed oblong fruit for stuffing, with a small amount of seeds. In overripe eggplants a lot of solanine, therefore it is undesirable to eat them. In the Middle Ages it was believed that solanine causes riot and hallucinations. In extreme cases, the core should be removed and rinsed in salted water. The age of the fetus is determined by the state of the skin and leg: the skin should be free of stains and folds, and the leg should be green. Cut eggplant should be salted and left for half an hour, so that the bitterness disappeared along with the juice, so the dish will be much tastier. Washed fruit ready for use. Stuffed Eggplants - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Eggplant Stuffed with Mushrooms

No wonder some recipes for pickled eggplants are called - mushrooms. These are very compatible products. They perfectly complement each other, especially if you take fresh fragrant forest chanterelles. Let's try to fry them with vegetables and stuff little oblong eggplants; we get a delicious, delicious dish.

Ingredients: eggplants (3 pcs.), Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Fresh mushrooms (can chanterelles, 400 gr.), Onion, dill, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, hard cheese (550 grams).

Method of preparation

Eggplant cut in half and take out the pulp, salt and leave for half an hour. We touch and cook chanterelles. For the filling, fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil with chopped onion, add the pulp of eggplants and fry for another 7 minutes. Then add the tomatoes and chopped bunch of dill. Salt, pepper, fill on the baking sheet of the eggplant boat with filling, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for about 35-40min at 180C. Ready-made eggplants are very beautiful, with rosy baked cheese, a real festive snack, best of all, of course, hot.

Recipe 2: Eggplant Stuffed in Italian

Light, flavorful dish. To eggplant did not explode, do not forget to pierce the skin. This dish is served in the best Italian restaurants, and it's not difficult to cook it. The whole thing in the selection of products: mozzarella, basil, origano give a real Italian taste.

Ingredients: long eggplants (2 pieces), capers, small tomatoes, mozzarella (half a circle), parmesan, egg, origano, basil, a bit of olive oil.

Method of preparation

Before stuffing, whole eggplants bake. Put them in the oven for about 30 minutes. Then carefully remove the core and get the boat. Fry the eggplant center with tomatoes and onions in butter. Salt them a little, add eggs, capers, chopped basil, and fill the boats. Mozzarella cut into cubes and lay in a boat, sprinkle them with parmesan. Once again, send to the oven for about 25-30 minutes. Paremezan took a crust? So our dish is ready, do not wait, serve to the table.

Recipe 3: Stuffed Eggplants with Pork

Meat with eggplants is perfectly digested, especially if the stuffing is cooked with the tenderest tomatoes and baked with cheese. Bread makes the dish richer, it absorbs all the juice, and eggplant remains soft and juicy.

Ingredients: medium young eggplants (4 pcs.), Minced pork (400 grams), hard cheese (120 gr.), Garlic (1 clove), onions (1 pc.), Bread flesh (150 gr. .), olive oil (100 gr.), ground tomatoes (750 gr.), black ground pepper, parsley.

Method of preparation

Cut along the fruit and take out the pulp. Best of all this can be done with a spoon. Salt and leave on the grid for 20-30 minutes. Tomato sauce: fry onions, add grated tomatoes, simmer for about 30 minutes. Add a little basil. Separately, fry the onion and garlic and mix with minced meat. To the ruddy mince add chopped eggplant pulp. Three more minutes on the fire - and the filling is ready. Dress with sauce (3-4 spoons). Add bread soaked in milk to the filling and stuff the boats. Put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Recipe 4: Eggplant with Curd

Quite a bit of cottage cheese will give our dish a completely new taste. It can be served as a side dish, appetizer, or as a separate dish, cold or hot. Delicious, low-calorie and nutritious.

Ingredients: cottage cheese (150 g), eggplants (1 kg), potatoes (200 g), tomatoes (200 g), vegetable oil, eggs (3 pieces), milk (200 g), half a lemon , parsley, garlic, salt.

Method of preparation

Prepare eggplants. Remove the core and the stem, get rid of bitterness. Stew in vegetable oil with the addition of water. In the same juice stew onions, potatoes (cut into slices), tomatoes and eggplant hearts. Mix the cooled mixture with cottage cheese and garlic. Add the parsley and fill the aubergine halves. Top lay circles of tomatoes and pour the eggs, whipped with milk. Bake until done, serve with sliced ​​lemon.

Stuffed Eggplants - useful tips from experienced chefs

Many recipes stuffed eggplant differ only in the composition of the filling. Prepared eggplants are filled with filling and baked in the oven. Here are some more options for filling:

- Eggplant with oyster mushrooms. On one and a half kg of eggplants: carrots (3 pieces), onions (4 pieces), oyster mushrooms or champignons (400 gr.), Parsley, vegetable oil.

- Eggplant with rice and mushrooms. 2 kg eggplant rice (1/2 cup), onions (2 pcs), vegetable oil (1/2 cup), chopped bunch of greens, salt, pepper.

- Eggplant in Korean. At 1 kg - sweet pepper (500 grams), garlic (a few cloves), vegetable oil, vinegar, cilantro, paprika, turmeric salt.

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