Zucchini confiture

Zucchini confiture

A lot of sweet dishes can be made from zucchini: preserves, impregnations for cakes, jam and confitures. The secret of all these delicacies is very simple: the zucchini pulp is supplemented with sugar and lemon, and in some cases they add spicy herbs to enhance the taste. Quick jam from zucchini is prepared very simply, so it does not require additional spices! And it can be useful for winter baking - as a filler of cakes, tartlets and other sweets.


Zucchini confiture
  • zucchini (zucchini) - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

For cooking this confiture, you can take both ordinary zucchini and zucchini. However, zucchini is considered more tender vegetables, so they can be used together with the skin (while zucchini you have to pre-clean). In any case, a prerequisite for the selection of vegetables - they must be young, without large seeds.


Zucchini confiture

1. Wash zucchini well under running water, if necessary, remove the skin with a knife. Place the vegetables on a cutting board and cut into cubes. The size of these cubes should be average - approximately 1-1, 5 cm.

Zucchini confiture

2. Put the zucchini pieces in a large bowl and cover with sugar. Stir and leave to infuse for half an hour. During this time, thanks to sugar, zucchini empty liquid. Thanks to this, you can make confiture without adding water at all!

Zucchini confiture

3. If the zucchini has already started up the juice (there must be so much liquid so that the cubes literally bathe in it), you can put them in a saucepan and put on a small fire. Zucchini is best mixed from time to time, so that the syrup does not stick to the bottom of the pot.

4. This confiture has its own cooking formula! Here it is: 20 + 10 + 10. The decryption looks like this: after boiling the zucchini it is worthwhile to cook over low heat for 20 minutes, then, adding lemon peel, another 10 minutes, and then, adding the lemon pulp, cook another 10 minutes. So wait for zucchini boiling and cook them for 20 minutes, sometimes stirring.

Zucchini confiture

5. Rinse a lemon and rub its skin on a fine grater. You should have at least 3 tablespoons of lemon zest. After 20 minutes of cooking, add this zest to the confiture, mix and cook for 10 minutes.

Zucchini confiture Zucchini confiture

6. During this time, cut the “bare” lemon into two halves, and then divide each of them lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut each slice across to make small triangular pieces of lemon. Do not forget to remove all the bones! Add lemon pieces to confiture, stir and cook for another 10 minutes.

Zucchini confiture

7. Preparation of confiture is ready, so it can already be cooled for grinding. Put the warm “jam” into the bowl of the food processor and grind to a state of homogeneous slurry. Then put it back into the pan, put it on a small fire and bring to a boil. Lay the hot confiture in hot jars and seal the lids.

Zucchini confiture Zucchini confiture Zucchini confiture

Quick confiture from zucchini ready! It can be made so colorful as in the photo, and pure yellow: for this result, use only yellow zucchini or zucchini without skin.

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