Hawthorn Jam

Hawthorn Jam

Many people know about the benefits of hawthorn fruit for strengthening blood vessels and heart, normalizing blood pressure in hypertension, as well as maintaining the nervous system and immunity. Hawthorn jam has almost all of these properties, and, due to its high content of pectin in hawthorn, is thick and very tasty. For this reason, it does not hurt to prepare for the winter a few jars of such valuable treats.

Cooking Features

Hawthorn jam will meet the expectations of the hostess, if she knows the features of its preparation.

  • Any fruit is suitable for jam, as long as it is ripe, but from large it turns out to be the most delicious and beautiful. This is important to consider when the dessert is cooked from whole berries.
  • Hawthorn can color the skin of the hands brown, so it is advisable to use gloves when making jam.
  • A lot of sugar is not required to make hawthorn jam, since it still turns out to be thick enough and not too sour. However, to reduce the amount of sugar relative to that indicated in the recipe is not worth it, since sugar is a natural preservative and ensures the safety of the dessert.
  • Hawthorn jam will taste better if you add sourness to it. To do this, it can be cooked with currants or apples. Another option is to add citric acid. In addition, it will allow to keep the treat at room temperature for a long time, as it also has preservative properties.
  • Store the finished jam in sterilized jars. Covers also need to boil.

It is important to know that no matter how tasty hawthorn jam is obtained, you cannot eat a lot of it. The maximum portion for a healthy person is 150 ml. In this case, young children, pregnant women and people who have low blood pressure, from this delicacy is better to refuse.

Whole hawthorn jam: a classic recipe

Composition (for 2, 5 l):

  • hawthorn - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Method of preparation:

  • Reassemble, rinse the berries thoroughly and let them dry. They dry out faster if they are poured on a towel that absorbs excess moisture.
  • Fold the hawthorn in an enamel basin, cover it with sugar, mix and leave for 8-10 hours, covering the pelvis with a cloth to protect the future insect jam.
  • Place the basin on a quiet fire and gradually increase the intensity of the fire every couple of minutes until the jam boils.
  • After boiling the jam, reduce the heat abruptly and cook, not forgetting to stir, until thick. The jam is ready, if a drop of it does not spread on a saucer.
  • Spread the jam over the jars and put them in a large saucepan, put her towel on the bottom and pour in warm water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar.
  • Place the pan on a low heat and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. Time is indicated for half-liter cans; if they have a different capacity, then the time accordingly needs to be reduced or increased.
  • After removing the cans from the water, tightly close them with the prepared lids, turn them over and leave to cool in this form.
  • After cooling, remove the jars in the pantry - the jam made according to the classic recipe is well worth it at room temperature.

The jam made according to this recipe will be very thick, it will be pleasant to eat it with tea and use it to make desserts.

Fragrant Hawthorn Jam

Composition (2 liters):

  • hawthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • water - 0, 25 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash and reassemble the fruit, remove the stem from them.
  • Boil syrup from sugar and water.
  • Fold the hawthorn into a basin and fill it with hot syrup.
  • Cover and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours.
  • Add vanillin and citric acid, stir and place the bowl on the fire.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 40 minutes.
  • Pour the ready-made thick jam over the jars, which must be sterilized before. Close tightly with metal lids, flip.
  • When the jars are cold, transfer them to a permanent storage location.

Fragrant hawthorn jam with warm vanilla notes and pleasant sweet-sour taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pitted hawthorn jam

Composition (2 liters):

  • hawthorn - 1 kg;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the clean hawthorn with water, put it on medium heat and cook until the fruit is soft.
  • Wait for the decoction to cool. Drain it and strain.
  • Wipe the hawthorn through a sieve, trying to get as much mashed seed as possible.
  • Throw out the bones, put the puree in the bowl and pour it in the broth.
  • Add sugar, stir.
  • Place on the stove and cook on a quiet fire, stirring often, until the jam starts to stick to the bottom.
  • Add citric acid, mix well.
  • Spread the ready-made jam in sterilized jars. Cover with boiled lids, not rolling.
  • Type warm water in a saucepan, put a wooden board or towel on the bottom. Place jars of jam on it. Put the pot on low heat and sterilize the workpiece 5-10 minutes after boiling water.
  • Remove the jars, roll them up and wait for them to cool to clear for the winter.

Pitted preserves have a very delicate and thick texture that resembles confiture. It is great for making delicious sandwiches.

Hawthorn jam with blackcurrant mashed potatoes

Composition (for 3, 5 l):

  • hawthorn - 1 kg;
  • black currant puree - 0, 25 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Prepared hawthorn fruits, add 0.5 kg of sugar, let it brew for 24 hours in a cool place.
  • Pour in water, pour in the remaining sugar and place the bowl of jam on low heat.
  • When the jam boils, add currant puree to it and boil for 30-40 minutes until the jam is thick enough.
  • Pour over prepared cans and roll them up. After cooling, remove for the winter.

The jam prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant sweet-sour taste. In addition, it is doubly useful due to the inclusion of black currant in its composition.

Hawthorn jam is not only a tasty dessert, but also a useful medicine that helps fight hypertension and stress. It is prepared for a relatively short time, and the stage with sterilization provided by some recipes can be skipped if the jam is stored in a cool room.

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