Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

Mysterious and intriguing mini-cakes - cupcakes have already gained popularity all over the world, because not a single celebration is complete without them!

A biscuit base with a cream cloud on top just blew up the dessert light. Thanks to such an unpretentious serve, now there is no need to cut the name cakes, dividing them into an incredible number of servings, so that each guest gets his own piece.

It is enough to bake cupcakes and each of the invitees will have their own sweet dish, and sometimes even a few, if you decide to create different mini-cakes with different tastes, the benefit is the number of recipes for their preparation is growing steadily from day to day! So that you will always be fully prepared, preparing for birthdays and other holidays, save this page in bookmarks and prepare these tasty desserts with love and inspiration.

Recipe 1: Classic Cupcake

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

The classic version of the creation of cupcakes is not boring and not monotonous, because the majority of such cakes are made just for him! Therefore, if you have such a secret recipe, you can only change the cream shell and each time the cupcakes will be completely different.

Ingredients Required:

the foundation:

- 100-120 g of sugar;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 0.5 tsp. baking powder;

- 100-120 ml of milk;

- 200 g of wheat flour;

- some salt.


- 100 g of sugar;

- 50 g plums. oils.

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;

- 4 chicken proteins;


Whip soft butter with sugar - beforehand remove the butter so that it softens. Add to the same 2 eggs, sprinkle them with salt and beat again with a mixer. Pour the baking powder mixed with flour, mix, and then pour the milk in the final step. It turns out not too thick flavored dough.

Distribute it in special paper molds for cupcakes and bake at 170-180C for about 18-20 minutes, observing its surface. Take up the cream - place the proteins with sugar in a container, put it on a bowl of boiling water and beat until all the sugar crystals dissolve, but do not heat much, otherwise the proteins will roll. Remove from the bath and pour in lemon juice, continuing to beat, followed by softened butter and dye, if desired.

Put the cream in the cold for 28-30 minutes and then the butter grabs and the cream thickens. During this time, the baked base will just cool. Decorate the biscuit base with a confectionary syringe filled with cream and serve the cupcakes to the table. Have a nice

Cupcakes 2: Rum cupcakes

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

Such cupcakes resemble the famous “rum baba” only with butter cream. They are also easy to prepare and keep their shape perfectly. Alcohol gives the dessert a little piquancy during tasting.

Ingredients Required:

for the test, get the same ingredients as in the classic recipe.


- 200 g butter;

- 140-150 condensed milk.

for impregnation:

- 100 grams of rum.


Bake cupcakes according to the classic recipe above. Beat the condensed milk with soft butter and cool the whole mass. At will - you can add any dye. The cooled cream will become more dense and elastic. Soak the cooled biscuit base with rum and let it dry for about 10 minutes, and then decorate it with cream using a pastry syringe or an ordinary sachet with a cut corner. You can add some caramel on top and you can serve!

Recipe 3: Cupcakes with chocolate cream

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

These cupcakes are a duet of light biscuit base and dark burning chocolate cream, which is made from dark chocolate, ideally combined with each other.

Ingredients Required:

for the test, get the same ingredients as in the classic recipe.


- 200 g black 72% chocolate;

- 200 ml of cream of 33%. Preparation:

Bake the biscuit base according to the classic recipe and let it cool for about 15-20 minutes.

At this time, lightly heat the cream, but do not boil, and pour them into a bowl, into which the slab chocolate has been broken into pieces. Stir the mass will be necessary until the chocolate finally dissolves in the dairy product. Then the cream should be cooled in the refrigerator and put on the base with beautiful waves, if possible, decorating the cupcakes with fresh berries.

Recipe 4: Chocolate Cupcakes with Coffee

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

These mini cakes are completely soaked in chocolate with coffee: what is the basis, what is the cream, and therefore, those who have a sweet tooth who will not think a day in their lives without this delicacy will surely like it.

Ingredients Required:

the foundation:

- 0.5 tsp. coffee (sol.: Jacobs, Nescafe, etc.);

- 1 tsp. baking powder;

- 1.5 tbsp. cocoa powder;

- 1 tbsp. flour;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 100 g of granulated sugar;

- 2 chicken eggs;


- 200 g plums. oils;

- 150 ml of condensed milk.


Heat the milk and mix the instant coffee with the cocoa. Oil rub with sugar and, gradually adding one egg, beat with a mixer. Pour in the cooled coffee mass and add flour. Beat with a mixer. Spread the dough into molds and bake for 15-20 minutes at 170 ° C in the oven. Cool the finished biscuits before you apply the cream.

Beat condensed milk with butter and create cupcakes to your liking.

Recipe 5: Orange Cupcakes

Cupcakes - how to cook them at home. 7 best recipes homemade cupcakes.

Those who like a citrus note in desserts and delicacies will definitely like orange cupcakes, because the dough and cream contain orange juice.

Ingredients Required:

the foundation:

- 2 pcs. oranges;

- 100 ml of milk;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 1.5 Art. flour;

- 200 g of sugar;

- 1 tsp. baking powder;

- some salt. top:

- 100 g plums. oils;

- 3-4 egg yolks;

- 1 orange;

- 1 tbsp. milk;

- 110 g of sugar;

- 3-4 tbsp. flour.


Prepare the dough, rinse the oranges in hot water and remove the zest, and then squeeze the juice. Beat the eggs with salt and sugar. Pour the baking powder, flour, orange juice with zest. Stir together and pour in the melted butter. Milk infusion and dough mixing will be the final touch. Fill them with forms and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 23-25 ​​minutes. After cooking, cool the orange base.

When preparing the cream, rub the orange zest and squeeze out the juice. Mix chicken yolks with juice, zest, flour and sugar. Heat the milk in a saucepan and pour in a thin stream, stirring immediately. Place the mass on the fire and stir until thick, and then add oil to it. Beat with a mixer and cool for about 1 hour.

Put the orange custard on the base and garnish with citrus slices.

Recipe 6: Fungal Cupcakes

The incredibly delicate taste of mushroom cream is fully complemented by a salty, juicy biscuit base. Such cupcakes will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table as a solemn snack.

Ingredients Required:

the foundation:

- 0.5 tsp. baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 200 g of flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp. salt mixed with seasonings.


- 400 g of champignons;

- 150 ml of 33% cream (home);

- a quarter tsp. salt.


Put the seasoning and salt in the beaten chicken eggs. Pour in milk along with vegetable oil. Add the seeded flour with baking powder and mix to break up the formed lumps. Put the dough in paper molds and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 ° C in the oven. After preparation, be sure to cool the base.

Rinse the mushrooms and slice them. In a skillet or skillet, heat half the cream mass and stew the mushrooms in them, sprinkling with salt for 5-10 minutes until soft. Whisk the remaining half of the cream until creamy. Cool the stewed mushrooms and chop the blender. Combine both parts and puree a blender, forming a cream. Decorate the salt base with mushroom cream with sprigs of greens and serve to the table.

Recipe 7: Snack Cupcakes

Such brackish cupcakes with herring cream is the perfect solution for a buffet or buffet. You can arrange them in any way and decorate with greens.

Ingredients Required:

the foundation:

- 0.5 tsp. baking powder;

- 2 pcs. chicken eggs;

- 50 ml of vegetable oil;

- 200 g of flour;

- 60 ml of milk;

- 0.5 tsp. salt mixed with seasonings.


- 2 pcs. herring fillet;

- 150 ml of 33% cream;

- 1 item of greens.


Prepare a salt base from the dough as in the previous recipe, cooling it after creation.

Cut boneless herring fillets into portions and chop together with greens. Wish you can add to the cream a half of a green apple - it will give herring piquancy. Pour in the cream and whisk until a thick cream condition.

Garnish with cooled cream bases and serve.

When baking bases for cupcakes, do not open the oven door, as they may fall off - it is better to give them a little time after turning off the equipment for self-slumping and only then take it out. In any case, your cupcakes will be incredibly tasty!

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