Blueberry Smoothie

Blueberry Smoothie

Among supporters of healthy eating, smoothies are becoming increasingly popular - thick cocktails of fruit, berries, and vegetables. They are able to replace undershot, well-nourishing and not leaving weight in the stomach, supporting the body with valuable vitamins and microelements. Even those who do not follow the diet and do not set a goal to lose weight, are happy to use such drinks for dessert, because they also taste very pleasant. Smoothie with blueberry combines a delicate sweet taste and benefit, as this berry contains many antioxidants that help to preserve youth, other vitamins and substances with antibacterial properties.

Cooking Features

Blueberry smoothies can be prepared at any time of the year, as the frozen berry retains its beneficial properties and taste. Knowing a few subtleties will make this thick drink such that it will appeal to both gourmets who value the organoleptic qualities of a dish and to supporters of rational nutrition, for whom the influence of food on the body is important.

  • When preparing fresh blueberries for making a cocktail, carefully select it to get rid of litter and spoiled berries. Then it needs to be washed and dried, scattered on a towel that quickly absorbs excess moisture. Frozen berries need to give time to thaw. It can be left slightly frozen, from such a blueberry cocktail it will turn out even thicker and tasty.
  • Blueberries do not have a bright taste; fruits and berries with a more pronounced sweetness or sourness will help to improve the situation. The neutral taste of blueberries allows you to combine it not only with fruits and berries, but also with greens, vegetables.
  • If you want the blueberry cocktail to remain useful, you should not add high-calorie and low-help ingredients to smoothies: sugar, ice cream. They will be appropriate if you make a drink only for the purpose of feasting. In other cases, sugar will successfully replace sweet fruit, rosehip syrup, honey.
  • If you want to get a thicker cocktail, which will replace snacks or even the main meal, you can add cottage cheese, oatmeal or buckwheat flakes. Often the basis of blueberry smoothies are milk and dairy products.
  • If you want to satisfy your hunger for smoothies with blueberries, eat them in small spoons, then saturation will come faster and you will have only one serving of cocktail.

Smoothies with blueberries can be prepared for dessert or used instead of a snack. From this will depend on the choice of recipe.

Smoothies with blueberries and oatmeal


  • blueberries - 50 g;
  • instant oatmeal - 30-40 g;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 150 ml;
  • pear - 100 g;
  • honey (optional) - 5 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Loop and wash the blueberries. Give her the opportunity to dry off, laying it on a towel.
  • Peel the pear, cut it into slices. Cut plots with seeds.
  • Melt the honey in a water bath. If he did not have time to sugar or you are not going to sweeten the cocktail, you can skip this step.
  • Put the oatmeal in the bowl of the blender and grind them to a state of flour.
  • Put the pear slices into the container, add the blueberries.
  • Turn the device back on and chop the ingredients to a puree state.
  • If you decide to sweeten the smoothies, pour in honey.
  • Fill all with yogurt.
  • Beat for half a minute to get a uniform composition.

Smoothies for this recipe is thick and nourishing. It can be eaten for breakfast and not feel hunger for several hours. Replacing this delicious cocktail with one of the snacks would also be a good idea.

Blueberry and Walnut Smoothie


  • apples - 0, 4 kg;
  • banana - 150 g;
  • blueberries - 0, 2 kg;
  • raspberry - 100 g;
  • walnut kernels - 50 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Crush the nuts in a mortar or chop with a blender, temporarily set aside.
  • Wash the apples. Cut the core, cut into pieces. Without peeling, skip through a juicer or grind to a mash with a blender or meat grinder. In the latter case, the pulp must be pressed to get the juice.
  • Pick and wash the raspberries and blueberries.
  • Peel and slice the banana.
  • Place the berries in the blender container, chop them.
  • Add banana and nuts. Turn on the blender and turn its contents into a homogeneous mass.
  • Pour in apple juice and whisk.

Nuts give the drink an unusual taste and make it even more useful. This blueberry smoothie is a real vitamin cocktail, tasty and healthy at the same time.

Blueberry Smoothie for Weight Loss


  • pear - 0, 2 kg;
  • blueberries - 150 g;
  • spinach - 60 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • almond or coconut milk - 0, 25 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the pear, peel it, cut it into 4 pieces, cut out the seeds.
  • Cut the fruit into small cubes.
  • Wash, shake, and chop the spinach with a knife.
  • Blueberry to sort, wash and dry.
  • Put the prepared ingredients in a blender container, chop until smooth.
  • Pour coconut or almond milk. In the absence of these products, they can be replaced with ordinary milk of low fat content or even filtered water.
  • Whip a smoothie.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.

This drink improves metabolism, digestion, helps cleanse the body of toxins, enhances the effect of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels. Smoothies with blueberries, prepared according to this recipe, will help to lose weight. It can be included in the diet of people on a diet.

Smoothies with blueberries and cottage cheese


  • blueberries - 150 g;
  • banana - 150 g;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • milk - 0, 25 liters.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the prepared berry into the bowl of the blender and grind to a puree state.
  • Put peeled and diced banana to berry puree. Add cottage cheese.
  • Turn on the blender and turn its contents into a thick homogeneous mass.
  • Pour in milk, whisk.

If the cottage cheese in the recipe is replaced with vanilla ice cream, the blueberry cocktail will turn into a delicacy. In this case, the blueberry is better to use frozen, and the milk must be cooled.

Smoothies with blueberries and wild berries


  • blueberries - 100 g;
  • blueberries - 50 g;
  • strawberries - 50 g;
  • raspberry - 50 g;
  • berry juice or juice - 0, 2 l;
  • rosehip syrup - 10 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Berry, sorting, washing and drying, put in a blender tank and chop.
  • Pour syrup, add juice, juice or green tea.
  • Whisk.

You can add ice cubes to a glass with such a smoothie. It is very refreshing and invigorating.

Blueberry smoothies have a pleasant taste and are good for the body. The main thing is to choose a suitable recipe, because there are quite a few options for making this thick cocktail.

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